Chapter 11

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The last night in our created world had begun. We watched the sunset and enjoyed the last moments together. I still couldn't process the last days. I had given up with heart and soul and had found the strength to be a different person. I didn't want to give up and never leave this man again. The last rays of the sun caressed our skin when my hand gently touched Shahrukh's chest. A soft groan came from his lips. I smiled at the reaction. Our bodies reacted to each other. Not only our souls ... They had also merged our hearts and bodies.

Shahrukh opened his eyes slightly and looked directly at mine. We smile and approach as in slow motion. Our lips gently formed a tender kiss ... I carefully bit his lip and immediately kissed that place again. I couldn't get enough of him. It had given my life meaning again. Lost in our kiss, we didn't realize that my mother was approaching. A slight cough made us look at her in shock and shame.

»Hello kids ...« My mother looked at us with a smile.

»Hi Mom. We don't hear you...« Shahrukh looked down shyly. Without comment, I slapped him on the shoulder. I looked at my mother and saw concern in her eyes.

»Mom, what's wrong with you? I know that look ... Why are you worried?« Tanuja looked towards the sunset and began to speak in a low voice.

»Kids, I am worried about tomorrow. We travel back. We all return to our lives. I wonder if you talked about what to do next ... «Tanuja's words hit us. Of course we had thought about it. But we didn't really have a plan. What would happen if we return? How could we look beyond? Would you now start a hide and seek game? Did we want that? My head threatened to explode under the burden of these questions. Shahrukh noticed my discomfort and tenderly kissed my forehead.

»Tanuja, Kajol and I don't know how it will continue. We only know that nothing and no one will take away this memory. We love each other and we want to go this way. But what wave of intolerance will come to us will only be seen and that is when we will respond.« I squeezed Shahrukh's hand and brought it to my lips. I covered her gently with my kisses.

When the plane landed in Mumbai, it was raining heavily. The weather had adapted to the mood. We hadn't spoken anything during the flight. We all had our own thoughts and were under tremendous stress. I wanted to be the strong one. But inside I broke, because I realized that our paths would separate in a few moments. I looked out the window and saw that our cars were already waiting. I looked at Shahrukh with fear and sadness. Carefully, he gently stroked a strand of hair from my face and hugged me. His heart raced as he kissed my cheek tenderly.

»Baby please don't worry. We will find our way. Together against the rest of the world ... «His words were full of strength, but his eyes were full of tears. He was also scared with fear of tomorrow. Afraid of losing everything and being a nobody ... I nodded bravely and took my bag. When I was about to leave the door, he held my hand firmly. I turned around and couldn't react anymore. He squeezed me hard and kissed me passionately. I opened my eyes cautiously and saw that everyone looked shy. Shahrukh approached my ear and whispered ...

»Baby wherever you are ... Close your eyes and listen to your heart. It will always show you the way. Our love will guide us. Never doubt my love for you, because you are my life. He took my hand and looked at my ring. You see it ... Every time you carry it, you carry my heart in your hands. Baby, we can do it and we will make it. «I sighed deeply to answer him, but Shahrukh put on his glasses and left without looking back. Tanuja and I looked at each other and my mother squeezed my hand. In a stronger voice, he said decisively.

»Let's start fighting, because only he is worthy ...« Together we leave the plane and the airport.

After leaving Tanuja at home, my driver took me. The closer we get to my house, the more my heart beat. I didn't know what was waiting for me. I really wanted to see my children, but I also knew that my husband was waiting for me ...

The heavy doors opened and we drove down the driveway. It was a moonless night in Mumbai and only a few lamps on our way illuminated the entrance. I got out of the car and took my bag. I climbed the stairs to our front door when I noticed that there was no light inside. I thought it was very strange. Shouldn't Jay be home? I opened the door carefully and stepped inside.

The house was in silence. I looked around and tried to get used to the darkness. My eyes became more and more accustomed, so I took a few steps towards the hall. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed me and threw me against the wall. I could not react fast enough. But I knew who it was. He had been drinking ... This unpleasant smell of whiskey and cigar smoke was incomparable. I put my rigid body when I noticed that it was getting closer and closer and his lips touched my ear

»Welcome to reality Mrs. Devgan«

Life is only a dream when we hear the voice of our heart

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