Chapter 52

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Cam's POV-

"Diana do you take Cameron to have and to hold as love as you both shall live?" the priest asked her "I do" she said smiling at me "Cameron do you take Diana to have and to hold as long as you both shall live?" he finally asked me "Forever and Always I do" i said sliding the ring onto her finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" the words i've been waiting to hear since the day i met Diana have finally been spoken i picked her up son her around and kissed her with all the passion in the world i could hear all of our friends and family cheering for us but in that moment t was just me and her. The love of my life and now finally my wife! Her and Jake mean the absolute world to me and i's do anything to protect them! After we finally broke the kiss Diana grabbed Jake and the girls and guys followed us to the wedding party!

Diana's POV-

It's the end of the night and the wedding is officially over i can't believe cam and i are finally married! i remember staying awake at night talking with Danielle about how i wanted to marry him and my dreams finally came true today! Cam's mom surprised us with a honeymoon to Hawaii for 2 weeks and Danielle and Taylor were gonna watch Jake while we were gone and Cam's mom was there if they needed help so after the wedding was over we both went back and got changed and headed to the airport to leave for Hawaii. I just threw on some Victoria Secret Pink yoga pants and one of Cam's hoodies and he threw on sweats and a hoodie too and we said goodbye to everyone and then we were off!!! I can't wait to start our honeymoon and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my amazing husband!

Danielle's POV-

Cam's mom surprised Diana and Cam with a 2 week vacation to Hawaii so Taylor and i offered to watch Jake so Cam's mom didn't have to watch him the whole time. He's such a cute little boy! He was sound asleep before we even left the venue so we decided to just stay at Diana and Cam's until they came back since we had our stuff there and thats where all f jakes stuff is so it was easier than moving everything and having to move it back afterwards. When Taylor and i got back to the house we put Jake in his room and then we went to our room to get ready for bed since we were both exhausted. We both got changed and i didn't feel good so Tay went downstairs and got me a glass of water and some of my meds and then brought them up to me "Here baby take these" he said handing me my medicine "thanks babe" i said giving him a slight smile "come on lets go to bed baby girl" i got into bed and taylor wrapped me up in his arms but i kept moving cause my back was really bothering me it felt like someone was stabbing me in the back with a knife. "what's wrong" tay asked sounding worried "my back hurts" i said almost crying cause it was getting so bad "here lay on your stomach and i'll rub your back" i rolled over and he started to rub my back and my neck and it hurt really bad at first but it was slowly starting to get better "Thank you baby" i said hugging him and then giving him a kiss "Anything for my baby girl" he said kissing my forehead and wrapping me back up in his arms as i drifted off to sleep. I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and i looked over at the clock and saw it was 10am already i never sleep that late. I walked downstairs and i saw Taylor making breakfast and Jake standing on a stool next to him helping i snapped a quick picture before walking around the corner. "Good morning boys!" i said walking into the kitchen "Morning aunt Dani" Jake said " morning jake how did you sleep?" i asked "Good" he said trying to flip a pancake 'I DID IT" he screamed after dipping the pancake "Great job buddy you did amazing" Taylor said giving him a high five "Morning baby" i said walking behind taylor and wrapping my arms around him "Morning baby girl" he said turning around and giving me a kiss when all the sudden we hear "Ewwww" come from Jake and we break apart laughing. Once breakfast is made Jake helps taylor serve me it was too cute and then he helped me clean up afterwards. "So what do you want to do today boys?" i asked "Can we go to the park?" Jake asked yeah sure is that ok babe?" i asked Taylor "Yeah thats fine!" we watched tv for a little bit and then got ready to go to the park. Today was amazing Taylor is so great with Jake he treats him like he's his son and i know he's gonna make a great daddy one day. He taught Jake how t play basketball and how to swim today and Jake had a blast! i gave him a bath after dinner to get the chlorine off of him from the pool and got him changed and put him in bed and then headed to our room. We were laying in bed watching tv and we started talking "Jake had so much fun today thank you for playing with him" i smiled at taylor "I had fun too he's really fun to play with" he said "You're gonna make a great daddy one day babe" he smiled down at me "And you're gonna make one amazing mommy" he said kissing my forehead.  Today Taylor is gonna watch Jake and hang out at the house while Eileen, Sam, Mariah all go out for the day and hang out! I got up and Taylor and I made breakfast and then Jake wanted to watch tv for a little while so I put his show on and then went upstairs to get ready to leave.  I took and shower and I forgot the get my clothes before I came in so I had to go get them out of our closet. I wrapped up in my towel and walked over to the closet and I turned around to go back to the bathroom to see Taylor laying across the bed smirking at me "don't get any ideas there mister" I said laughing at him and he chased me into the bathroom but I got in fast enough and shut the door and started laughing "well that wasn't nice to slam the door in my face" he said and we both were dying of laughter.  I got dressed and then unlocked the door so he could come in. I started doing my makeup when he walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head in my neck kissing it I turned around in his arms smiling at him and kissed him and turned back around to finish getting ready. "You don't need that crap" he said referring to the makeup "yes I do I look like the walking dead" I said laughing and he chuckled "no you don't you're beautiful especially without makeup on" he said picking me up and wrapping me in his arms "Thank you baby" I said giving him a kiss which turned into a make out session but I broke it cause I was supposed to leave like 10 minutes ago 😂 "ok the girls are gonna think I ditched them" I said laughing. I finally finished getting ready and grabbed my keys and purse and walked down stairs to see Taylor and Jake running around the house laughing I laughed and said goodbye to both of them and jumped into my car to go pick up the girls. Let the fun begin!!

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