Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

        Eileen's POV-

We went on a ride around the lake on the bikes and it was beautiful.  On our way back Danielle stopped in front of the house where we saw all the guys earlier and they still weren't back I knew she really wanted to see them because she thought it was Taylor she heard earlier but i hardly doubt it.  I stayed behind a little and when everyone got far enough ahead i wrote a note saying there was a party at the camp to night and they should stop over.  After i left the note i caught back up with the girls we finally were back to the camp and we started bringing the wood down to the fire pit for tonight and then went and changed. 

        Sam's POV-

When we got back we were taking the woood down to the fire pit on the way down the hill i stopped by Eileen and asked her what she was doing earlier.  "Hey Eileen where did you go earlier when we were on the bikes?" I asked " I left a note and the guys house to come over later because I know Danielle wanted to meet him" She said " Good Idea!!" as we were walking down the hill our phones buzzed Mariah was down stacking the wood with Danielle so we stopped and looked at our phones it was Diana she had just landed. 

        Mariah's POV-

I was down by the fire pit with Danielle helping her stacl the wood up for tonight and i saw Eileen and Sam talking so i went to text them.  Before i got to our chat my phone went off it was Diana telling us that she just landed and was going to get her bags and then she would be on her way here.  I smiled cause I knew she wanted her to come with us this summer.  Danielle noticed "Why are youu smiling so much Mariah??" she asked me with a smirk on her face "What's his name?" i laughed at her "It's not a guy calm down now let's go get ready!" She shook her head and walked up to Eileen and Sam. Wow that was close i thought.

        Danielle's POV-

Mariah was helping me with the wood by the fire pit while Eileen and Sam were talking. I wonder what they were talking about. I just shrugged iit off and turned back to mariah and she was smiling at her phone i laughed at her and then smiled "Why are you smiling? What's his name??" I asked she laughed and said "It's not a boy now let's go get ready!" I was so excited for tonight!! We finished stacking the wood and walked up to Eileen and Sam who were still talking when i got up to them they stopped talking and just looked at me.  "What's up guys?" "Um n-nothing we were just talking about how much fun we are gonna have tonight!!" said Eileen.  I knew something was up but we were gonna have fun tonight so i let it slide.  We went inside and got ready for tonight!! We got done i straightened my hair and threw on a nice pair of jean shorts and my faviorte sweatshirt cause it was a little cold outside.  The girls looked so pretty as usual! We headed down stairs and they started the fire while i threw some burgers on the grill and everyone started showing up and i went around and introduced the girls to everyonne so they knew some people around here.  Then I got a text from Diana asking if i was ready for my surprised. once again i asked if i should be scared and she said no.  I asked her what i was and she said turn around i was really confused but i turned around anyway.  I was so shocked!!

        Diana's POV-

I got off the plane grabbed my bags and hopped into my rental car and headed towards Danielle's camp. I was so excited to surprise her!! I stopped at the store on my way to grab a few things and i was off! I was at the top of her drive way and started texting the girls to tell them i was here they said that she was outsiide by the fire. I told them i would be down in a few mins and they said bye.  They were having like a neon glow party they had a bunch of glow sticks and necklaces and just about everything that glows in the dark LOL.  I texted Danielle as i started walking down the hill i could see her talking to someone laughing. (Our Convo Da-Danielle Di-Diana)


Da- Should i be scared???

Di- No LOL

Da- Ok. What's the surprise??? ;)

Di- Turn around!!


I could see her looking at her phone confused and started laughing



She sent that right before she turrned around. 


She looked shocked and then she smiled and ran to me i thought she was gonna knock me over!! we hugged and laughed and Eileen, Mariah, & Sam came up behind her and we all got into a group hug and started screaming and everyone turned and looked at us and we bursted out in laughter! My plan worked i surprised Danielle and even better i get to stay for the whole summer!!! Time to party!!!!

        Danielle's POV-

I turned around and Diana was standing there smiling i was in shock i thought she couldn't come i was so excited that she was here I had finally met all my best friends the girls are all together  I was so happy we all walked down to the patio and got out the neon paint i put some on my white jean shorts and on my face and the girls put some on and we walked over to the sterio and blasted the music up andd i turned on the black light so we could see all the paint Eileen came up and splashed me with some neon pink paint and so we all started throwing paint at each other.  We had an amazing night with all the neighbors we sat around the fire roasting marshmallows telling stories singing songs around 12am we finally decided to call iit a night well the neighbors did anyways.  We put out the fire and went inside I showed Diana her room so she could unpack and we all took showers to get the paint off of us and got changed and gathered in the movie room with popcorn, cookies, and slushies to watch a bunch of movies and hangout together! I love having my girls here with me I seriously don't know what i would do without them!!

Ok here's another update triple update today this one isn't as long but i'll update again tomorrow Goodnight everyone XOXO

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