Chapter 1

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I'm Nicole Smith. I have no siblings, just with my Mum which is nice. I have Brown hair and blue eyes.

I just finished school a few weeks ago and I don't work.

I love the colour red and I love music! I'm also obsessed with Justin Bieber,5SOS, One Direction and more!

I know one person in Summer Bay. That's Kyle Braxton. My bestfriend for a long time. He moved here a long time ago.

At my school he was the bad boy. We used to get in serious trouble alot but that didn't stop us!

I can't wait to see him! especially after so long.

-Nicole's Pov-

I'll ring Kyle to meet me here. I'm at the beach. I'll be staying with him, he let me.

I think he has a house with his.brothers, Casey, Brax and Heath. Brax is the oldest and Casey is the youngest but he's still like 18/19.

Kyle is 19/20. I'm 19 though. Kyle and I are just friends.

I dialed his number.

"Hey Kyle."

"Hey are you here yet?"

"Yeah I'm at the beach."

"Alright. Give me two minutes? Kay?"

"Alright see you soon!"

I hung up. I found a bench so I decided to wait there.

It wasn't long before he came. He was wearing a black t-shirt and black trousers.

I think they're his work clothes.

"Hey Nicole. You look really good. It's great to see you!" He hugged me.

"Thank you! You don't look to bad yourself" I.laughed.

"Yeah well I have to get back to work. You don't mind hanging around at the restaurant while I finish. I promise I won't be too long more" He smiled.

"No it's okay. Are you brother's there?" I smiled.

"Only Brax. Casey works at a gym and Heath has gone home minding Harley."

Harley is Heath's baby boy.

"Okay." I replied.

We made our way up to the restaurant. I was watching Kyle working. I don't remember him being fit!

I'd say he has a 6 pack under his top. He's giving pizza to his customer.

"Hey Pizza Boy!" I shouted over.

He laughed and came over.

"Hello I'm Kyle. I'll be taking your.order." He tried keeping in his laugh.

"Do you want to share a pizza?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm finished now anyway." He smiled.

"Pepperoni" we said at the same time. We high-fived.

"I'll get it now" He smiled.

Brax came over to me.

"Don't worry the foods great! Made by us!" He joked.

"Yeah haha it smells nice. Thanks for letting me stay in your house. Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yeah I'm positive." He smiled and walked away.

Kyle came back over with the pizza.


Wow! I'm stuffed.

"Jesus! Kyle I swear I could burst" I laughed.

"You're not the only one."He laughed back.

His smile was so cute. He had dimples. I love dimples!

"We better get back home so" He said.

"Yeah Okay"


When we got in there was two other lads sitting down playing Xbox. Wow they were sweating. Just by playing Xbox?

"Hello Guys?" Kyle said.

"Oh hey. You must be Nicole. I'm Casey." He smiled.

"Hi" I said shyly.

"No need to be shy." Casey smiled again.

I nervously laughed.

"I'm Heath." The other guy smiled.

I smiled back.

We spent the evening playing Xbox with all the lads. It was so fun!

I was going to the room. Kyle came too.

"There's only a double bed. I'll sleep on the couch if you want?"

"It's fine. It's rude to kick you out of your bed. I smiled.

He placed my suitcase in his wardrobe. I had my pyjamas on already. Well it was a t-shirt and pyjama bottoms.

I hopped into bed. Kyle took of his top so he was now topless. He had a 6 pack and his V-Line was wow!

He took of his trousers and hopped into bed with his boxers.

I was turning around and.then he called my name.

"Nicole. I really like you. Do you wanna go out?"

"Yes. I really like you too Kyle and your body is amazing. I laughed.

I then fell asleep resting my head of his beautiful body.

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