Chapter 61

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Aaron's POV-

After we ate breakfast Danielle, Taylor, & Eileen's mom were gonna go walk around for a bit but i decided to head back to the hospital to see Eileen again. Once i go there i sat down next to her on the bed and she was still sleeping so i go up to get the remote for the tv and i sat in the chair so i didn't wake her and i laid my head in my hands trying not to break down thinking about all of this when all the sudden i've heard the voice i've been waiting to hear call my name. "Aaron are you ok are you crying?" she asked i lifted my head and looked over to make sure she was actually talking to me and she was. I broke out in tears and started crying even more as i walked over and wrapped her in a hug. "Do you really remember me?" i asked still on the verge of tears "Why wouldn't i remember you?" she asked confused i was so relieved after i heard her say that. "Do you remove anything that happened or why you're here?" i asked "Um yeah kinda" she said started to tear up "Baby Baby it's ok we're both going to be ok and everything is going to go back to normal nothing changed i promise i still love you just as much if not more everyday" i said hugging her and kissing her forehead. I'm just so glad to have my baby girl back in my arms.

Danielle's POV-

We were all walking around town looking in different shops and we decided to stop at panera broadened get everyone lunch and after we got it we headed back to the hospital. When i got there i lost dropped all of the food i had in my hands. Eileen and Aaron were cuddled up in bed watching a movie together. "OMG" i said screaming as i ran over to her and the look on her face was priceless. "OMG Danielle what are you doing here?" she said as she hugged me. "I've been here i flew out the second i heard from Aaron about what happened and i'm gonna kill that guy if i ever see his face" i said squeezing her as tight as possible the thought of almost loosing one of my best friends kills me. She started tear up again after my last sentence and then i felt bad "babe don't cry i'm sorry i brought it up" i said giving her another hug "No no it's fine i just can't believe all the shit he's put me through and i couldn't imagine loosing Aaron and he almost made a nightmare come true" she said almost crying. After that we all sat around eating lunch i got Eileens favorite food from Panera and i stopped and got her a drink from starbucks so she wasn't as sad as she was. We spent most of the day just sitting around watching movies. The doctor finally came in later in the day and said that she could leave in the morning she just needed to take a couple meds and clean the wound out a couple times everyday till it's healed. We all decided just to go to sleep early since we were exhausted from the night before and we had to get up early tomorrow morning. I'm just glad everything is ok and everything is starting to get back to normal.

