Chapter 3

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                 -NICOLE'S POV-

I woke up smiling to myself. Kyle is beside me still asleep. He looks so cute. I kissed him and got up. I may aswell have a shower. I haven't had one in 3 days and I feel so sweaty.

I brought my conditioner and shampoo in with me. After I had a shower I went back in the room.

Kyle was still asleep. I don't know what time it even is? He has work so he should be getting up early so it must be super early.

I got dressed then I blow dried my hair in the bathroom because I didnt want to wake Kyle.

Kyle was sitting up on the bed when I went back in the room.

"Morning." He smiled at me.

"Morning. Sorry if I woke you Kyle."

"Not at all. I'm used to waking up early."

I wish you didn't have to work. Maybe once you might take a day off? I am your girlfriend?

"It's okay. You working long today?" I smiled.

"Yeah sorry. I'll make it up to you though I'm off at 9 I'll take you somewhere."Kyle smiled.

"Okay baby."

"I'm gonna go Brax is gonna kill me if I'm late."

He kissed my cheek and half walked/half ran out the door. I better go downstairs.

"Nicole, Is that you?" I heard someone say.

"Yeah" I replied. Then I seen Casey at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh I didn't know who it was" I laughed.

"Yeah haha. I have good news for you, you are coming to the gym with me." He smiled.

"Is that good news?" I chuckled.

"Any girl would kill to spend time with me" He said.

"Only joking haha" he added.

"I know you were haha. So when do you have to go?" I smiled.

"Well we could go now and catch a smoothie before we get there?" He suggested.

"Okay I'll just get my trainers on." I picked up my trainers and put them on my feet. I tied my laces then stood back up.

"Ready now?"

"Yeah now I am" I smiled.

We walked out the door. I love Australia! I love the weather so much!

We got to the café. He opened the door for me.

"Thank you gentleman."

"Your welcome. What do you want? I'll get it?"

"Uh I'll have a mango smootie. Thanks Case."

"No problemo. I'll get the same" He smiled.

That grin makes me smile. But Kyle's is cuter.

He came back over to the table. He handed me the smoothie.

"Thanks Case"

"You said that already" He chuckled.


I'm back at home now. I'm playing my guitar while waiting for Kyle. I was strumming to Fall by Justin Bieber.

I ain't gonna sing because I don't feel like it. Haha. I had a fun day with Casey. I basically worked out while he was working but he always came over to me because he was my 'personal trainer' even though I was capable of doing it by myself but that was his job.

I signed up for a gym membership. It didnt cost much since I got a 3 month one.

Here come Kyle now actually. He smiled.

"Hey Babe"

"Hey Kyle. Are we still going somewhere?"

"Yeah course."

He smiled. I kissed him and almost straight away he kissed back. My hands reached up to his hair and started playing with it.

His hands reached down from my waist to my bum. He picked my up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We got pretty heated for a few more minutes.

He pulled back. Our noses still touching.

"Nicole I think I'm falling for you."

"I am too. "

We both smiled and I kissed him once more.

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