Chapter 17

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

        Mariah's POV- 

I was really sad the Diana had to leave i really wish she could've stayed with us since we just got here 4 days ago.  Wow.  It's only been 5 days and so much has happened already i can't wait to see how the summer goes if this much has happened in less than a week.  I met my best friends, got to meet some of the boys, my dream came true and i got to be Austin's U Girl, and even better Austin Mahone asked me to be his girlfriend!!!! I still freak out every time i think about it.  I fell in love with him a long time ago when him and Alex posted their first cover on YouTube and now i'm dating him I can't believe it!!!  I still pinch myself everyday to make sure i'm not dreaming LOL.  This summer is going to be so much fun and I hope Diana can come back sometime this summer.  Hopefully with Cam's surprise she will come back for a little while.  I know the girls and I already miss her and she's only been gone for a few hours.  We were in the car on our way home and I got a call on FaceTime and it was Austin.  I quickly answered the call and i missed him so much.  We talked for about 2 hours until the girls and I got to the mall and we went to eat dinner because none of us felt like cooking dinner tonight.  We ate our dinner and then we decided to look around a little since we were already in the mall and then we headed home because we were all really tired.  On our way home we listened to music and talked about our trip in Jersey and how much fun we had and Danielle told us what happened with Shawn.  i felt bad for her because i knew she really liked him but at least they are still friends and they are talking to one another.  Then Sam and Eileen spilled the news about their dates with Jacob and Aaron.  Eileen and Aaron seem to be getting really close and they were texting each other the whole way home.  Sam and Jacob were getting kinda close but they weren't as close as Eileen and Aaron but they were getting there because they were texting each other quite a bit on the ride back too.  We finally turned down the road to go to camp and we saw that the camp where all the guys were before we left had more cars there and it looked like they were having a little party.  "we can go over tomorrow and see them i'm tired and i just want  to go to bed" Danielle told us looking like she could pass out at any moment now.  We got to the camp and Danielle walked in and sat on the floor and fell asleep instantly and then the girls and i took her upstairs to her room because we didn't want to leave her on the floor.  After we took her to her room we all said our good nights and went to our rooms to go to sleep.  I called Austin on FaceTime quick because i told him that i would call him when we got back.  When he answered he was laying in his bed and i could hear the guys yelling in the background, "Hey babe" he said with a smile on his face. "Hey" i said tiredly but blushing at him calling me babe.  "You look really tired you should go to bed.  We can talk in the morning" he told me.  "No it's ok" i said barley ale to keep my eyes open. "babe you can't even keep your eyes open go to sleep it's ok.  Just call me when you wake up" He said "Ok goodnight" i said "Goodnight babe I love you"  my eyes went wide.  That's the first time he has said it.  "Love you too Austin" i said then blowing him a kiss and then we hung up and i went to sleep.  I was really tired because i didn't get much sleep last night.

**** Next Day*****

        Danielle's POV-

I woke up with an extremely bad headache and every time i stood up i got dizzy and felt like i was gonna throw up so i stayed in bed most of the day.  I started to feel a little better but i was hot so i decided to go for a swim.  The girls and I all got our suits on and then we went out.  I jumped off the end of the dock while the girls got the raft out of the shed.  We were all out swimming when we saw all the guys come out and jump into the water.  They waved and said hi so we all yelled hi back and i told them to come over later for a fire and a BBQ.  They said they would be over in a few hours and then we went back to swimming.  I couldn't really see their faces from where we were it was hard for me to see that far away.  We got out of the water about an hour later and i got everything ready for the fire and stuff and then i decided to take a shower and get changed. It was a little chilly outside so i put on my jeans and my personalized Taylor Caniff sweatshirt and went downstairs.  As i was walking down the stairs i got a little light headed but i didn't think anything of it because i was putting everything outside.  the boys should be here in a few minutes and i was just finishing setting up. A range rover came down the driveway and parked behind my jeep when they got out i was in complete shock.  TAYLOR MICHEAL CANIFF WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.  I stood there with my mouth open and i must have been doing it for quite a while cause Tay came up to me and said "Hey beautiful i'm Taylor but y the sweatshirt and your face i'm guessing you already know that" he said laughing at the end.  I was blushing at the fact that he called me beautiful and then about 5 minutes later i was able to speak. "Hi I'm Danielle but you can call me Dani if you want and yes I know who you are i'm a big fan" i said smiling. "Wow that's a beautiful name just like you! It's nice to meet you Dani" he said giving me a hug and then i saw Shawn walking around to corner. "Shawn?" i asked "Danielle?" he asked confused. "You two know each other?" Taylor asked me.  "Yeah i met him at the concert my friends got me tickets to the show because they knew i really wanted to go and then my friend Diana got a call from Cam and she got me to meet Shawn"  I explained everything.  "Oh yeah Cam doesn't shut up about Diana.  He really fell for her i've never seen him like this before.  I mean yeah he has had girlfriends in the pas but nothing like her.  She's really special to him he told me.  We walked over to the fire and all the guys introduced them selves to the girls even though we already knew who they were and Jacob and Aaron were even here! I was talking with Taylor and the girls when i felt sick again and i got light headed.  I almost fell over but someone caught me.  i looked up and it was Taylor i finally regained my balance and stood up and thanked him.  I sat down next to the fire and took a sip of my water hoping i would feel better.  I stood up to get another water and feel right on my face i heard Taylor scream "Call 911"right before i passed out.  

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