Chapter 1

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The taxi went through the places that I already knew. I was looking out the car window when I felt my heart gently scream. So many memories that had burned in my soul. When Ajay suggested spending a few days in Sofia, I didn't get excited, but I accepted it. I repeated to myself that I could do it. But being here now hurts a lot.

When we entered the hotel, I collapsed inside. Through the large windows I saw the small bridge. I closed my eyes and saw how we were on it. I saw him kneel and put this ring on my finger. I opened my eyes and looked at my hand. There was. 23 diamonds ... I felt the lump in my throat that stole my breathing. With all my strength I tried to suppress my tears. I had experienced a lot in my life. But with this vacation I had lost my own battle.

»Kajol?« I shuddered to hear Ajay's voice. I looked at it

»Kajol, can we go up? Where are you with your thoughts?« I looked at my hand again and just nodded. Without looking at it, we went to our suite.

The next day, Ajay left to look at the places of his new project. With the children I stayed in our room. I didn't dare to leave her. Everything reminded me of our time together. At no time I managed to control my thoughts. It had already been several months in which we had no contact. Karan had tried to contact me several times, but I didn't want to talk to anyone about that. I made the decision and the few who knew me knew that I would carry it out.

When Ajay came into the room that night, I had already changed my clothes for lunch. We wanted to spend a nice night. When he saw me, he looked at me and stopped.

»Kajol, you look beautiful, I like it when you're natural and you're not too made up.« I smiled and approached him. Carefully, I snuggled up to him. Even he felt this uncertainty. Now we both had to achieve this new stage of our marriage. The dinner with the whole family was very nice. When the children went to the room, we decided to take a walk outdoors. Ajay took me by the hand and we left the hotel. When we approached the bridge, I began to tremble all over my body. I tried to stop him. But I couldn't do it. When Ajay stepped over the bridge, I saw myself again. I felt Shahrukh. I saw it. I listened to his words: »Kajol God willing, some day you will use my ring ...« I turned away from Ajay and looked at my hand. I had taken that damned decision ... I had taken it with conviction. But this time, I couldn't live it. As on that night, only the moon was my witness tonight. But I knew I couldn't live like this. I turned to Ajay and he just looked at me. He carefully approached me and took my hand.

»Kajol, this is not going to work like that, we have to talk ...«


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