Chapter 2

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-Nicole's POV-

"Morning beautiful" I woke up to him talking to me.

"Morning" I said back.

This was my first time waking up beside Kyle. I can't explain how much I missed him while he was here. But he werent the reason I came, I came because I needed a fresh start.

"Wanna get up? or are you just gonna keep staring?" He laughed.

Oh God I didn't realise I was still looking at him while I was deep in thought.

"Oh..Yeah Sorry" I smiled.

He was getting dressed into his work clothes. I was still lying in bed. After he got dressed he jump on the bed beside me.

"You know you still haven't moved. So are you getting up?" He smiled leaning in to me.

"Yeah but I think I need like something to help me move out of here" I smiled.

"Would this work?" He leaned it more and gave me a quick peck.

"Nope I think you should try again." I flirted.

Then he leaned in again and kissed me. I kissed back and our mouths started moving in sync. A minute or so later we pulled back.

"Yeah that worked." I smiled and got out of the bed. I soon got dressed amd followed Kyle downstairs.

As I got down I put on toast. Kyle was reading the paper. The only other person here was Casey.

"So I'm guessing you have to work?" I asked disappointed.

I wish he didn't have to. I wish I was spending the whole day with him but he gotta do what he gotta do.

"Yeah sorry but I'm sure um you can come to the restaurant later" He smiled.

My toast popped. I started buttering it. He stood behind me and put his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry I have to go babe" He whispered in my ear and kissed my.cheek. Then he started kissing my neck.

"Oh God I'm late already. Sorry babe" He said. He rushed out the door. I took my toast and sat on the couch beside Casey.

"Morning" I said.

"Morning. If you want I'll stay around until later to go to work?"

"No its fine. You go if you want" I smiled.

No it's sorted. I'm staying."He insisted.

"But on one condition we have a rematch on Fifa. There's no way I can lose to you again" He continued.

"Fine but don't get your hopes up. I laughed.

We picked up the contollers and turned on the Xbox.


"How did you win again?"

"I told you not to get your hopes up" I laughed.

He checked his watch. "I have to go now sorry" He said.

"Don't worry about it. I better go.and see what Kyle is up to." I smiled.

"Alright. I better get off." He smiled and walked out.

I still.can't get that name out my head. Boyfriend. Kyle Braxton boyfriend. Who would think that in a million years? I guess we just grew up and matured.

I walked out the door. It's a really nice day! It's only a ten minute walk there so I won't take too long to get over there.

Soon, it was in sight. I really hope Kyle ain't one to mess me around. Like I know him but I don't know what he got up to while I was still in Melbourne.

But I'm here now anyway. I opened the doors and walked upstairs. Brax must be gone. Kyle looked over at me and walked to me.

"Hey Babe I'm finished now. Do you wanna eat here or do you wanna wait til later?"

"Um could we take a pizza home?" I asked.

"Yeah course." He smiled and got two boxes from the back.

"Pepperoni" We said at the same time. We always say that when we get pizza. We high-fived.


We are in bed now. Kyle is asleep. I'm going soon now.


Kyle and I were sitting down on the beach.

"I'm bored. We've skipped class for three days." I said.

"I need a bit of company. It's hard.being a badass by myself." he laughed.

"Yeah well I never leave you by yourself." I smiled and nudged his arm.

"Nicole, I'm leaving tomorrow." He said with his face looking down.


That day my world died. I didn't like him like that but I.could never go a day without seeing him and them first few weeks I wouldn't come out of my room. I didn't go school or anything.

Well the badassers reunited. So there no point reminiscing on old sad times. I turned around on my side and fell asleep.

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