Chapter 14

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- 4 Days Later -

-Casey's P.O.V-

It's late and Heath had to go somewhere so I'm left with Harley and there is no one else here. Harley is okay though I guess. Nicole and I have hung out a few times. I do really like her. She's great and down to earth.

I've nearly got Harley to sleep. I know it's early but still I need a bit of peace. I chuckled to myself.

"Hey." Ricky said coming through the door.

"Shh shh. Just getting him settled." I said a put my finger to my lips.

"Sorry." She said and sat down.

"I've got Andy's set of keys to the gym."

"He was supposed to lock up?"

"He was abit disappointed when you bailed on him for baby sitting which as I can see you have under control"

"Yeah." I got up and lifted Harley up.

"Check it out. Fed, Burped, Changed,Wrapped and hopefully asleep soon hey." I layed him down in his bed.

"Awh you're a natural." Ricky said.

"Yeah but don't tell anyone if word gets out I'll be babysitting this little guy for the rest of my life. Sleep tight."

Ricky chuckled and I came away from Harley.

"That wouldn't be so bad would it?"

"Okay so you're acting weird and Brax is in a mood so what's going on?" I said with my hands on my waist.

"I asked Brax what he wanted for the future."

"And what did he say?" I asked sitting down beside her again.

"Not much." She answered

"And that surprises you?" I joked.

"That's probably the only question he doesn't haventhe answer to. He's never wanted anything for himself. But he loves you. You know that right?" I asked.

"Yeah course I do but I just feel like we are drifting and I need more than that."

"So tell him. Look what ever it is just be straight with him and maybe he might want it as bad as you." I smiled.

"Yeah you're right."

"Hey Twinkletoes and Ricky."Heath said coming through the door.

"Heath seriously? I'm going to go got something to do." I looked at Ricky and smiled.

"Be good golden boy." He smiled.

I just laughed walking out the door. I just was heading over to Nicole. Just to see how she was.

We ain't dating yet. I'm just finding the right moment to ask.

I found a little DVD shop on my way to her caravan. I looked inside for a good DVD. I ended up picking Dumb and Dumber. That film never gets old. I also bought a few sweets aswell.

I got to Nicole's and knocked on the door. She opened it.

"Hey Casey. What you doing here?" I asked.

"Hey I was just wondering how you are and I brought a movie and sweets." I smiled.

She looked at the movie. "Omg I love this!" She grinned.

Man I loved that smile. She's beautiful and I'm so happy she's mine. Well not officially but still.

We watched a few movies and we got pizza. We laughed alot because we watched comedies.

"I better be getting off." I smiled.

"Alright." She smiled.

I opened the door and walked out.

"Casey?" She called.

"Yeah?" I smiled and turned around.

"Night." She smiled.

I walked up to her and leaned in. As our lips touched she brought her hands to my neck.

After a few minutes we pulled away but our noses still touching.

"Night." I smiled.

Then I walked away. I couldn't help it her lips are irresistible.

I got home and went to my room. When I was in bed I went to sleep thinking of Nicole.


Hey Guys sorry I havent updated in a while. I was sick. Sorry if it was short! I'll update really soon again! I promise.

Love you!

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