Chapter 7

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                 -Nicole's P.O.V-

It's about 12:34pm. Darcy came back last night really early morning. I'm just out of the shower. I am wearing a yellow t-shirt with my navy shorts. It's a great day here again!

I walked downstairs and everyone was here. Darcy was sitting on the couch. I walked over to her and sat down beside her.

"You alright Kiddo?" I smiled at her.

"Yeah but I wish you could teach me play guitar more but this thing." She pointed to her arm.

"I know but when your cast is off I can again." I smiled.

"Yeah I can't even play Xbox now"

"It ain't like you can win me anyway" I laughed.

"Sure off course." She laughed sarcastically.

Heath came over to Darcy. "Darce, do you want me to take you for pizza?"

"Heath, its 12:56pm"

"So, its lunch!" he laughed.

"Okay, Dad" and she got up and went to get her trainers on. Then she followed her Dad out the door.

"So Nicole what are you up to today?" Brax asked me.

"Umm I dunno. I'll just go with the flow." I laughed slightly.

"Well I'm off today too. So we can hang out if you want?" Casey popped his head in the door from the kitchen.

"Sure." I smiled.

"So you wanna head down to the beach?"

"Yeah alright."

I got up and went to the bathroom to fix up my hair. I started brushing it.

"You don't need that."He said while looking at me in the mirror. "I mean your hair is fine."

"Case I know what you mean" I smiled.

"Good. Come on then!" He smiled.

I had my bikini on under my clothes because I was planning of going down there anyway.

I walked out the door of the bathroom and shouted over to Brax "See you later."

"Yeah Nicole"

Then I followed Casey out the door. "Do you wanna head to the diner to get some food for the beach or?"

"Yeah cool." I smiled.

We talked a little more before we got to the diner. I picked out a 2l bottle of Coke, two bars of chocolate and a roll. The roll I was gonna eat on the way down there. Inside the roll was mayonnaise, chicken and lettuce.

Casey picked the same as me. As I went up to pay. "We could pay for them all together?" He smiled.

"Yeah alright then" I said as he put all his stuff on the counter with mine. As I was going to pay he pushed my hand away. "I got this."

"Thanks Case."

When we got down to the beach I started eating my roll as I thought it would be rude talking with my mouth full. As I sat down on a bench I began to open up the wrapper of the roll. Casey did the same. "Do you surf?"

"Nope I've never got the chance to learn. I'm guessing you do?" I smiled.

"Yeah I love surfing. You got a bit of mayonnaise on your mouth." He laughed slightly.

"Oh." I laughed and started to try amd find where it was.

"I'll get it." He grabbed a tissue from the bag and put two fingers under my chin and used his other hand that had the tissue in it to wipe it away.

Then he put the tissue away but still had his two fingers under my chin. He looked me in the eye and was leaning in.

"Case, stop. We are Just Friends. I'm with your brother remember."

"Oh God sorry Nicole. Just pretend that didn't happen. I'm going for a surf."

He walked away with his bored. Surely enough it was just a spur of the moment thing. God! Anyway I'm with Kyle.


Yesterday went alright. I kinda got the hang of surfing. Casey and I just kinda forgot about our encounter. When we came back I looked after Harley for 2 hours. Heath had to go somewhere. I'm just about to text Sasha.

Hey Sash :) wanna meet up? - Nicole

Yeh cool :) we meet at the beach? - Sasha

Yeh see you in five - Nicole

I started to walk to the beach. I got a text.

Can't wait til I come back. I miss you soooooo much! - Kyle

He's so cute!

I miss you too baby! - Nicole

I saw Sasha on a bench. I waved to her and she waved back. I sat beside her.


"Hello Sash"

"Um so what's up?"

"Can I tell you something,"

"Yeah course" I smiled.

"Casey.. Um he tried to kiss me but I dunno whether it was just a spur of the moment or whether he likes me?"

"Do you like him though?"

"No! I'm with Kyle!"

"But still do you like Casey?"


"Then theres no problem?"

"I guess.. What bout you though?"

"I met a guy called Matt."

"We both go to Summer Bay High."



Sasha and I spent the day going back to her house. Eating and watching movies. It kinda pushed the whole Casey thing from my mind.

Right now I'm in bed just finishing my phone call with Kyle. I miss him so much though!

Right I'm off to sleep. I'm soo tired.

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