Chapter 15

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-Nicole's P.O.V-

I just got up. I'm going to meet Sasha since it's the weekend. I did my job for Alf already so I don't need to worry for another while.

It's been a while since Casey came over to my caravan. I miss him so I decided to wait for him to finish his work then see him.

He's a real sweetheart. Kyle and I still really ain't on good terms. I miss my buddy. I miss old times with him where we would just laugh at everything but I guess you can't stay reminiscing about the past. I just gotta keep looking forward.

Hey Sash I'm leaving now. :) -Nicole

Okay see you in a few then. - Sash

I got dressed and headed out the door. Sasha was already at the diner waiting. I waved to her then I sat down opposite her.

"Hey Sash." I smiled.

"Hey Nicole I haven't seen you in ages." She smiled back.

"I know, well Casey and I are I dunno actually what we are but we are something." I chuckled.

"Sounds complicated. How did Kyle take it?"

"Um he kinda hit Casey."

"I suppose ain't nothing more attractive then to have 2 lads fighting over you." She winked.

"You're right there." I chuckled.

We spoke for about another hour then I decided to go see Casey. I found him on the beach doing that bootcamp thing.

"Five push-ups now guys." He coached.

I found it quite sexy to see him sweaty and stuff. Maybe that's weird? I don't know. I sat on the bench and waited for him to be done. Every so often he would glance over to me and smile.

He ended the class and started tidying up. "You want help?" I shouted over to him.

"Sure if you don't mind. If you're not to busy stalking me." He winked.

I chuckled slightly to myself. "Maybe I missed you." I smiled back.

"Aww I missed you, sorry I've just been busy with this." He smiled and as I got close to him he kissed my cheek.

"I have a date for us tonight though." He smiled as we started walking back to the gym with the equipment.

"Aww you're cute you know that." I smirked.

"I know, that's one of the many great things about me." He winked as we got into the gym.

He took the equipment off me and put them in the store room.

When he came back out I put my hands around his neck.

"You know, it's weird not having You around, especially with your goofiness." I smiled.

"It's weird not seeing your pretty face around too." He said and I blushed.

"You're even cuter when you blush." He said looking into my eyes. He put his hand on my cheek and leaned in.

Our lips connected and moved in sync. It was a perfect moment before someone ruined it.

"Hey golden boy. Maybe get a room instead of the gym." Heath said while we pulled apart.

"Thanks Heath. I can count on you to ruin everything." He smiled sarcastically at him.

"I better go Case text me later?" I smiled at him.

"Of course." He replied and kissed my cheek.

"Bye Heath." I said walking out the door.

"Bye Nicole." He smiled back to me.

You gotta hand it to Heath. He pops out of nowhere. I chuckled to myself.


Casey texted me earlier to wear something nice and to be ready around 8. Which is the exact time right now.

I'm wearing a figure fitting, mid-thigh purple dress. It's really comfy which is a bonus.

I heard a knock on my door. It was Casey. He was wearing a suit with his hair gelled up. He was so handsome may I add.

"Hi Babe. You look beautiful." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You look amazing too Case." I smiled.

"Well I do try." He smirked while fixing his tie.

"Shall we get going then?" He added and held out his hand.

"Yes we should." I smirked and I took his hand. Our fingers intertwining together.

He took me to this beautiful restaurant in Yabbie Creek. It was really nice. After we took our order Casey started speaking "You like this place Nick?"

"Yeah it's beautiful." I smiles looking around me.

"Like you then." He said cheekily and smiling.

"Thanks." I smirked back.

"I took you here to kind of ask what we are?"

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"I mean are we friends." He asked.

"We are what you want us to be." I smiled.

"Well in that case will you be my girlfriend? That's kind of the reason I took you here." He said nervously.

"Of course." I smiled and he kissed me. The best part was that Heath wasn't here to pop out of nowhere.


Tonight was really nice. Casey's gesture was wonderful. I can call him my boyfriend. Is it too soon? I suppose in life you gotta keep moving forward.

Now I need sleep. I turned off the light and drifted off.

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