Chapter 60

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Eileen's POV-

Everything was going great until my ex showed up and the last thing i remember is the two of them fighting and Aaron calling my name as everything went black.....

Aaron's POV-

i can't believe this right now i'm sitting in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come talk to me i'm honestly so scared right now i called all the girls and then called her mom and let her know what happened as well and she said she would be here soon. All the girls were freaking out wanting to know if she was ok and i couldnt tell them the answer because i was wondering the same thing. It all happened so fast i couldnt believe it. "Mr Carpenter?" the doctor called breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yes? is she ok?" i asked nervous "She's doing better than we expected she still has a chance of not making it but she's a fighter so we will do our best that we can she's still sleeping right now but you may go see her" he told me and then led me to her room. As soon as he closed the door i ran over to her bed and sat down beside her and started crying while holding her hand. I heard the door creak open and saw her mom walk through the down with a tear stained face and ran over to me after i stood up and hugged me. "This isn't you're fault ok you did the best you could you didn't know what he was capable of and you tried to fight him off if you didn't who knows what would've happened but don't blame yourself ok?" she asked looking at me and i nodded while still crying. "The love of my life is laying in a hospital bed because i didn't protect her i can't believe this please tell me this is a night mare and i'm gonna wake up and she's going to be right there in my arms.

Danielle's POV-

I got a call at 3am this morning from Aaron saying that Eileen was in the hospital and i broke down in tears i don't know what i would do if i ever lost her she's become like a sister to me we are family i'd be lost without her. I instantly woke Taylor up and he was trying to calm me down and he walked down stairs and got me something to eat and drink wile he packed a couple bags and booked us a flight that leaves at 7am. We finished packing and got changed and headed to the airport. This was going to be the longest ride of my life. I couldn't believe what Aaron told me that man better be put in prison for the rest of his life or better yet death penalty. If ever see that man in my life ill kill him myself. We finally got to board the plane and tay was tying to get me to relax so i could get him to sleep so he pulled me into his side so we were cuddling and whispered sweet words into my ear while kissing my forehead and playing with my hair and i was out within a couple mins. Thats one thing i love the most about Tay is he will cheer me up and make me feel better in the worst of times. I slept the whole flight and Tay carried me off the pane since i was still really tired and could barley walk in a straight line. We finally got to baggage claim and i waited for the bags while he got the car and met him at the from door and headed off to the hospital. When i got there Aaron and her mom were there and i ran to both of them crying we were so close her family is like my family and i cant even imagine how Aaron s feeling right now if something like this happened to Tay i would be absolutely broken and shattered to pieces. I hugged him tight and never let go "It's going to be ok i promise she's a fighter she'll get through this we have to be strong for her i know it;s hard but she wouldn't want you to cry" i told him before pulling away "You're right" he said wiping so tears and Tay came over and gave him a hug before wrapping his arms around my waist. We went in and saw her for a little bit then we all decided to go down to the cafeteria to get some lunch but Aaron didn't want to leave so we told him we'd bring something back. Once we sat down her mom started talking. "I'm worried about him he doesn't talk much or eat much and he's blaming himself for everything that happened she said sighing and shaking her head. I reached over and grabbed her hand "it's going to be ok everything we'll be fine she'll wake up and recover and everything will go back to how it used to be before that sick bastard got involved" i said giving her hand a little squeeze. I had to be strong for her and for Aaron but on the inside i was freaking out too i wanted to just break down and cry but I've done that too much i think I've cried all the tears i had left. Taylor was sitting next to me rubbing small circles on my back, he always does that when he can tell i'm stressed out thats one of the many things i love about him after we finished eating we grabbed some food for Aaron and headed back up to the room but when we got there Aaron stormed out of the room with tears running down his face and kept running when we tried to catch him. We walked into the room and Eileen was up "OH MY GOD MY BABY GIRL IS FINALLY AWAKE" her mom said crying and running over to her i didn't want to ruin the moment so i stayed back for a couple seconds and all the sudden i heard Eileen say "Mom who are those people standing by the door?" my heart shattered and i suddenly realized why Aaron stormed out. i was trying to hold it in but i burst out into tears and Taylor wrapped me up n his arms and he was shedding a few tears too. We decided to go look for Aaron while her mom talks to the doctor, i can't believe one of my best friends doesn't remember me or her fiancé.

After searching the streets for almost an hour we finally found him at her favorite park she always used to talk about. When i spotted him i started running toward him with Tay not far behind. When i got to him i wrapped him up into one of my tightest hugs and he started crying on my shoulder. It kills me that ellen doesn't remember me but it kills me even more that she doesn't remember Aaron and he's broken. After about 15 minutes of us all just standing there and hugging we finally sat down on the bench. "Aaron i know this doesn't help right now but the doctors are going to do everything they can and i'm sure with a little time she'll get her memory back and it will all go back to normal. She'll remember you i promise" once we finally got him calmed down we started heading back and she was asleep and her mom was talking to a nurse. When she was done talking she told us that they were going to give her some meds to hopefully help her regain her memory back faster. We all decided to get comfy since none of us were leaving. Even though she didn't remember him Aaron still laid down with her and wrapped er in her arms and thankfully she wasn't awake or she would've probably freaked out but she moved farther over so she was on his chest and continued to sleep. Her mom took the recliner chair so Tay and i decided to take the other bed and we watched a few movies since we couldn't really sleep and then around 2am we were all out. Until we were woken up to this horrid scream and then realized that it was Eileen. She was still sleep so she must have been having a bad nightmare and Aaron tightened his grip on her and she stopped and was still sleeping. After that it was almost 7 so we decided to head down and get some breakfast before she woke up. so we headed to a little cafè right down the block from the hospital and hopefully when we get back there will be some good news.  

Here's a little update sorry it's not very long i promise i will update again sometime before the end of the weekend.  

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