Chapter 12

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"Morning Babe." I heard Kyle whisper to me.

"Morning. What time is it?" I asked and kissed his cheek.

"Someone is in a better mood. 9:00am. Why?" He smiled.

"I have to go to my job soon. It's only once a week but the pay is alright."

"What job?"

"Caravan rent collecting." I smiled.

"My girl got a job." He smiled and kissed me.

"Haha I've gotta get up. Do you have work?"

"Yeah I'm gonna have a shower now."

"Okay I'll be downstairs." I sat up on the bed.

"Okay. See you in ten minutes then."

I walked downstairs. Brax was here.

"Hey Nicole I've gotta head to Angelo's but there is toast already made there."

"Thanks Brax. See ya." I smiled and he went out the door.

I grabbed the toast couldn't be bothered buttering it. I finished eating it and Kyle came in.

"Hey Babe."

"Hi Kyle."

"Everyone gone?"

"Yeah Brax left me toast." I chuckled.

"Lucky! I wish I got some."

"First come first served!" I smiled.

He pulled a baby face then kissed me.

"I've gotta go." He said and started walking towards the door.


"Yeah?" and he turned around.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." He smiled amd walk out the door.

Of course I love him. I've already forgotten about Casey. Who am I kidding?

I better go to the caravan park. For my job. Gaah! I feel grown up haha. I started walking out the door.

I got to the caravan park and started knocking on the doors. Some of them weren't in but I got all the others. I better go give them to Alf.

I found him in the Diner. I walked over to him.

"Hey Alf."

"G'day Nicole."

"There is most of it but I have to collect a few more tomorrow."

"Thanks Nicole." He smiled as I handed him the envelope full of money.

Sasha was working as its Saturday. I walked over to her.

"Hey Sash."

"Hey Nicole. You working for Alf now?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you want to come with me for swim on the beach?"

"Sure I'm finished now if you meet me there because I have to get my bikini."

"Yeah same."

"See you in half an hour?"

"Yeah alright." I smiled and headed back to the house.


Sasha and I are walking along the beach. The swim was so nice! We talked about Casey, Kyle and Matt. We also talked about Music and other random stuff.

Oh God! Casey and Andy are ahead packing up the gym equipment. I remember I helped Casey with that before.

"Hey Casey and Andy" Sasha said.

I shot her a death stare. Casey smiled back to Sasha. So did Andy.

I could feel his eyes on mine but I refused to look his way l, well I looked once. When we were past them I said to Sasha "Really?"

"What?" She laughed.


           -Casey's P.O.V-

When Nicole and Sasha went by I could only look at Nicole.

"What's the story there?" Andy said.

"Theres no story at all." I replied.

"Ah come on mate. I saw you and Nicole looking at eachother."

"There's nothing."

"Well she's looking back now." He said.

I looked to see her head move ti face forward again quickly.

"So you still wanna say there is nothing?"

"That's enough out of you, I'm your boss remember."

"Okay boss." He smiled and started walking with the equipment back the gym.

I looked over to see Nicole looking back at me again. I smiled to myself.

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