Chapter 10

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Wow! It's 8:30am. I'm up to early! Kyle ain't beside me. I'll go down to check if he is there. I was on my way down when I heard two voices. One of them I knew to be Kyle but the other one I can't pin.

"Your lucky to have her you know."

"Yeah and don't forget she's with me okay?" I heard that one to be Kyle.

Are they talking about me? What are they talking about?

"Mate, you don't deserve her." I realized it was Casey. I heard footsteps walking out towards the door.

I better head back upstairs before they realise I'm eavesdropping. I've gotta stay away from Casey. I kinda think I have small feelings for him but all the better to stay away.

I don't want to come between the two of them. Why does it have to be hard. I'm gonna ring Sasha.

As I got to my room I reached for my phone on the dresser.It started to ring.

"Hey Sash. You free?"

"Um I'm kinda on my way to school but I can keep off if ya want?"

"No you go its fine."

"Okay sorry"

"It's fine. Bye Sash"

"Bye Nicole."

I hung up. I tied up my hair and put in shorts and a t-shirt. The top was blue and the shorts were white.

I headed downstairs. I saw Kyle.

"Hey Babe." I smiled.

"Hey. You okay?"

"Yeah. Is Brax gone?"

"Yeah and Ricky's at the diner."

"Okay. Are you walking to work?"

"No I'm getting one of the lads to drive me in.Why?"

"Don't matter. I'm gonna go. See ya babe."

"Yeah alright. Love you."

I walked out the door. I didn't wanna say it back because I don't wanna lie to him. I really like him but I don't think I love him if I'm thinking about Casey.

I reached the diner and Ricky was sitting down. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hey Rick." I smiled.

"Hey Nicole. Have you done what I told you to do?"

"Yeah I guess. I think I like Casey a little bit but I'm gonna stay away from him so I can just spend all my time on Kyle. That way I can stop my feelings growing."

"Yeah I suppose you could do that."

"Kyle told me he loved me today."

"Great! Did you say it back?"

"No I um I don't wanna say it until I'm 100% sure I love him."

"So you dont?"

"No not yet." I said quietly.

"Well that's messed up." She laughed.

Look I gotta meet Brax at the restaurant so I'll catch you up later?"

"Yeah alright. See ya." I smiled.

She walked away. I guess she's right...again. I'm gonna head over to the gym to cancel my membership seemingly I won't be going there for a very long time.

I'm gonna get a hot chocolate first. I walked up to the till.

"Hot chocolate please." I smiled.

"Yeah sure. Your Sasha's friend right?" a middle-aged red-haired woman said.

"Yeah Nicole."

"Im Irene." she smiled. Now I remember Sasha talking about her once.

I handed her the money and she handed me my drink. I walkes out with my drink and took a sip. Wow! That's nice! I finished it before I got to the gym.

I took a deep breath and walked in. Casey was talking to another trainer called Andy. He came over to me.

             -Casey's P.O.V-

I walked over to Nicole. Is she trying to mess me around or what?

"Hey, I thought we were staying away from eachother?"

"Yeah that's why I came here to cancel my membership."

"Oh alright." I said and she walked out.

Andy came over to me.

"Are you serious?"

"What?" I said.

"Chicks want you to turn around and say no I don't want you to instead of agreeing. Maybe you need to man up." He said.

Wow that kinda made sense. I went after her. I found her down the beach.

"Look about the gym maybe it was stupid. I don't really wanna quit." She said.

"Good because I didn't cancel it." I smiled and stepped closer.

Here's my chance to 'Man up'. I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back surprisingly. A few minutes later we pulled back.

"You need to know how I feel." I smiled and walked away.


They kissed! Thanks for reading it so far.

Comment are you Nacey or Nyle!:)

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