Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

Austin POV-

I woke up with someone in my arms and I remembered I stayed with Mariah last night. She is so amazing, she's beautiful, talented, and so sweet. I'm going to ask her out on a date today and surprise her. We have gotten to know each other pretty well. She told me all about her childhood growing up and what she does now. I just live being around her. if she agrees to go on a date with me in think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend! I just care about her so much. Diana and Cam weren't in the room anymore so they must have left and Sam and Eileen were still asleep on the other side of the room. Mariah started to move so I sat up and smiled at her and she started blushing. "Good morning beautiful" I told her "mmhm" she responded as she barried her Head in my chest "what?" I asked her, your morning voice" she blushed again. so to tease her I kept talking. "so how did you sleep?" I asked "good! how about you?" she asked "fantastic!" I said and wrapped her up in my arms. "I have a question for you though" I told her, "ok what is it?" she asked kinda nervously "well I was wondering if maybe,

Mariah will you go on a date with me tonight?". I asked her. her eyes lit up and a huge smile grew on her face while she looked shocked at the same time. "of course I will Austin. I would love to go on a date with you!" she replied kissing my cheek. "Great! but one more thing you missed." and I leaned in and kissed her and she kissed back. I think I'm falling in love with her.

Eileen's POV-

The concert was so amazing I had so much fun! I got to meet all the girls from Fifth Harmony and I ten got all of their numbers so I can talk to them all the time. I also got to meet The Vamps and Austin of course it was the best night ever! While Shawn was performing I saw him staring at Danielle and she was blushing of course. Once Shawn was done it was time for The Vamps to come on. while they were performing the pointed at us a couple of times and Bradley winked at all 5 of us. Up next was Fifth Harmony and they rocked the stage like a true boss and they waved to me. The final performance was of course Austin! Austin never disappoints with a show ever but, he didn't disappoint Mariah especially tonight because they chose her to be U Girl!!! I was so happy for her because I know how badly she has wanted that and she tried so hard I'm so glad they chose her!! After he finished performing we all went back stage and as soon as we got back there we found Austin and Mariah talking and Diana and Cam took off somewhere. We all stayed and talked for a while until we decided to go out to eat. So we went to a nice little restaurant downtown and after we stopped and got frozen yogurt and then went back to the hotel. When we got back there we found Diana and Cam all snuggled up in one of the beds in our room so we went over to the guys room. We ended up watching "Endless Love" and Austin and Mariah cuddled up together and so did Danielle and Shawn. In the middle of the movie Austin got up and carried Mariah out and said he was taking her to bed. After the movie was over I was so tired I went back to the room and went to bed and so did Sam. Shawn and Danielle were still up so they decided to watch another movie. As soon as I laid down I fell asleep.

Cam's POV-

Last night was perfect I got to cuddle with Diana and this morning when we woke up she agreed to giving "us" a shot I was so happy!! I know it might be hard with long distance and everything but I just like her so much I think I might actually love her. Yes it maybe a little soon but love works in mysterious ways sometimes. after she finally agreed we decided instead of going out we would just have a lazy day. Diana still had to tell the girls that she was leaving. they're all saying for the rest of the weekend and going back Monday afternoon little did they know that Monday afternoon Diana was flying home. I didn't want her to leave but she had to. That doesn't mean we have to be apart though I think I'm going to surprise her once Shawn and I meet up with all the guys and everything! I was pulled out of my thoughts by Diana "Hey Cam do you want to go downstairs and get something to eat they have a breakfast buffet" she asked "yeah sure I'm starving!" I told her " Me too! let's go!" so we went downstairs and got some breakfast and sat down by the window looking out at the view. The city was so pretty. Diana looked lost in her thoughts and then I saw a couple tears run down her face I went over to her and picked her up. carried her back up to the room and I rocked her in my arms as we were sitting on the bed. "I don't want to leave Cam. I don't want to leave the girls and mostly I don't want to leave you." she said crying. Right then Shawn and Danielle woke up and saw what was going on. Danielle came running over to Diana and I and asked me what was wrong as she rubbed Diana's back. Diana took her head out of my chest when she heard Danielle and she jumped into her arms and hugged her very tightly. "What's going on guys?" she asked again. Diana broke away from the hug and said "I have some bad news." she told Danielle "What is it?" Danielle asked nervously Shawn came over by her and wrapped his arms around her waist rubbing circles in her back. "I-I h-ha-have to l-Lea-Leave my mom called and told me I have to come back I'm so sorry. I wanted to spend the whole summer with you guys. I don't want to leave." by then both of the girls were crying so hard I was hugging Diana while Shawn was trying to calm Danielle down. finally when they both stopped crying Danielle asked when she had to leave and Diana told her and the both hugged each other and cried in each other's shoulders "I'm going to miss you so so so so much promise me we can video chat this summer?" Danielle asked "I'm going to miss you more and of course we can video chat whenever you want!" Dina replied. "ok let's stop crying and enjoy our few days left ok?" I asked Danielle and Diana they nodded and we all say down on the beds and decided to watch movies all day after our 4th movie we all got hungry so we decided to go out to eat.

