Chapter 14

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I listened to everything and turned around. I needed a moment for me. It could work? It had taken weeks for this plan and now we were about to implement it. Would everything work that way? Would we be exposed? I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and turned.

»Exactly so we are going to do it. Follow the plan and start preparations «

I couldn't help smiling a little. It was perfect and nobody would suspect it.

After every week we had come to have a certain routine in our lives. We still had to be careful, but it was an unspoken secret in Bollywood. But nobody dared to address this issue or publish images. We had found our place. Now we lived the life we ​​always wanted and yearned for.

New projects kept coming. But for a while we just wanted to enjoy our union. This is how we lived the days and only dedicated ourselves to projects that were close to our hearts. Here a gala or there a charity event. The days passed and we felt more and more secure in our role as a couple. The children had become accustomed to the new situation and even Ajay adapted to their times. Everything seemed to be perfect. But I forgot that our lives were always written by destiny.

The phone rang and Shahrukh looked at the screen.

»Uff this number again ... What do you want? «

I looked at Shahrukh questioningly ...

» What number? Why don't you answer it? And who is it? «

Shahrukh ignored what I had said and put his phone back in his pocket. Something was bothering me. I couldn't explain it at that moment, but I felt something was wrong. Shahrukh looked at his watch and suggested eating something. I looked at myself and smiled slyly ...

»Hmmmm, I would definitely look good in the restaurant with these underwear ...«

Shahrukh looked at me laughing and threw me a pillow

»I would like to ... But I wouldn't mind the food ...«

He jumped in front of me and pulled me by the hip. I felt his breath on my face which felt like a feather stroking my face. I gently ran my hand through his hair and closed my eyes. His lips touched my forehead and formed a kiss. I loved his way of telling me that he loves me. We did not have to say it a thousand times a day. I felt it with every touch, with every kiss and with every look. I knew this man loved me from the bottom of his heart.

Shahrukh took my face in his hands and brought it to us so that we melted in an endless kiss.

After dinner we leave the restaurant and head to an abandoned bay. We wanted to take a few steps without discomfort and enjoy the wonderful sunset. The last rays of the sun warmed us before the night fell on Mumbai. Shahrukh put his arm around my shoulder and my head leaned against his. The sound of the waves masks the noise of the metropolis of Mumbai. Shahrukh's phone rang again. Several times in the afternoon it had sounded.

But every time I kept it again. I looked annoyed, but this time it was going to be different. I grabbed his phone and opened the conversation ...

»JI! «

On the other side of the line I heard a startled voice.

»Am I fine to speak with Mr. Khan? «

I responded with a happy smile

» Yes, it is! How can I help you?«

For a moment the voice did not respond. I felt his insecurity. I looked briefly to the side and saw that Shahrukh had lit a cigarette and was staring at the horizon. There it was again. The feeling that something was wrong here ... I had to know what was happening right now.

»Listen, I don't have time or desire to wait for your response. Or tell me what they want from Shahrukh or hang up and block their number. «

After a moment I heard the voice.

»No, please do not hang up. I just call to ask if Mr. Khan has already made his decision. «

I looked at Shahrukh, surprised. What decision should Shahrukh make? What were we talking about here?

»I don't know what they are talking about. I think you better try again in the morning. «

Without waiting for an answer, I finished the conversation and immediately turned to Shahrukh. He did not look at me. His gaze on the horizon asked softly.

»What did you say? «

I turned it towards me and looked at it questioningly.

»Shahrukh, please explain who he was and what decision he wants from you! «

But Shahrukh was writhing and not responding. With a trembling voice I got stronger

»Shahrukh damn it, who was it? «

Shahrukh looked at me and started silently.

»Kajol, is an agent who made me an offer ...«

I breathed relief.

»OKAY. And what's wrong that you can't talk to me? «

Shahrukh was still looking at me

»Kajol, the project is not here ... The project would be in the United States«

I smiled softly and tenderly stroked his face.

»Shahrukh please. Don't you think I could do without you for two or three months? «

But instead of answering me, he removed my hand from my face and his eyes darkened.

»Kajol, we are talking about a period of approximately two years! «

A decision must always be made with the heart respecting the feelings of the person you love most ...

A decision must always be made with the heart respecting the feelings of the person you love most

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