Diana's POV-

Danielle and i were supposed to go out and start looking around of things for the wedding but her and Taylor flow out to NY because something happened with Eileen and she was in the hospital. I never heard the whole story Danielle just called me quick freaking out about it on her way over there. I hope everything is ok i haven't heard much from her since other than Aaron was a mess. Cameron was at work and Jake was taking a nap so i decided to clean up the house a little. As i was cleaning my phone started ringing but i didn't answer it because i had a bunch of stuff in my hands and i couldn't grab it so once i got back down from putting all the stuff away i saw that Cam's manager called me and usually he doesn't call that often during the day unless it's rally important so i call him right back. I started putting away some dishes while i was waiting fro him to answer but when he did everything crashed to the floor and created a even bigger mess with glass shattered all over the floor. When he finished talking i fell to the floor crying and Jake came running down when everything shattered. He came running over to me and hugged me and i wrapped him in my arms but all i could think about was what his manager just told me "Diana Cam's on his way to the hospital he fell during one of his stunts and he wasn't conscious so i called 911 and they just left with him now" i cried even harder thinking about it. How am i supposed to tell Jake. I finally got up grabbed a bag quickly and threw a bunch of clothes for Jake and i in it and a couple of Cam's sweats and hoodies and ran down to the car and threw the bag in and got Jake buckle and sped off to the hospital. I called his mom on the way there and told her to meet me there and she started crying but she told me she would be on her way. When i got there i was a complete mess what was gong on first Eileen nowCam whats next! I ran up to the front desk with Jake in my arms asking where Cam was and she gave me the room number after 5 minutes or arguing with me. I ran down to the room to see Cam all wrapped up in bandages and on a heart monitor and ventilator and i broke down crying again and Jake started crying once he realized what was wrong. He wanted to get down and go see him but i didn't think that would be the best idea right now. walked down the hall to hopefully find a doctor when i finally found him. He said that Cam fell so hard he went into a coma instantly and that it might take a few days before he wakes up but he didn't think he had any brain damage which was a really good thing. When he fell though he broke a few bones and has a concussion but he didn't have any brain damage and he's gonna wake up so thats all that matters. Once i got back to the room His mom was in there and she went out to talk to the doctor after giving Jake and I a hug and we both went and sat down and i turned the TV on so jake could watch it while i called Danielle. She said Eileen was being released tomorrow and they would be back tomorrow night and they'll come here as soon as they land. It's really hard not having my best friend with me right now but i know she would be if she could and i'm glad Eileen is ok. I can't wait for Danielle to be back though it feels like a year already and its only been a couple days. Once i got off the phone with her i decided to get changed into something more comfy since we would be here for a while so i got a pair of cams sweats and one of his hoodies i always wear and went and changed then got Jake changed. His mom came back in and stayed for a little while but then she had to go back home so she left and then it was just Jake and I with Cam. The nurses were really sweet they brought in a bunch of toys from the playroom for Jake to play with and they brought us up food for dinner. After we ate i washed jake up a little bit and then we decided to just watch some movies. I laid int he bed next to Cam and then Jake laid on my stomach watching the movie. I know it was hard for me to see him like this i can't imagine how hard it is for Jake right now. It was almost midnight by now and i knew if he didnt get to sleep now he would be really cranky in the morning. "OK baby as soon as this movie is over we have to go to sleep ok?" i asked him as he cuddled up into my neck and i could tell he was really tired "OK Mommy" and about 5 minutes later the movie was finished. "can i give daddy a hug?" he asked as he started tearing up and it now made me want to cry "Aww baby don't cry you can give daddy a hug just be careful of all the tubes and wires ok" i said and he shook his head and rolled over onto Cam and wrapped his little arms around him and put his head on his chest. It honestly made me want to break down in tears. "Ok lets get to sleep" i said and he started crying so i laid him down between Cam and i and i wrapped him tightly in my arms and he fell asleep pretty fast. I couldn't fall asleep for anything because i was so worried so i turned the tv back on and thankfully they had wifi in our room so i logged into our netflix account and caught up on some of my shows and then watched some old movies i loved. I fancy fell asleep around 2am but woke up again around 5am. I decided i wasn't getting anymore sleep so i decided to go hop in the shower and change into some different clothes. I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra and decided to just wear Cams hoodie again so i took my clothes into the bathroom and took a quick shower and got dressed. When i came out Jake was just starting to wake up so i got him changed and just in time too because the nurses came in to check on cam and they also brought us in some breakfast. Gina came in to see how Cam was doing and she decided to take Jake out for a while even though he didnt want to leave we thought it would be a good i deal for him to get out for a little while. I was laying in bed next to cam when he started twitching really badly and the heart monitor started going off and the nurses and doctors started rushing in and i grabbed Cam's had and everything stopped all the alarms, Cam's twitching, the doctors and nurses yells, everything went silent. I was now really worried "What happened?? Is he ok?" i asked crying. I couldnt loose him i don't know how i'd live without him or how i'd tell Jake that his father just died after i made him leave and told him everything would be fine. "You stopped it" The doctor said with amazement on his face "Stopped what? i'm confused did i do something? Did i-" the doctor cut me off "No you just saved him, he was having a seizure and if we didn't stop it he could've ended up with bad brain damage and may never wake up but you just stopped the seizure by grabbing his hand" he said looking at me with amazement and i started crying again. After they made sure everything was fine the doctor left and told me he would be back in a little while to check on him but he thought Cam should wake up by tonight and that was the best news i've ever heard since Cam purposed and we had Jake. I was so exhausted and Gina was still out with Jake so i decided to take a little nap hoping Cam would wake up soon. I woke up about 2 hrs. later and Gina and Jake still weren't back but the Tv was on and someone was playing with my hair and rubbing my back at first i got really scared till i looked up and met the beautiful eyes i fell in love with and i burst into tears as i wrapped my arms around him and cuddled into his chest i've never been so happy in my life! 

Hi guys i know it's shot but i promised i would update by the end of the week and i wanted to get one up tonight because i'm not sure if i'll have time tomorrow.  I promise i will try and make the updates longer if i can and i'll try to update again tomorrow if i have some free time.  Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!!

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