Chapter 9

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               Nicole's P.O.V-

It's so great to see Kyle sleeping next to me. I wonder does he have work today? He seems really tired. I'll go ask Brax. It's not that I'm noisy, it's just that I want the best for him and I don't want him working while he is really tired.

I started walking downstairs. I don't care right now if I have bed hair or if I'm in my pyjamas. But I think I should because this is kinda a house full of boys.

"Hey. Is Brax here lads?" I asked Heath, Casey and Ricky.

They were all there but I don't think Ricky is insulted that I called her a lad. I did address them all.

"Yeah, he's in the shower.." Heath answered.

"What's wrong?" Ricky asked. Casey just acted like I wasn't there. It kinda hurt but I suggested it right? Why is life so complicated.

"Nope, it's just about Kyle. I'll go up and get changed then I'll come back down." I smiled.

Casey just walked straight past me to go to work. Fuck! I just wanted to be friends! I'm with Kyle, I'm happy with him!

I walked upstairs. Kyle was still asleep. See what I mean! He's tired.

I got dressed into my shorts and t-shirt. My t-shirt is red and shorts are black. I got my red Vans aswell. I took my phone off its charger and went downstairs.

"Nicole. You were looking for me?" Brax said.

"Yeah. Is just that I wanted to know is Kyle working today?"

"Yeah why? Is there a problem?"

"No it's just that he is really tired."

"I'm sorry but there's no one else to do it."

"How about I do it? Is it a night shift?"

"Yeah okay and it is night shift."

"I'll see you later than."I smiled.

He smiled and went out the door. Now Kyle can relax. Maybe I'm just caring. I chuckled to myself knowing that's not true.

"Nicole, so what was that Casey thing about?" Ricky said. I didn't know she was still here.

"Nothing, I dunno what you are on about?" I played dumb.

"Come on Nicole, I know you and I know him. Sit." She patted the seat beside her.

"Fine." I went and sat beside her.

"So lets start a gossip session." she chuckled.

"Well a few days ago Casey tried to kiss me. I don't know why he did it, if he likes me or anything. Then yesterday I said we should stay away from eachother." I said.

"Oh, I know you're with Kyle but do you like him?"

"I don't know?"

"Well find out your feelings. I gotta go" She said.

"Okay." I smiled. Ricky went out the door. I suppose she's right I guess. I went back to check on Kyle. He started waking up when I came in.

"Hey Babe." he smiled.

"Morning. You don't have work today!" I smiled.


"I thought you were too tired so I'll work for you."

"Nicole, I'll go you dont have to. I'll work."

"It's done! I bet I'm better at it then you anyway." I sat beside him while he laid down on the bed.

"Oh course you are."He said sarcastically.

"We have the house to ourselves you know?"

I kissed him and he kissed back. He pulled back.

"What happened to the girl that wanted to take things slow?"

"I dunno what happened to her but I'm here now." I chuckled and kiss him again.

He kissed me back and I laid on top of him.


Well we all know what happened next. After Kyle and I watched a few movies and he made lunch.

I have to go for my night shift now. I wonder if it'll be hard? I suppose not all I have to do is be a pizza delivery person.

It won't be that hard. I got up to Angelo's.

"Hey Nicole, you know you'll get paid for it right?"

"Yeah" I laughed.

"Alright. You have a delivery now"

I checked the address and made my way to that house with the pizzas.


Work was easy! I got paid too! You probably think it's my first job but I used to work in a newsagents back in Melbourne. The pay wasn't that great. I better head to sleep I'm tired now.

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