Chapter 47

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Cam's POV-
I can't believe Danielle did that I knew that she was planning on surprising Diana but I didn't know she was going to fly all the girls out! Diana was so happy to see all of them! We spent the whole day hanging out like we used to and catching up and also playing with our little baby. I love him so much he's so adorable and he's a big flirt already with the girls! Later that night we decided to have a movie night like old times so picked a couple movies to watch and once they were over we took Jake out of his pack & play down stairs and took him up to his room which connects right to ours. I changed him and then Diana and I both put them to bed. "Goodnight baby" we both said and we kissed his forehead. After we put him to bed we headed to bed. We both got changed and then laid down. She fell asleep almost instantly after I wrapped her in my arms. Jake woke up twice during the night which isn't bad for a newborn so I got up and took care of him so Diana didn't have to get up. After I put him back to bed I went back to bed and I got up around 9 and Diana was still sleeping. I figured I would let her sleep so I kissed her forehead and went to check on Jake. He was still sleeping so I grabbed the baby monitor and we have the one so that you can see him and talk back to him it's really cool so I grabbed that and then walked downstairs to start making breakfast for everyone. All the girls were staying here with us too since we have enough room anyways so I made breakfast for all of them. Once it was finished Danielle and Taylor walked down the stairs. "Morning" they both said "morning guys want some breakfast?" I asked "does breakfast include bacon?" She asked me and I looked at her like are you kidding me "yes" I said and Taylor and I started laughing when she went running over to the bacon "what are you 2 laughing at me for! I have to get mine before someone steals it because that seems to happen all the time would either of you know why?" She said looking at us and we all started laughing. We all sit down and eat together while watching tv and Jake started crying and Danielle got up and told me she would go get him so she went up to his room and Taylor was watching her with him. She's so good with Jake she would make a really good mom. I decided to go see if Diana wanted some breakfast so I walked up to the room and went over to her and shook her a little to get her to wake up. She smiled up at me and said morning "good morning baby" I said leaning down to kiss her and she fake smiled "what's wrong" I asked her "I just don't feel good at the moment that's all" she said so I texted Danielle and asked her if she could take care of Jake for a little while and get the girls up and she said yes and then I went and laid down with Diana and we cuddled watching tv and then we both fell asleep. We woke up around 1 and Diana was feeling a little better but she was still sore. We decided to go swimming since she hasn't gone in a while cause Jake wasn't too fond of that and always got her sick plus it was pretty warm out today. So we both got our bathing suits on and we walked downstairs to see if anyone else wanted to come and they all said yes and Danielle went up to get one of the swim diapers for Jake and his little basket to put him in in the pool. Everyone came back down and we all jumped in the pool Danielle brought Jake in and laid him in the little float and put a little water in it and her and Diana moved the float around the pool and played with him. The girls wanted to play volley ball but Danielle and Diana shouted no and I laughed cause they said it at the same time. "No because I don't want Jake to get hit" and everyone agreed. We all just played in the pool and sat out on the patio it was a lot of fun! We decided to have a BBQ since it was getting pretty late and we were all hungry. Taylor and I started up the grill and Danielle went in and got the food. She brought the stuff out and then went back in to start making some other stuff for all of us to eat.

