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Come by later? The message read. Steve stared at the text bubble, but wasn't sure what to reply. Clearly Steve enjoyed the texter's company. If he didn't, Steve wouldn't even be replying to begin with. However...

Bucky was gleefully participating as the group played charades. Regular charades, so no one got hurt. With everyone yelling out their guesses, the game became more and more competitive throughout the night. Bucky laughed at the absurdity of the situation, and Steve couldn't help but watch the attractive brunet.

Steve reasoned that anyone, even a casual acquaintance would be entirely consumed by Bucky's appearance. Hell, Bucky was one of Kismet Cabaret's more popular dancers and although Steve couldn't deny that Bucky was extremely talented in his choreography, Steve was also able to see that part of his success could be based on his looks. But Steve liked him best like this. Relaxed, comfy in a pair of joggers and a simple tee.

"Time," Pepper declared over the rest of the group.

Snapping his attention to a flustered and annoyed Sam, Steve couldn't help but fight off a chuckle as Sam exclaimed in bewilderment, "Seriously? No one?" Glances were exchanged among the group and, theatrically, Sam threw his head back to stare at the ceiling before looking forward again and clarifying, "Pennywise the Dancing Clown!"

"Oh my god," half the group declared, annoyed with themselves that they hadn't figured that out.

"Why didn't you have us guess, 'It'?" Natasha questioned.

"Because," Sam exaggerated, "It didn't say, 'It,' it said, 'Pennywise the Dancing Clown'!"

"It's the same thing," Clint argued.

"No, it's not," Sam countered.

"Yes, it is!" Clint exclaimed, incredulous.

The argument continued and Steve's gaze flittered between Sam -- who was still standing up front -- and the other members of their group of friends. Of course, his gaze lingered on Bucky just a little longer than the other members. Steve especially grew curious when Bucky stood from the sofa.

"The hell you goin', Barnes?" Sam questioned, pausing his literary rant.

Bucky's eyes playfully widened as he pointed with his thumb towards the stairs. He simply answered, "It's getting late."

At that, everyone agreed and decided to leave as well. Everyone hugged one another and headed up to the main floor before leaving the house. Steve was purposely lagging, so he could be near Bucky.

"Oof," Steve exhaled as someone harshly bumped into him. When he turned around to see which one of his friends it was, he pleasantly found Bucky. Sure, he wanted to be near Bucky, but he didn't expect to almost be pummeled. Again. With a mischievous smirk, Steve teased the blushing brunet, "We really gotta stop meeting like this."

Expertly covering his embarrassment, Bucky snarked, "Had to get your attention somehow, right?"

"As if you didn't already," Steve replied. Although the brief expression on Bucky's face told Steve that he had noticed Steve's obvious cold shoulder earlier. Not wanting to get wrapped in earlier -- especially not Sam and Clint's teasing -- Steve conversationally asked, "You heading home?"

"No, actually," Bucky answered, crushing Steve. Steve tried to act nonchalant, but Steve was never good about hiding his true feelings.

"I, uh," Steve started heading over to his car, "I hope you... have fun." His gaze falling to the pavement before forcing a small smile on his face, "Wherever you're going."

"Do you --" Bucky cut himself off, biting his lower lip "-- I'm going to do some grocery shopping. You're welcome to join me."

Their friends left in their vehicles and Steve waved at Sharon as she pulled out of the driveway. Steve ran his hand along the back of his neck and sheepishly asked, "You sure?"

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now