Chapter 11

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I woke up feeling guilty for kissing Casey back. Kyle thinks I was acting weird. Imagine if he found out about it. Then there would be a fight!

I haven't seen Casey since but I dunno if I want to either. Maybe I should tell Kyle? Should I? My mind is so fucked up right now! All because of them two brothers!

I better go downstairs. I walked downstairs to find nobody here? Where's everyone? Wait what the hell is the time?

I checked my phone. 12:46pm. How did I stay in bed for so long? I'll have a shower.

As I came out of the shower I wrapped the towel around me. I feel clean! I chuckled to myself.

I put on a t-shirt and jeans. It was a red t-shirt! I love red! Also I got my Nike Air Max that were white and red. Perfect!

I picked up my phone and text Sasha.

Hey Sash. You free? - Nicole

I'm at the diner since its lunch. Meet me here? - Sasha

Kay see you in 5 - Nicole

I got into the diner and saw Sasha. I bought two hot chocolates. Then I sat down beside her.

"Here you go Sash." I smiled.

"Thanks Nicole. Whats up?"

"Promise not to say anything to anyone?"

"Yeah I never do!" She smiled.

"Okay well Casey kissed me." I said looking down.

"Did you kiss back?"

"Yeah. But I must say he's a good kisser." I laughed.

"I know!"

"How?" I looked at her curiously.

"We went out for a while. But it was a while ago."

"Haha. I'm sorry I had to do it to Kyle though."

"Yeah hut you have to fix it. Find which one you truly wanna be with"

She looked at her watch. "I'm running late. Thanks for the hot choc!" She smiled and hugged me.

"No problem." I said before she left.

I need a job. One I can get some money from! I'll ask Irene. I walked up to the till.

"Hi Irene."

"Hey girly! Whats wrong?"

"I was just wondering do you have a job going?"

"Sorry I don't but ask Alf Stewart. He's normally down the beach okay?"

"Thanks Irene." I smiled and started walking to the beach.

I saw an old man down the beach working on boats and fishing nets. Must be him!

"Excuse me are you Alf?"

"Yeah why?"

"I was just wondering if you had a job going?"

Yeah I do actually. Do you know anything about the caravan park?"

"Yeah. I've past it a few times." I smiled.

"Well do you mind going around collecting the rent for me?"

"Yeah sure thanks." I smiled.

"Start within this week please?"

"Yeah okay." I smiled.

I was just about to live when I saw Casey coming towards me.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Hey" he repied and walked straight past me.



"Last time I saw you you kissed me now we aren't really talking?"

" Mr Stewart Is around" he said.

"So if he wasnt you would do it again?"

"No kissing you was a mistake.You have a boyfriend I should've respected that"

"So I just have to forget it ever happened?"

"Can we?" trying to laugh it of while shrugging his.shoulders.

"Yeah sure"  I said fakely and walked away as he watched me.

That hurt alot! How could he just say that? He said he felt that way about me and now he's saying just to forget about it? I'm so annoyed.


I've been in a slight bad mood all day. Kyle thinks it was him but if only he knew. We are up in bed now. All I want to do is sleep!

"Nicole what's wrong?"


"I know you. What did I do?"

"You did nothing trust me. I'm tired thats all." I smiled at him.

"Okay then Night." and he turned around.

"Night babe." I turned away and fell asleep.


Sorry guys updates will be aschool because I have school! Sorry!

-Nick :)

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