Chapter 13

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The morning in Mumbai was rainy and dark when I opened my eyes after a restless night. He had not been able to sleep after what had happened yesterday. Ajay had left the house furiously and had not contacted me again. I sat on the edge of the bed looking at the bay. Why did I feel this great guilt when deep in me I knew I had made the right decision? My eyes were lost in the immensity of my thoughts ... Suddenly, all the doors had opened, and life gave me a chance to change my life. But right then I felt overwhelmed with so much freedom.

Again, and again I looked at my phone, but Kajol had not answered. He walked around the house and found no rest. I inexplicably felt it. I felt a pain that I could not describe. I could not wait any longer. I had to do something. I resolutely took my keys and left the house. I got in my car and left by our rear exit. I didn't need paparazzi now. I felt that Kajol needed me. I lost sight of the streets as if something were guiding me. I could only think of her. He kept trying to call her, but she didn't answer.

When the doorbell rang, I was scared. Had Ajay returned? What would you expect me now? I quickly dressed and tied my hair in a braid. I left my room immediately and went downstairs. In the last steps I could already hear his voice. The beating of my heart accelerated. Shahrukh had felt that I needed him right now.

»Kajol! «

Shahrukh immediately ran towards me and hugged me still standing on the stairs. I felt his relief. Our hearts began to beat at the same rate. As if our souls had been called. He released me and looked at me with concern ...

»Kajol? How are you? I was very worried. I certainly called a thousand times ... «

Without answering, I looked deeply into his eyes and tenderly removed his hair from his face. What did I deserve this luck with? Here was a man who loved me so much that he would sacrifice himself. Without speaking to him, I kissed him tenderly. I gently wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him towards me. I needed this heat to calm my thoughts. Shahrukh kissed me back with tenderness.

After a quiet day we spent together, the night fell on Mumbai. Shahrukh had told me about his plans and we had discussed some things about how we should continue. I did not want and could not leave it. He had longed for this moment decades. I had given up and suffered for something that was not returned to me. We lay down comfortably and curled up on the big sofa. He had taken a book and Shahrukh was playing with the tablet. Writing emails and looking at several business documents.

When suddenly we heard a key in the door. We both jumped in shock. Shahrukh looked at me with concern. We both knew who was standing at the door. Without saying a word, Shahrukh tenderly took my hand and squeezed it. He wanted to give me security and strength to survive the next moments. The door opened in slow motion and Ajay entered the house ...

The world stopped for a moment when our eyes met in the great hall. Shahrukh squeezed my hand a little harder. He wanted me to feel that he would always be behind me. Ajay clenched his fist in anger. His eyes darkened and he could feel the tense situation in every fiber of his body.

»Why isn't it surprising to see Mr. Khan here? «

Ajay's voice was threatening. But I couldn't and didn't want to justify myself anymore. I released Shahrukh's hand and took a step toward him.

»Ajay, what do you want here? Didn't I tell you everything yesterday? Don't explain me well? «

To demonstrate my determination, I put my hands on my waist. I wanted to look strong. Under no circumstances where I allowed to show my fear.

»It was clear that Mr. Khan got into our bed as soon as I left our house. My site wasn't even cold when you received a new one. «

»Ajay, shut up. I don't have to justify myself. But for your information ... Shahrukh arrived this morning. Unlike you, I spent the night alone. I don't have to take anyone to bed. I don't need any of that, Mr. Devgan. «

Shahrukh took another step and put his hand on my shoulder. It gave me the strength I needed now. Ajay threw his key in the corner and approached us. Shahrukh now separated from me and got in the way of Ajay.

» What do you want? Kajol didn't tell you what to do? «

Ajay stopped right in front of Shahrukh without taking his eyes off him. My heart was beating so hard that I thought I was going to pass out at any moment. I still remembered what had happened the last time they had a meeting. I had to stop this immediately. I pushed them away with all my strength and stood in front of Shahrukh.

»I will say it for the last time, and I hope you finally understand. Leave the house Mr. Devgan ... but above all, leave my life!! «

Ajay looked at me in anger. But I had found my strength. They would never send me again ...

» Ok I'll go. I will leave the house ... But Kajol, your life is mine and you will be in my arms again. I swear... «

Ajay turned and walked slowly towards the door ...

»I will destroy Shahrukh and banish him from your life. Forever! «

Shahrukh took my hand again and put the other on my waist. Tears formed in my eyes threatening to fall. I took another deep breath to answer him, but Shahrukh didn't allow it ...

»Mr. Devgan think every step carefully. You don't know who you want to mess with here. So, think carefully about what you are doing. «

Shahrukh paused ... swallowed and looked at the floor for a moment ...

»If something happens to us or I only see the intention in you ... the world will know the full truth, Mr. Devgan. And then we'll see who has already put someone in their bed. It's not like that? «

Shahrukh looked up when Ajay turned around. His looks cold and full of anger.

»Greetings to Ileana. «

Ajay unanswered, but with a bang he left the house.

I want tomorrow to surprise me without having an answer, to questions, what I ask myself

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I want tomorrow to surprise me without having an answer, to questions, what I ask myself

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