Chapter 19

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                 *4 Months Later*

                  -Casey's P.O.V-

Its been four month since Nicole and I have been together. She's amazing and the best thing that has happened to me! I truly love her.

It's my day off from the gym so Brax and I are surfing.

"You know it's been a while since you and I have got on some waves." He said walking out of the water beside me.

"Okay. Alright. Cmon. Say it." I said knowing exactly what he was on about.

"Hey? I don't know what you are talking about?" He played dumb

"Yeah you do. You do know what I'm talking about." I put my board down on the sand and Brax copied my actions.

"Well you wanna spend all your time with your girl it leaves your big brother out in the cold. There's nothing I can do about it." He trailed on.

"There it is! I knew you couldn't let that go! Could you?"

"Not when you've got that stupid look on your face." He pointed at my face.

"What stupid look?"

"That big dopey grin...every time she's mentioned." He replied and I laughed.

"Seriously Casey. You got to get that under control." He said while picking up his towel to dry himself.

I took my chance to tackle him to the ground. I laughed and walked away but kept looking at him. He got up and chased me to the water as I started screaming. I tried to get past him and he tackled me back.

We began to walk back out of the water. I pushed him again and he laughed. We continued walking on the sand again.

"You know what. It wasn't too long ago when you were saying you don't ever think you'd have this." Brax said as we walked side by side.

"I remember."

"This is the part where you say I was right and you were wrong." He said and I smiled.

"That would be the first time ever I am happy to admit that. Yes you were right." I smiled.

"I love her Brax." I smiled again.

"Yes mate we can see that."

"Sooo can I ask you something?" I asked.

"What is it?" He asked confused.

"Can she move in? In my room?"

"Sure mate no problem." He said.

I started to run off after taking up my board.

"Where are you going?" He called.

"There's something I need to do." I replied back to him.

I stopped a minute and said "Brax?"


"Thanks." I smiled my cheeky grin.

"For what?"

"For everything." I smiled again and started to run off again.

I kept running until I got to Nicole's caravan.

"Nicole you there?!" I started to knock.

"Casey I'm here. What's wrong?" She said opening to door.

"Nothing I just wanted to tell you I love you." I smiled coming in to the caravan.

"I love you too." She smiled back and kissed me.

I kissed her back passionately. My hands traveled to her bum and I picked her up and she wrapped her hands around my waist.

"Also I have something to ask you." He smiled breaking the kiss.

"What is it?" She smiled at me.

"Do you wanna move in to my house again? But this time with me?" He smiled.

"Yes of course!" She smiled a huge grin and I smiled back at her.

She kissed me again. I kissed her back bringing her to her room. I laid her softly on the bed.

You know what's going to happen next.


Omg! Casey died in home and away. I cried! I'll love him forever. Anyways thanks for reading! Only a few chapters left though :'(

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