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The music was loud, the air was stuffy, and the way that Bucky was grinding on Steve was causing a certain reaction from the muscular blond. The exact reaction that Bucky was aiming for. Especially when Steve buried his face in the crook of Bucky's neck, seductively nibbling on the soft, sweaty skin there.

"Wanna get outta here?" Steve asked, scraping his teeth along Bucky's earlobe.

Bucky's breath hitched and he turned to look back at Steve as he scoffed, "You have to ask?"

Although Sharon wasn't Steve's girlfriend, Sharon was, often times, Steve's designated driver. So, while Sharon danced with Natasha, Steve leaned over and placed his hand on the small of Sharon's back. Gaining Sharon's attention immediately, Sharon silently quirked a brow at Steve. In reply, Steve gestured towards the exit and Sharon smiled while playfully rolling her eyes.

It didn't take long for the three to inform their other friends that they were leaving and asking if they needed a ride home. Predictably enough, the rest of the group had already made plans with either snagging a ride with each other or going home with one of the other club goers.

"So," Bucky prompted as the three left the club. He was twisting his long brown locks into a bun at the nape of his neck as he asked, "How long have you two known each other?"

Steve answered first, "Two years."

"No," Sharon scoffed before correcting, "It's been three years now."

"Yeah?" Bucky questioned, amused as the two blondes started bickering. Like an old married couple, Bucky couldn't help but think, causing a small frown to cross his face. The frown didn't last long though as Steve affectionately wrapped his arm around Bucky's shoulders and pulled him close. Just like that, Bucky's frown seemed to disappear from Bucky's handsome face; taking its place was a large, fond grin.

"That's the problem with you," Sharon playfully stated while pointing an accusatory finger at Steve. "You're always making new friends and can't remember when you met."

"That's the problem with me?" Steve teased with an amused grin on his face as they passed Kismet.

"One of many," Sharon agreed. She sent an air kiss Steve's way before crossing the street to the parking lot where the Mustang was.

When the three finally reached the Mustang, Sharon took the keys from Steve, heading over to the driver side. Dropping his arm from Bucky's shoulders, Steve ran his hand down Bucky's arm while opening the passenger door with the other. Always the perfect gentleman, Steve lifted the seat and climbed into the backseat, giving Bucky the passenger seat.

"What a gentleman," Sharon teased, reaching back to playfully poke Steve's cheek.

Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky smirked as he situated himself in the passenger seat. Bucky asked Sharon, "Is he always like this?"

"Nah," Sharon pulled out of the spot, "Usually he's worse."

"I'm right here," Steve scoffed before muttering, "But sure, let's talk about me like I'm not here. That seems fine."

Sharon playfully rolled her eyes and murmured, "Such a drama queen."

Grinning, Bucky glanced back at Steve. Steve had a sly smirk on his face before he playfully and theatrically rolled his eyes at Sharon's statement, proving her right. Turning his attention back to the front, Bucky couldn't stop his grin from growing; crinkling all the way up to his eyes.

Admitting to only himself, Bucky liked Sharon. In the short amount of time they had spent together, it was obvious that Sharon was a caring person. Bucky could also appreciate the ease of her and Steve's friendship, wishing to one day have that same comfortable ebb and flow with someone. As Sharon drove, Bucky wondered if she had that kind of friendship with everyone in her life because even Bucky seemed more at ease with the blonde and he just met her.

Listening to Sharon softly sing along with the radio, Steve relaxed into his seat. Bucky seemed comfortable too, Steve realized as he watched Bucky subtly move to the beat. Keeping his gaze on Bucky, Steve found himself hoping that Bucky would become a permanent fixture in his life.

"Okay," Sharon declared as she pulled along the curb in front of Steve's apartment complex.

As Sharon cut the engine, Bucky questioned, "We're here."

"Yup," Sharon nodded and climbed out of the Mustang.

Bucky climbed out as well, and as he went to lift the seat for Steve, Steve grabbed the lever first. Once Steve was out, Sharon tossed him his keys and Steve called out, "Text me when you get home."

"I always do," Sharon reminded as she crossed the street to her vehicle.

Then it was just Bucky and Steve. Although they both had been impatiently waiting for the alone time together, both were also unsure how to initiate what they desperately wanted.

Steve finally cleared his throat and gestured towards the building, "Would you like to come up?"

"Definitely," Bucky answered with a sly grin on his face.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now