Chapter 23

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                   *4 Days Later*

We have been out of summer bay for a few days. He's been a true gentlemen to me. We are coming back tomorrow though. We were camping the first night and then we came here to Melbourne and have been staying in a hotel.

It's been really nice here. I don't know why he took me here. Probably because of what happened a while back.

I have most definitely fallen for Casey. I love every move he makes and his humour and goofy side is what makes me love him even more.

I want to be his for the rest of my life. I hope I will be.

The Braxton family is so cool! They look out for each other and I find that so cute! Casey is like Baby Braxton and he is also my baby.

I hopped into the shower. I love hotel showers they are generally the best. Casey just had a shower. I love his shower hair. His bed hair is the best though. It's so messy and I could run my hand through it forever.

Whenever Casey has a day off and we both can't be bothered to move he'll lie across the couch and have his head on my lap and I would just mess his hair up.

My favorite thing about him is his smile. The smile that he smile after he makes a joke. His jokes could be lame but that smile just gets me laughing.

He stole my heart. After I finished my shower Casey was already dressed so he was watching TV while I was getting dressed.

"Hey Nic, I wanna take you out tonight since it will be our last night here before we go back to Summer Bay." He said as I was just finished applying my makeup.

"Okay babe. You happy to be going back home?" I asked him.

"It doesn't bother me as long as I am with you." He said and kissed my nose.

"Same here." I said and smiled back at him.


"You ready then?" He asked taking my hand.

"Yes Case." I said as we walked out the door.

I wore mid thigh dress. It was purple and strapless.

He was wearing a black suit. It fit him perfect. He has a great body so he looked amazing.

The hotel was only a few minutes away from the restaurant so I didn't take too long to get there.

We went to the door and Casey said "Mr and Mrs Braxton."

I smiled at him and said "I like the sound of that."

"So do I." He grinned back.

We got to our table and ordered our food. The restaurant looked really expensive.

"Nicole." He began to say.

"Yes Casey."

"We have been together a while now and I love you with all my heart."

"Yes I love you too Casey." I smiled.

"That shooting really scared me and it made me realize I don't wanna live without you. Soo.. I was wondering." He got down on one knee.

Omg is he actually doing this?

"Will you give me the honor and become my wife." He said and took the ring out. I stood up.

"Of course I will." I said with so much happiness.

He stood back up and hugged me. There was a applause from the rest of the restaurant. My eyes were on Casey the whole time I forgot there was anyone around.

We kissed passionately before sitting down again.

"Casey I love you so much." I said with a huge grin on my face.

"I love you too Nicole." He said back.

Mrs Nicole Braxton.

That really does go together.

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