Chapter 17

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                    -Nicole's P.O.V-

If Casey wants to avoid me that's his choice. But two can play that game. I chuckled to myself.

I got out of bed and had a shower. It was a real nice feeling having the rush of hot water fall onto me. I really didn't get why I was doing this when I was going ahead with my plan at the gym later.

I got dressed and also packed my gym bag. I chose my Nike Air Max to wear. I love them.

I checked my phone one last time before I was going out the door. Still no messages. Fuck him!

I got to the surf club and made my way to Body & Soul gym. I saw Casey and Spencer in there. I walked in.

"Hey Nicole look-" Casey was talking to me.

"Hey Spencer will you be my personal trainer this afternoon?" I interrupted Casey and said to Spencer.

"Um sure." He said and brought me over to the treadmill.

I saw Casey's face drop before attending to another person.

                  -Casey P.O.V-

I can't believe she just did that. She knew it would make me jealous and it worked. Trust me it did! I attended to the customer and went back to sorting out new memberships.

We are getting a lot of new members coming in! Its great. Heath only comes here sometimes so I'm basically the only manager here.

Andy came in for his shift. "Casey what's up with you too?" He pointed towards Nicole.

"She's mad." I raised my eyes brows saying that.

"Mate, you gotta sort it. There's plenty of other fish in the sea and she won't hang on forever." He said.

"You know in a weird way you are good at giving advice. I'll sort it later. Now get to work." I said back to him.

"Yes boss." He saluted me. I just chuckled to myself.

Nicole was finishing up her session. As she was walking out I approached her.

"Nick, wait up." I called out to her.

She turned around and waited. "Will you meet me at my house at 5pm I'll explain it later." I said to her knowing nobody will be in including Kyle.

"Okay see ya." She smiled.


It's nearly five and I'm just waiting on Nicole. The door just opened but it wasn't Nicole it was Kyle.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as he entered the house.

"I live here." He answered. I walked out the door walking to Nicole's but she was just at my house door.

"Hey." I smiled while closing the door.

"Hey you gonna let me in." She chuckled.

"Um actually no can we talk at yours?" I asked her but she sighed and walked away.

Fuck I've stuffed this up. It's Kyle's fault he wasn't supposed to be here.


I just had my takeaway pizza. I was hungry and annoyed. Andy's words just came back into my head. I gotta go to the caravan park and talk to her.

I ran over there and knocked on the door. "What do you want Casey." She asked.

"I'm sorry okay?" I smiled.

"Casey it's like you just want me to be your secret. Do you not want anyone to know about us?" She asked.

"No Nicole I wanna be with you." I smiled at her.

"Than what's wrong?" She asked.

"Its just that if you saw Kyle you would want him back again because you fell for me when he was gone and now he's here I think your gonna go back with him. I don't wanna lose you Nicole." I felt like I was telling her my in securities.

"Casey that won't happen." She placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me. I kissed her back passionately. Oh how I missed her.

We pulled back after a few minutes. "If you wanna come to my house how about tomorrow?"I asked her.

"Okay." She smiled.

"Do you wanna stay over tonight?" She added.

"Okay." I smiled and we both went inside.


We have just watched a few movies mainly horror. Now we are cuddling in bed. She's actually tougher than I thought. She hardly got scared in all the movies.

She's asleep now tucked in my arms. She's beautiful to me and I'm starting to feel like I love her.

Hey guys! I updated! Yay!
Casey and Nicole are on good terms again! #NaceyForever

Love you all! X

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