Chapter 50

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Diana's POV-

I can't believe that Danielle didn't tell me before this. I understand she didn't want us to worry and she didn't want to stress us out more than we were but she's like family i don't know what i would do if anything happens to her. We just finished watching the movie that the boys forced us to watch and saying it was scary was an understatement. We all decided to go out to the pool and chill out for a bit so Danielle and i headed upstairs to get changed and they boys did too. After we all got changed we headed down to the pool. It was really nice out today but since we are in Cali its ht of course but i don't think any of us mind because we all love it here. We went swimming for a little while and then we had to g get changed because we had to go pick everyone else up from the airport. Once we were all changed the boys took Cameron's car and Danielle and I went in mine since we would need more than one car to pick all these weirdos up lol. Once we got in the car we stated blasting the music with the windows down and singing along to whatever car on the radio that was until Stiches came on the radio. We were all very proud of Shawn but i think if you had to chose Danielle would have to be the most proud of him well besides his family of course. Danielle and Shawn have become really close and at first Taylor was really jealous but he finally got used to it because they are like brother and sister now. We song along to stitches letting a few tears drop from our eyes once the song was over decided to talk to Danielle since we probably wouldn't be hanging out by ourselves very much this week. "So when did you find out you had the cancer?" i asked her "um about 3 months ago right after i got back home they didn't tell me till i got back home they just said that i needed to go back and then they told me when i went into the hospital there" she said "Dani i want you to know first i'm not mad at you for not telling us i understand why you didn't but i want you to know if anything ever happen no matter what is going on i want you to tell me ok?" i said "Ok i promise i will never keep any thing from you again and i want you to know i never intended to hurt you by not telling you i just didn't want to worry you like i said" after she told me that e gave each other a quick hug since i'm driving. "hey can we keep this between you, Cam, Tay & I for this week i will tell everyone before they go home i just don't want to worry about it for now this is your week and it's your special day so let's have fun this week and not have to worry about anything ok?" she asked me "Yeah that sounds good but don't over work yourself and if you don't feel good don't try to do something ok i don't want anything happening to you" i told her "diana i love you but please enjoy this don't worry about me ok i want this to be the time of your life i don't want you to worry about me all the time" she said groaning "OK OK i just don't know what i would do without you and i love you too" i told her "Ok let's get this party started" she screamed and turned up the radio and buckwild came on and we turned and looked at each other "OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS TAYLOR'S SONG IT'S ON THE RADIO!!!!" she sad screaming while calling taylor. "Hey Sammy what's up" taylor said laughing on the phone "Oh not much just wanted to let you know we have to cool car because this song is playing on the radio and she turned up the radio again so taylor could hear it "OG MY GOD DANIELLE ARE YOU SERIOUS!!"" he started screaming and he changed the station and started rocking out with Cameron "Ok don't get into an accident we can't have a wedding without a groom and please don't kill my boyfriend cam!" she said hanging up the phone. We looked at each other and instantly started laughing. We finally go to the airport and everyone was supposed to be landing around the same time. I think the first group to land was the Omaha squad and Sam since she flew out there to see Johnson. They should be landing in about 5 minutes and then Nash, Hayes, Matt, & Aaron should be next and finally Carter, Mariah, Dillion, & Eileen should be here since they were all put on the same connecting flight.

* Skip arrivals and baggage claim*

Once we got everyone's luggage loaded into the cars which was interesting to say the least we all split up between the 2 cars and headed back to the house. We decided to go home first since it wasn't late yet so everyone could get changed and settled and then we would got out to dinner. Once we got home i showed the girls their rooms and then i called Cam's mom to see how Jake was doing. When i got off the phone she said that he was doing better but he still wasn't feeling too well so she is going to take him to the doctors tomorrow and i'm going to meet her over there and then bring him back home with me. Cam came in the room and i told him about Jake and he said he would come with me and we just laid down and took a nap on our bed till everyone was ready to leave.

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