Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

Eileen's POV-

Woke up the next morning and felt two arms wrapped around my waist. I rolled over to see Aaron sleeping next to me and his arms around me. He was so cute when he was sleeping. We were so exhausted when we got home last night we barley made it up the stairs. I still had all my clothes on from yesterday and so did Aaron but he had his shirt off. I decided to get up and go take a shower I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I showered and then got changed and fixed my hair and walked back out to my room. When I walked back out Into my room Aaron was still sound asleep in bed so I let him sleep. I walked downstairs to see if anyone else was up and I didn't find anyone but I heard laughing. I walked out onto the patio and found Cam and Diana swimming in the water and Cam was chasing Diana trying to catch her. I laughed then walked back in because I was hungry. I got some eggs out and of course bacon and started cooking then I made pancakes. I was nice and made breakfast for everyone which is unusual because I hardly ever make anyone else food. After I was done cooking I went out to get Cam and Diana. I didn't go get everyone else because I figured I'd let them sleep since we had a long day yesterday. I yelled to Cam and Diana and they came in and we are breakfast together. after we were done eating Diana helped me wash the dishes and we went back up to our rooms. I walked in and sat down at the end of my bed and started watching tv. All of the sudden I felt something around my waist and I jumped. I turned around and saw Aaron smiling at me. "Good Morning beautiful" he said giving me a kiss on my cheek "morning" I said smiling and blushing. He went in the bathroom to take a shower. After he got out of the shower he walked out in just a towel and my eyes went wide. He walked towards the door and said "I'm going to see if Cam has any clothes I can borrow I'll be right back" he turned around before he walked out and lightly laughed due to the look on my face. 5 minutes later he walked back in the room with clothes in his hands and walked into the bathroom and got changed then came back out. This time he came out with clothes on. We both say on the bed for a little while watching tv until he asked me a question.

Cam's POV-

I woke up early this morning which was really surprising since I was exhausted last night. I looked down a Diana with her head on my chest. Man she was so adorable! I started lightly stroking her hair thinking about how amazing she is. How did I end up with such a cute and amazing girl like her as my girlfriend. She was so cute when she was sleeping she had a smile on her face and was pure perfection. She started move a little and then opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Good morning beautiful" I said kissing her forehead "Good morning handsome" she said kissing my cheek. "I'm going to hop in the shower and then you can take one ok?" I asked her "yeah that's fine" she replied I gave her a kiss and then got up to get my clothes and walk into the bathroom. I took a shower and got changed and then walked back into the bedroom. When I got back I saw Diana laying in a ball on the bed asleep. I laughed and then we over to her and picked her up and set her in my lap. She started to open her eyes and she looked up at me. When she notice that I was holding her she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Hey babe can you sleep with me for a few minutes?" She asked me "yeah sure! go back to sleep baby" I told her and she did I laid down with her lying on top of me sleeping. Man she was so beautiful. She woke up about an hour later and took a shower. We both went downstairs to see if anyone else was up but they weren't. We walked out on the patio and it was so nice outside we walked out onto the dock and sat down for a few minutes. Diana put her feet in the water and so did I the water was nice so I asked if she wanted to go swimming cause I know she loves to swim and she said yes. We both went up stairs and got our suits on and came back down. We went to the end of the dock and held hands and jumped off the dock together. We were just swimming around for about 25 minutes then I started chasing her trying to catch her and every time I would get close she would splash me. We were both laughing so hard and later Eileen came out and told us to come in because she made breakfast. We went in and are breakfast with Eileen and once the finished doing the dishes Diana and I went back up to our room. We both got changed since we still had our swim suits on. After we both got changed we sat on the bed watching tv. We were going back to the hospital but we wanted to wait for everyone to wake up. A little while later someone knocks on the door and we tell them to come in and Aaron walks in with nothing on but a towel. "Umm Aaron Forgetting something?" I asked laughing "yeah umm maybe like CLOTHES!" Diana said laughing too. "yeah Ik that's why I'm here Cam do you have any clothes I can borrow for today? at least till we go back over to our place." he asked me "yeah hold on" I said still laughing. I walked over to my bag and got a pair of jeans and a shirt out for him then handed them to him. "Here you go now get some clothes on boy!" I said and started laughing again as he walked out the door. I turned around and Diana just started laughing. After we finally calmed down we watched the rest of the show that was on then we went down stairs. Sam, Eileen, and Mariah were down there sitting in the living room and all the guys came down soon after us. "look he has clothes on this time!" I said to Aaron "Ha Ha Ha very funny smart ass" Diana, Eileen, and I started laughing hysterically. No one else knew what happened. After everyone ate breakfast we went over to our place to find the guys so we could head to the hospital.

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