Chapter 21

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I dropped the phone and my gaze was lost on a moonless night. With immense pain in my heart my thoughts were on Kajol. What should I do? Kajol needed me, but she had rejected me in her life. She had clearly told me not to return. Again, I looked at the phone and wondered if I should call ...



Falling I hit my shoulder hard on the floor listening to how my bone had broken. Immediately the pain spread over my entire body and caused me to scream trying to hold it is immense pain. The people around me quickly approached.

»Shahrukh? «

Everyone was screaming wildly as I writhed on the floor in pain.

»Damn, call a doctor. I broke my shoulder! «

My voice was fighting for the strength that robbed me of this pain. I could not take it anymore.

»Shahrukh here take the ice pack." He will help you. «

But I did not want the damn ice. What I needed was a doctor. I got up with my last strength, grabbed my belt and put it around my head to steady my arm. I looked around at the concerned faces.

»What are you waiting for? Until the doctor is here, we can make a few more adjustments. Don't you understand how much a day of filming costs? This is not a game! «

They all looked at me confused. No one wanted to understand my words because they did not feel the pressure that I felt having a HIT again. Neither dared to contradict me so that everyone would return to their place and we could still do some scenes.

At night when I entered the hospital, the pain was excruciating. I could barely breathe and the swelling pressed against the splintered joint. Pooja had accompanied me and was sitting with me when the doctor informed me that I needed to have an operation as soon as possible. I looked at her and she immediately understood my gaze.

»Don't worry, Shahrukh, I'll take care of everything immediately. «

Pooja got up to leave the treatment room, but I held her arm ...

»Pooja, please call Kajol and tell her what happened. I need her here! «

With a quick shake of her head, she left the room, leaving me in great pain.


Karan had taken me to the doctor. I had no strength to resist. Resting my head against the glass I felt Karan caress my hand repeatedly. What had I done wrong in my life to see myself in such a situation now? I felt punished without knowing why ... Fear spread through my body.

»Come here, Kads. I am sure you will receive the best help and we can return home tonight. «

Karan took my head over his shoulder and carefully stroked my hair. I wanted to believe his words knowing that it was not going to happen. I did not understand my body, but I did know that I didn't have just a cold.

The doctor looked me up and down and took blood. All investigations were completed when I was taken to a separate room. We should wait for the results to be available. The waiting time had begun, and my insecurity was growing.


The day started with soft rays of sunlight. He was still standing at the window, thinking about what he could do. Kajol was my life ... the word love did not even express what I felt for this woman. Did I have to think about everything? Why was this decision costing me so much? It was Kajol! Why did I keep thinking and not make the decision to go?

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