Taylor's POV-
I woke up this morning and Danielle was still sleeping she is so beautiful and she's so cute when she's sleeping. We were cuddling together and she had her arms wrapped around my waist so I over her arms without waking her up surprisingly and I got up and got dressed. When I came out of the bathroom Danielle was just starting to wake up so I walked over to the bed and leaned down and kissed her forehead "morning baby" I said smiling at her. She opened her eyes and flashes that beautiful smile "morning babe" she said and kissed my cheek. After she got changed we headed down stairs and Cameron was making breakfast. "Morning" Danielle and I both said "morning guys" cam said "want some breakfast?" He asked "does breakfast include bacon?" Danielle asked and cam looked at her and I started laughing "what are you 2 laughing at I have to get mine first cause my bacon always seems to disappear would either one of you know how that happens?" She asked after running over to the bacon while cam and I were laughing. I shook my head and went over and wrapped my arms around her "yeah sure thanks cam!" I said and walked over to the table and started eating our food. Cam had the baby monitor on the table and Danielle was watching Jake and he started to wake up and then started to cry and he told cam that she would take care of him so I watched her go up stairs and then looked back at the baby monitor. "She's so good with him." I said smiling at the monitor watching her talking to Jake. After she calmed him down she started to change him and Cam soda he was going to head up so see if Diana was awake yet. I decided to go up and see Danielle and Jake. When I walked in she had just finished giving him a bath and she just walked out of the bathroom with him and her phone went off. "Hey babe can you see who texted me?" She asked walking over to lay Jake down on the changing table. "Yeah sure baby" I said walking over to get her phone "it's cam he asked if you could watch Jake for a while and get the girls up cause Diana isn't feeling well and he wants to date with her" I told her "yeah sure text him back and said that it's fine" she told me while trying to find an outfit. I sent the text and walked over to help her cause she was having trouble with the dresser and Jake kept trying to roll of the changing table so I picked him up and was playing with him while she picked out an outfit. "Here baby can you dress him while I go to the bathroom real quick?" She asked "yeah sure baby I can dress little man go ahead" I said giving her a quick kiss. I laid Jake down and put his shirt on and buttoned the bottom and then put his pants and socks on and then I laid him on the floor on his play mat and laid down next to him and we played with some of his toys. Danielle walked back into the room and I smiled at her and got up and gave her a kiss. "What do you want to do today baby" I asked "well we can just hang out with Jake until cam and Diana get up and I'm not going to wake up the girls cause the last time i almost got smacked" she said and I started laughing "hey that's not funny" she said looking sad "I'm sorry baby" "do you want to stay up here or go downstairs?" I asked "umm well let's go down because I have to make him a bottle so I can feed him" she said "ok" and I picked Jake up and we walked downstairs and I sat on the couch with him while dani made up his bottle. A few minutes later she walked in and sat down next to me and asked if I wanted to feed him and I said sure so she handed me the bottle and started feeding him while she laid her head on my shoulder and watched us and a movie that was playing on the TV. After he finished eating he fell asleep so Danielle took him and laid him down in his pack & play next to the couch so he was still right next to us. We just laid on the couch cuddling and watching tv. The girls finally woke about an hour later and they heated up some of the breakfast from this morning since I put it all in the fridge so they could have some. We all just laid around playing with Jake and watching tv till Diana and cam came down and asked if we wanted to go swimming. So we went upstairs and got changed and Danielle put a little suit on Jake and brought his little float down and we all headed out to the pool we played in the pool for about 3 hrs and then we got out and we decided to have a BBQ since it was getting late and we were all hungry. Danielle brought out the food to throw on the grill and then she went in to cook up some other things for us to eat. After we threw everything on the grill I went inside to see if Danielle needed help. When I got inside she was making macaroni salad. I went over and wrapped my arms around her from behind. "Hey baby need any help?" I asked "no I'm good" she said smiling at me. We finally finished making dinner and we al went out to the patio and ate dinner and Diana fed Jake and we had a fire like we used to and just spent the night together. Tomorrow was the girls last full day here because they have to go home the next morning I know Danielle and diana are going to be sad because they are all so close like the guys and I now we are all like one big family. We went to bed around 2 in the morning. We spent the whole night out on the patio around the fire. I carried Danielle upstairs because she fell asleep on my lap while we were all hanging out. I laid her in bed and decided to put her in different clothes since she was still wearing her bathing suit and she felt really cold so I got one of my hoodies and a pair of her sweats and changed her and then i got changed and laid down next to her in bed. We cuddled and fell asleep.

Diana's POV-
I had so much fun today hanging out with everyone and having the BBQ and the fire reminded me so much of last summer I miss everyone so much I'm so glad the girls came out here! I'm really going to miss them and I'm really sad that tomorrow is going to be their last day before they have to leave but thankfully Danielle and Taylor are going to stay for a little while longer I still can't believe she flew all of them out here! We spent the whole night hanging out like old times and then we all went to bed around 2am and I took Jake up to his room and laid him down in his crib. I turned the monitor on and then walked into our room and got changed and headed to bed. I didn't want today well now yesterday to end because today was the girls last day because they leave tomorrow morning but I decided to get some sleep since I would be up in a few hours anyways.

Hey guys sorry I didn't get the new chapter up yesterday I was really busy and I didn't get home until 1am this morning but here's the new chapter sorry it's so short I will try and update again tomorrow! I hope you guys had a good weekend! Goodnight! 💕

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