Chapter 9

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The days passed, but I disputed with my decision. Karan and Shahrukh had completely retreated. I tried calling them several times because I felt lonely. There had never been such a thing in our friendship. During this time, I tried to prepare myself for the new role. I also retired completely from the public, because I wanted to avoid being met by one of the two. I knew that this time I had made a wrong decision because I had decided not only against paper, but against our friendship.

After a few weeks, Aamir came to our house to rehearse the first scrolls of text. After many laughs and many samples, I handled it better and better. I managed to play that role but not to feel it. Again and again I stopped to try again. I could read my text, but I didn't feel it. Annoyed, I got up and left the house. I had to find myself. Had to go out. Without a clear thought, let me take you to Karan's house .. I don't know what I was thinking at that moment ... But now I needed him by my side.

My heart was pounding when we entered the garage and I left the vehicle. Would he open? Would he forgive me? I called and my nervousness got worse. When the door opened, surprised eyes looked at me.

»Kajol?« Karan looked incredulous. But deep in his eyes I saw a small flash, I knew. I knew he had missed me too. Without answer, I fell into his arms. For a few minutes we stayed there, without saying anything and at the same time we told each other everything.

Karan took my hand and led me into the living room. I shuddered, knowing that I had to admit for the first time that I had done something wrong. If he didn't, he would always be among us.

»Karan ...« Karan stopped and looked at me

»Karan, I'm so sorry. I made a mistake. I didn't mean ...« Karan put his finger on my lips ...

»Shhhh Kajol. You don't have to explain yourself. I understand your decision. I understood it the first day. This film would have been your opportunity and at the same time your fall. Everyone would have immediately noticed. But the Time isn't yet ripe for this.« Karan hugged me tightly and I closed my eyes. Yes, he had understood it and I understood that Karan had written this film to give us this opportunity. But he was absolutely right. The moment wasn't right for such a step. I opened my eyes and took a step back. Without looking at it, I asked him.

»Karan?« He had already read my thoughts.

»Your decision has hurt Shahrukh a lot. He is defiant and doesn't want to take a step towards you. Kajol he just needs a little more time. I know he misses you and suffers, but now you must leave him alone.« Karan's words hurt because I felt his pain. Tears formed in my eyes, which I carefully wiped with my hand.

»Karan, please believe me, I never wanted to hurt him like that. I lo ... « Scared of myself, my voice faltered.

»Because you love him ...« With these words and eyes filled with tears we fell into each other's arms. It wasn't necessary to discuss it, because everything was said.

After we calmed down, we left that night. Karan had invited me to a small restaurant. That was exactly what I needed so much. A friend by my side. Of course, we talk about his film and my project. We joked, we laughed and spent a few hours our hearts had craved so much. When Karan took me home, he got nervous. Again and again he looked at his phone and looked for something.

»Karan? What are you looking for?« But Karan didn't answer.

»Stop Karan, what the hell are you looking for?« Through my loud voice, Karan looked at me.

»Kajol, I have an idea and I want to show you« Karan gave me a song that I liked. I understood that it had to be the music of the film.

»Karan, that's wonderful. I like it«

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