Diana's POV-

Danielle and I were both crying after I told her that I was leaving. Cam wrapped me up in his arms and rocked me back and forth I was so happy to have him I love him so much! we all decided to watch movies all day and after the 4th movie Cam asked if we all wanted to go out to dinner and we all said yes. he said that he would go tell the girls and Austin while we get ready so we did just that. about 15 mins later all 8 of us were in the limo on our way to a nice little diner a couple blocks down from the hotel. Cam held my hand the entire time and we were the last to get out of the limo. when we got out he shut the door and spun me around and kissed me and I of course kissed back. after that we walked in and we all got seated and ordered our food. while we were waiting we were just talking about our summer and everything and I forgot I haven't told the rest of the girls yet so I knew I had to tell them. "hey guys?" everyone stopped their small convos and looked at me "I have some bad news to tell you." I said shakily Cam then grabbed my hand under the table as rubbed circles with his thumb on the back if my hand which calmed me down some. "I have to leave on Monday I can't stand my mom called and said I have to come back I'm so sorry guys I really wanted to spend the summer with all of you I really wish I didn't have to go" I said with tears threatening to spill out. all of the girls and I stood up and got into a huge group hug. "we are gonna miss you so much" all the girls said. "I'm gonna miss you guys more. if I can I'll try and come back out sometime this summer I'll see what I can do." they all nodded and went back to their seats with tears down their faces and so did I. "but we also have some good news" cam said looking at me we both started smiling! he still had my hand in his and he raised it above the table and said "we're together!" all the girls screamed and the boys bro hugged Cam while the girls were jumping up and down. after everyone calmed down Austin made an announcement. "in honor of the horrible and great news I have a question for someone special" he said with a smile on his face turning to Mariah. "Mariah?" he asked "yes?" she responded "I know we haven't know each other very long at all but it feels so right. you're so amazing and beautiful and I wouldn't want to ask anyone else this question so Mariah will you be my girlfriend?" he asked handing her a bouquet of roses he pulled out from behind his chair. Mariah's face turned red and her hand was covering her mouth she was so shocked a few mins went by and she could finally respond "I would love to be your girlfriend Austin! Yes!!" she smiled and they kissed while we all cheered! wow this is the best vacation I've ever had in my life. After dinner we got back in the limo as went back to the hotel to finish our movie night. Cam said he had to go do something quick and I didn't think anything of it almost an hour later he comes back and I asked where he was and he just told me to follow him. he grabbed my hand and lead me to the stairs we were on the too floor of the hotel so I didn't know what he was doing but I was trusting him he told me to close my eyes and he picked me up and carried me somewhere when he put me down I heard faint music playing. as we were walking the music got louder. We stopped and Cam told me I could open my eyes it was amazing. we were on the roof and he had twinkling lights strung and a table with candles on it and in the corner Shawn was playing his guitar singing Life Of The Party. "This is so amazing Cam how did you do all of this? what is this all for?" I asked with a huge smile on my face looking up at him "it's for you I want you to have the best last few days ever" he told me "AWWW cam you didn't have to do this" I told him "I know I don't have to I wanted to do it for you!" he responded. he took my hand and led me over to the table where there was two dishes of ice cream with some roses in the middle. We sat down at the table and ate our ice cream as soon as we finished Shawn started playing "wanted" by Hunter Hayes. Cam came over to me and reached his hand out and said "may I have this dance?" he asked. I nodded my head and placed my hand on his and we started to dance as soon as the song was over he looked into my eyes and said "I love you Diana" my heart melted with those words "I love you too Cam" and we started kissing. it was getting late so we headed back down to the rooms everyone was asleep on the floor or bed in the boys room when we got back so we went over to the girls room and decided to go to sleep because we were both tired. We cuddled up together and I had my head on his chest listening to his heart beat the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was cam he said "goodnight beautiful I love you so much" and I felt him kiss my forehead and like that I was out.

Here's another chapter I hope you like it! I'll try to update again later tonight

Have a good day!

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