Chapter 8

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                  -Nicole's P.O.V-

I couldn't sleep. I kept twisting and turning. I kept thinking about Kyle and Casey. Its 3 a.m. I may aswell head downstairs to watch TV for a bit. I walked downstairs to find Ricky awake downstairs.

"Hey Ricky." I said tiredly.

"Hey. I didn't know you were still up."

"I couldn't sleep." I said and sat down beside her.

"That makes two of us." She smiled.

"So what's on your mind?" I asked.

"Nothing. Brax is taking over the bed." She chuckled slightly.

"Oh, haha."

"But what about you?"

"Um I'm just missing Kyle. That's all" I smiled fakely.

"Okay but if you need to talk I'm here. But right now I'm going back to sleep." She started walking away.

"Night. And Ricky?"


"Thanks." I smiled.

"Anytime" She smiled.


I stayed up watching TV and I ended uo falling asleep on the couch. Brax woke me up asking me was I alright. Then he went to work.

"Hey Nicole. Did you sleep?" Ricky said.

"I fell asleep here." I chuckled.

"Haha I suppose that's alright." she chuckled.

Heath is at the gym. He's part manager with Casey.

My phone began to ring. It's Kyle. I walked to my room.

"Hey Nicole."


"What you up to?"

"Nothing, I'm missing you too much.what about you?"

"I have a few more days but then I'm all yours again." I could tell he was smiling.

"I can't wait and the bed is freezing" I laughed.

"Well I can't wait to warm it up." he flirted.

"Welk I gotta go now. Text me later babe."

"Okay bye."

I hung up. I was on my phone walking out to the sitting room when I bumped into someone.

"Jeez." I said.

"Sorry." he said. I looked up. It was Casey. He was just out of the shower. He had a great body! 6 pack and all. He had a towel around his waist.

"It's Alright." I began to walk off. He grabbed my hand.

"Wait, you're not avoiding me are you?"

"No I just need to go."

"Fine." he let go.

"Casey, talk after you are dressed."

"Oh yeah okay." he smiled.

I sat in the living room waiting for him to come out. About 15 minutes later he came out. He was wearing his gym clothes.

"Hey, you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, I was thinking... Like alot lately." I said.

"Yeah?" He said nervously.

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