Chapter 5

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             -Nicole's P.O.V-

Yesterday was so fun! I wish he was off again today but I guess you can't win them all. Oh well I guess. What time is it?


Better get up so. I got dressed into a green and black dress. Nothing to formal just a casual dress. It's a nice day to just be wearing my hoodie and jeans. Kyle must be downstairs.

I'll go down to him. As I was walking down my phone buzzed. It was from an unknown number.

Hey it's Sasha. Do you wanna meet up today? :)

I'll have to save her number. I texted her back.

Yeah meet me at the diner? :)

She texted me back.

Yeah see you at 1 then :)

I texted her back again.

Yeah :)

I went downstairs to see Kyle reading the paper. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms over his shoulders.

"Hey Baby" I whispered.

"Hey beautiful. I have to go to work soon."

"But surely you have some time for this." I started to kiss his neck.

"Yeah I think I do." and he turned around to face me. I started to kiss him lips. The kiss deepened and he licked my bottom lip for entrance.

I obliged. We kissed for longer.

"Oi, you two. Darcy's coming soon and I don't want her grossed out by you two."

We both chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, I have to go to work anyway." Kyle said.

"Okay. Bye" I kissed him again.

He walked out the door. I better go meet Sasha.

"Heath, I'm going now but when is Darcy coming here?"

"In a couple hours. So I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah see ya" I smiled and walkes ou the door.

It wasn't a long walk to the Diner. About 20 minutes tops. I saw Sasha sitting down at a table.


"Hey Nicole you hungry?"

"Naah I'm fine."

"Wanna head down to the beach for abit?"

"Yeah I ain't been there yet" I laughed.

"C'mon so" she smiled.

We got to the beach and sat down on the sand.

"You like living here in The Bay?"

"Yeah it's nice. The people are so friendly like take you for example." I smiled.

"What made you pick the Bay out of all places?"

"You know Kyle? Well anyway we were bestfriends in Melbourne and he moved here a while ago and I needed a fresh start so I decided to move by him again."

"You're together though? I was with Casey for a while, ages ago though."

"Yeah we are going out. I guess we just fell for each other after a long time of not seeing eachother." I smiled.

"Awh cute."

My phone began to ring. It was Kyle.


"Hey Nicole. I have to go do some stuff in Yabbie Creek for a few days."

"What type of work?" I asked disappointed

"Just some work promoting Angelo's. Don't worry babe it's only for a few days."

"Yeah I guess. When do you have to go?"

"Now I think. I'll text you later though."

"Okay bye."

I hung up. "What's wrong?"

"Kyle has to go to the city for a few days"

"Awh he'll be back soon though right?"

"Yeah I guess."

"I better go. Irene will be wondering where I got to. I have to start my shift soon."

"Yeah it was nice though."

"Yeah we should again sometime."

"Yeah." I smiled.

I walked back to the house. Nobody's in. So I guess I'll be bored eating and watching TV all day.

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