Chapter 20

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                   -Nicole's P.O.V-

Casey asked he to meet him at the beach at 8pm. He also said to wear something nice. I've spent most of the day moving my stuff into his house with the lads. Casey had to leave a few hours ago though. Just to work.

I wonder what Casey has planned though. He's so cute and funny and just amazing really.

I can't have asked for a better 4 months or relationship really. He makes me feel special.

Right now I just finished playing FIFA with Heath. He's such a laugh. When you think of it, the Braxtons would be nothing if one of them was missing. They all have an individual part in the family. It's cute how close they all are.

Kyle and I spoke last night and he's found a girl! If I can remember right her name is Phoebe. I'm happy for him. He needs someone that loves him and it just wasn't me.

I've just got dressed. I'm wearing a purple dress going to mid-_thigh length. I am wearing black high heels with a purple clutch.

I think I look nice! Hopefully Casey does too. I went down stairs and out the door. It's nearly 8 so I better hurry up.

I got to the beach and I saw Casey standing there. He has his hair gelled up wearing a navy suit but he had his suit jacket off and had a light blue shirt on.

He looked amazing. I now felt a bit insecure. What happens if he doesn't think I'm good enough for him anymore?

He looked back and smiled a massive smile. Maybe he does?

He walked over to me. "How look amazing." He pecked my cheek.

"You don't look half bad yourself." I smirked.

He smiled at me and took my hand. I felt butterflies. I always do when I'm with him. No one has ever made me feel like this.

He brought me over to a bench to sit down. He sat down first and I sat down beside him.

"I bet you are wondering why I took you here." He smirked.

"Yeah I am." I laughed.

"There's food on a picnic blanket just a few yards away. I just thought we would talk first." He said but he stood back up.

"I love you Nic-" A gun shot went off. Casey fell to the ground.

I fell down to the floor beside him. "No Casey don't die on me." I said with tears falling down.

I got my phone out off my purse and rang the ambulance. I told them my location. Another gun shot went off and everything started to go dark.

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