Chapter 22

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                     *4 Days Later*

                   -Nicole's P.O.V-

I've been home 4 days and Casey has treated me like a princess. I'm fully healed but he is just worried. He is so cute when he gets all worried.

Kyle and I are best buddies just like old times right now. Casey got kind of jealous at the start but after a lot of reassurance he has calmed down.

I'm actually heading to the gym now to see Casey. Normally he comes back here on his lunch just to see if I'm okay but I haven't been out in ages and he is mostly likely starving.

I got my phone and walked out the door.

I got to the gym at 1:00pm exactly as Casey finished. I walked in the door.

"Hey Case." I smiled at him.

"Hey Nic. You didn't tell me you were coming. You should be at home resting." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Casey I'm okay trust me. Where do you wanna eat?" I asked changing the subject.


"Yeah okay." It was also the closest restaurant to us.

He grabbed my hand and a we started walking. I loved how my hand for perfectly into his. I also loved the way he would steal a few glances of me and then as soon as I would look at him he would give the cheesy grin I fell for.

We went up and ordered the pizza as I sat down. Brax was on the till and when Casey and Brax were talking they kept looking at me . I wonder what they were saying.

A few minutes Casey came back down with the pizza and we got stuck in.

"What were you talking bout up there?" I asked

"Just the gym and Angelo's. The usual." He smiled. Yeah that's why your eyes were on me.

"How about we go away for a few days?" He suggested. I'm starting to think this is a plan.

"Um I'm not sure. I guess. Maybe." I lied.

His face fell and thats how I knew it was a plan.

"Ohh... Okay." He trailed on.

"Actually okay then." I smiled.

"Great. We can pack and leave tonight." He grinned.

"That soon?"

"Yeah. Cmon it will be fun." He smiled.

"Okay." I smiled back at him and ate my pizza.


Hey guys! Sorry for a short chapter. Please be sure to check out my other books. That would be awesome.

Hope you are having a great weekend. Christmas is soon!!!!

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