Chapter 22

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After the call, I arranged everything and went straight back to Mumbai. I had to help him in this situation. He expected me and needed me. No one could understand my decision, but I had to follow the voice of my heart.

With the first rays of the sun we arrived at the Mumbai airport. I was worried because I knew him. Not being able to work would be incredibly stressful for him. With a loud thud, I realized that we had landed. I gathered my things and looked out the small window looking for my car. Currently, I did not need hidden photographers. Everything had to be done in silence and secrecy.

I got off the plane and went straight to the hospital. My emotion mixed with my concerns. I loved this man so much that I could not bear it if something happened to him.

After a while we reached the big building, but it was late... hundreds of people were waiting for their King Khan and Shahrukh with their arm in plaster looking for a way to get to their car. He looked tired and sore. For a moment I thought about getting down and helping him, but just then I saw how she appeared behind him. There it was ... Gauri!

What had I done? I had canceled my vacation ... left my family to help a friend. I had reversed this decision and was now caught up in reality. Such a harsh reality. Shahrukh had his wife ... for whom he always went through fire. Obviously, she was here right now.

»Please take me home«

Passing next to her car the tears slipped on my face. The truth was that I would never play the first violin in this sad musical.


Hours had passed since that call. I had changed and was having breakfast. I was still fighting with myself. Should I go back to Mumbai? What would I do if Kajol refused to see me? Could I face a second rejection? Not know what to do. I closed my eyes and saw her in front of me. Her eyes sparkled ... her hair fluttered in the wind and her smile warmed my soul. A woman who was in this world to save me. To give me the strength to achieve all the goals and not get lost in such dark moments. She was my anchor in times of storm and my sun when my soul was crying. She was Kajol ...

I shook myself and jumped out of my chair. Kajol needed me. She was the reason for every sigh and every beat of my heart ...

I ran into the room screaming over and over "pack my things, we're back to Mumbai today!"

Pooja looked at me in shock.

»Shahrukh, how do you imagine that? You have appointments, you have obligations that you have ... «

I stopped abruptly and turned to look at her ...

» Pooja, I only have one obligation in life ... to love Kajol and be there when she needs me!«

Pooja nodded smiling. She said nothing more and arranged everything so that I could return and be with Kajol in a few hours.



I carefully took my green sari and changed for the party. I had thought a lot. I had long considered whether to go to his celebration, but that morning's sting was too deep. I was hurt. Of course, I knew Shahrukh had his wife, but seeing him with her in that situation just hurt.

I looked at myself in the mirror and liked what I saw. I knew there would be many photographers there who would immediately send the photos to everyone. It would be my revenge to know that she would see those photos. The move with Kangana would not work ... I had closed with that topic. Unfortunately, I knew what I had in my house. For this reason, I knew that he would spend that night between his people and his wife, but ... without his friends!


I looked at the doctor while he reviewed my records. He scratched his head and looked at me. I was nervous because I already hoped I could not go home today. Karan took my hand and squeezed it gently. I could not wait any longer ...

»OK, doctor, tell me what's wrong! «

The doctor looked at me, surprised once again flipping through the documents.

»Mrs. Devgan, we've done several analyzes. There is nothing to worry about in your blood. Its values ​​are all in the norm. And we could not see anything in the pictures of her torso. «

Karan looked at me with a smile.

»You see Kajol!" There is nothing to worry about«

But Karan's words bounced off me. I felt that something was wrong. I could not imagine all the symptoms.

»If everything looks so good, doctor, what's wrong with me? «

My voice sounded broken. I had no strength left ...

The doctor looked at me and looked at my medical history again when he began to speak quietly.

»Mrs. Devgan. We have reviewed everything to classify its symptoms and we found something ... «


During the flight I tried to relax a little, but my thoughts kept going around Kajol. I felt her fear and her struggle. I was worried. If possible, I would move heaven and earth to help her. Just thinking about a life without it darkened my mind causing a scream in my heart. I looked out the window and saw the horizon. Everything seemed so calm and peaceful that for a moment I let myself forget how tense I felt.

Over and over I checked my phone, waiting for Karan to inform me, but nothing came. Looking at my emails I saw one that caught my attention. I opened it and could not believe what I was seeing

» Pooja come quickly ... check this out! «

My voice sounded shrill. Pooja came over and looked at my phone.

»But that's ... No, it cannot be! «

We looked at each other and looked at the phone again.

»Shahrukh that would mean ... No ... I cannot imagine that! «

My gaze on the phone listened to her words, but I did not respond. Now I understood some things swearing to fix it, but not now and not today. I closed the phone and looked at the horizon again whispering ...

»Hold on a little longer Kadz ... I am on my way to help as needed. «


I got up. The tension in this room was tearing apart. It was time to hear the truth. While the night had started and we were hours ago waiting for the results, I could no longer bear this.

»Doctor, tell me now! what did you find? «

I had said these words with my last strength. Tears filled my eyes and fear closed my throat.

»Sorry, Mrs. Devgan, but it seems we still have some research to do. It would be best to stay here tonight! «

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