Chapter 6

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Caressing his skin overflowed the most flaming fire in my being while at sea. With each part of my body and soul I surrendered to the one I loved the most. My hands were buried in his hair while Shahrukh carefully opened my bikini. As in slow motion the top fell into the water. His hands tenderly took my face and pulled her close. Our lips touched carefully but passionately. How much I had missed feeling coveted. This man made me feel perfect and unique. I tenderly caressed his muscular back while our kisses became more intense and our tongues danced at the same touch. Shahrukh kissed my eyelids and cheeks. His tongue searched carefully for the path to my neck. I put my head back and enjoyed his touch completely. I felt his hands everywhere. They touched me like two delicate feathers. I gently moaned with each touch, because desire burned in me.

From Shahrukh's point of view

Listen to her shudder in the middle of the sea, see every expression of passion on her face until she gently kissed her neck and I began to rub her breasts with my hands. I loved this woman. Her body was a gift from God. It burned under my hands and my touches. The water had formed small crystals of salt on her skin, which shone with every ray of the sun. Her wet skin glowed honey brown and felt like the purest silk. At each touch I heard her moan softly. His body was writhing so she showed me exactly what I had to do. I kissed her breasts, caressed them and played with my tongue softly until I heard her reach the climax with my bites, there was no one around us to interrupt this act of lust. I made it my and the waves were my accomplices, every moan of it was lost in the sound of the waves. Nobody alone our souls devoured each other. Kajol's hands pressed my head harder against his body. It was as if she needed these kisses. I looked up briefly and enjoyed the view. Kajol closed his eyes and breathed deeply and quickly, with her gesture etched in my memory, I took it by the hips and squeezed it so that our hips could move at the same pace. With every movement of course I now felt my immense lust.

From Kajol's point of view

To feel his virility in each strong touch, in each outburst of my body exploded with force those emotions that I expected so much. She was shaken to the last fiber of her body. I moved my hip gently so I could gently rub against his. I kissed his chest and bit him carefully. Shahrukh moaned under my touch. His gaze never left each of my gestures. I enjoyed his burning sensation inside me. My hands touched his chest with tenderness but demanding. This man let me feel things that I had never felt before. He threatened to explode with pleasure. I wanted more, so I gave him a quick questioning look ...

»Kajol?« But I didn't answer. Just raise one eyebrow. He understood it immediately and in one strong feeling we wanted to burst with pleasure ...

»Oh!« ... A more moan escaped from Shahrukh of course we did not want to leave here. We both look around us. But there was no one to see, so we kissed again and immediately forgot about the world around us. Only we and our immeasurable passion exist.

Shahrukh's hands knew perfectly the way to my bikini. His fingers moved gently along the edge that went lower and lower, each touch burning in my skin. They firmly addressed my thighs while their kisses covered my breasts down to my abdomen. My hands kept reaching for his hair and guiding his head.

From Shahrukh's point of view

I gently touched her thighs and kissed every inch of her skin. I controlled my desire, but in the meantime I had reached a point where I couldn't longer bear it. With a jerk I lifted Kajol to my lap. Carefully drop it a little. He clung so hard to me that I felt every beat of his heart pressed against my chest. My hands gripped her buttocks firmly and lifted her up and lowered her to the same rhythm as our hips. We surrender to passion and enjoy every moment of this ardent desire. Our kisses became more intimate and demanding. Again and again the waves broke in our bodies. But we didn't care. We were trapped in a world of passion and lust. Kajol moved his pelvis against mine so that I could go deeper and deeper. Our moans grew louder and drowned out the sound of the sea. We both had lost control of our bodies. I kissed her and I got lost with her lips sucking mine. Her moan inspired me to continue and not stop pleasing ...

From Kajol's point of view

Shahrukh grabbed my hair and pulled my face towards him. I kissed him and bit his lip hard. The last blow freed us both from this passionate fire. At the same time, we reach the absolute climax. Our heart threatened to collapse when Shahrukh cautiously lowered me and hugged me tightly. I tried to control my pulse slowly. I put my face tenderly on his chest and gently stroked his back, I felt the most loved and pleased woman on the planet, without saying more, enjoy our embrace, to be in his arms and feel protected.

When we returned to be owners of our bodies and thoughts, I looked at him smiling. I still had my eyes closed. I still enjoyed the unique moment. But he had felt my gaze and he carefully opened his eyes. We do not speak at this time. We only look each other in the eyes. Shahrukh bowed a little and kissed my forehead tenderly. Again I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest. For me, time could have stopped. I was infinitely happy.

But just then it started to rain a lot. We look at each other laughing.

»If nobody bothers us, then nature begins to play« Shahrukh laughed aloud. He was right. But why would the rain bother us? We stay in the water. I kissed him and watched the drops drip down his beautiful face. Shahrukh gently stroked some of the wicks on my face and I looked at him lovingly.

»Kajol, you are beautiful ... With nothing and nobody can I compare you. You are unique ... I love you, my love «. His words made my heart jump and I hugged him tightly.

»Shahrukh, I love you,« I whispered, the words on his chest. They should go directly to your heart. A firm embrace of Shahrukh indicated that they had reached it.

The rain grew stronger and I started to feel cold. I wanted to get out of the water.

»Shahrukh let's get out of the water. I'm freezing and the rain is getting stronger. We're going to get sick. « But Shahrukh just looked at me. I took his hand and gently pulled him behind me. But with a jerk he stopped. I turned to look at him questioningly.

»Shahrukh?« I moved and gently pulled her hand again, but Shahrukh didn't move. By now the sky had closed completely and the rain became stronger and stronger. Not only was I cold, but fear was spreading in me. I didn't like this climate. And we were still standing naked in the water. Something more demanding, I said now.

»Shahrukh, are you coming please? I want to go out I'm cold and I'm afraid to be here with this weather. It makes me feel uncomfortable.« Shahrukh looked at me first and then looked at the sky.

»Did you also feel uncomfortable when Aamir kissed you in the rain?«


Jealousy is always a doubt about yourself.

I hope you enjoyed it and continue to accompany me in this great story.

I wish all mothers of this world a Happy Mother's Day, because you are the best.

See you next time

See you next time

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