Chapter 6

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                  -Nicole's P.O.V-

Yesterday I spent the day playing Xbox with Darcy. She came a few hours after I got home. She kept me company since Kyle went to the city.

I haven't seen Casey in a while or Brax? Heath stayed minding Harley all day. I guess Brax was in the restaurant and Casey was at the gym. I was teaching Darcy the guitar, she's getting the hang of it.

She's a good kid. She looks like her dad, Heath. She idolizes him so much aswell.

I just had my shower so I sitting on my bed just thinking to myself. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"I was just wondering are you okay? I haven't seen you all morning." Brax said.

"Yeah I'm getting up soon. I'm just tired." I smiled.

"Oh alright. Um.. I think Ricky was looking for ya? I dunno why though"

"Alright I'm coming down now"I smiled.

He closed the door and went downstairs. I opened up my window to let the air come in. I headed downstairs.

"Hey Nicole." Heath said.

"Hey boys. Do you know where Ricky's gone?"

"Yeah she's helping Casey down the gym. He needed someone to help with equipment." Brax said.

"Alright I'll be back soon."

I walked out the door. I looked at my phone seeing if I had any texts.

1 New Message.

Hey Nicole. I miss you! -Kyle

I miss you too babe! Can't wait till you're back here -Nicole

I walked to the gym. I opened the door. I saw Ricky and Casey talking.

"Ricky! Hey" I said.

Casey walked away to help people at the machines. Ricky walked over to me.

"Hey, you're up!" She chuckled.

"Yeah, um Brax said you were looking for me?"

"Yeah I was gonna get you to help Casey but when I went into your room, you were knocked out."

"Oh sorry, does he still want help?"

"Yeah um I will go back home if you're staying here?"

"Yeah, okay." I smiled.

She walked out the gym. I looked at Casey and he came over to me.

"Hey, where Ricky?"

"She left, I'll help you if you want?"

"Yeah alright."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Umm... So bootcamp is gonna start soon so you could help me take the equipment outside. I'll take this basket you can grab the other" He said pointing to the red basket.

"Alright." I picked it up and started to follow him outside.

"You missing Kyle?"

"Yeah but I guess, he'll be here soon" I said.

"Yeah you're right."

"How come he never mentioned to me he had brothers until he moved here?"

"Um it's complicated. I'll tell you later."


"Here we are."

We set down the basket and placed all the mats around. People started to come so I sat on the beach waiting for it to end so I could bring them in again.

Soon it ended. It looked pretty hard. I was putting the mats back into the basket when Casey got a call.

After the phone call ended he looked at me and said "Darcy is in hospital. She hurt her arm. I'm gonna have to go up there after I put away these."

"Do you want me to come?"

He smiled. "Yeah, Yeah"

We put the equipment back in the gym. We walked up to the hospital. Brax and Heath were already there. I guess Ricky was probably at home minding Harley for Heath. Casey and I sat down.

"How is she?" I said breaking the silence.

"She's okay. The Doc is putting a cast on her and doing some X-Ray"

"That's good then." I smiled trying to lighten up the mood.

I got a text.

How Darcy? Brax told me about her arm -Kyle

Shes okay. Just getting a cast and they are doing some X-Rays :) -Nicole

That's good :) hows Heath holding up? - Kyle

Yeah :) - Nicole

I put my phone back in my pocket. I looked over at Casey. He looked worried.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered.

"I'll tell you later." I smiled fakely.

I took his hand just for reassurance. He looked at me again and smiled. My phone went off again.

Hey Nicole do you mind helping me with Harley? It's just that I have to go somewhere. - Ricky

I showed Casey the text and he nodded. Brax and Heath was in the room seeing Darcy.

"I'll see you later Yeah?"

"Yeah, Bye." he smiled.


I was at home now minding Harley. He's just went to sleep in the cot. Ricky is gonna bring back pizza after she comes back. I can't wait I'm starving! I am watching Bondi Rescue. I love this programme.

Casey has came back now. "Hey you okay?"

"Yeah" he said and sat beside me.

"Brax and Heath were talking about how when the used to get a flogging from our old man. I just thought I was intruding."


"I just think I got let off lightly compared to them."

"Casey it shouldn't have happened at all. Don't think like that. Okay?"

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here." I smiled.

"Yeah. Thanks." he smiled.

Then Ricky came back with the pizza. We ate and pizza and waited for them to come back all evening.

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