Chapter 18

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Taylor's POV- (Finally!)

We were invited over for a bonfire and a BBQ that a couple girls were having. I wanted to go over and meet them when we first got here but we had a meeting and then we went out to dinner and then next day they left. They must have just gotten back last night cause I just saw them for the first time this afternoon since I saw them the first day we came. we were all out swimming until I heard the girls come out of their camp and they went swimming too. We said hi and then they invited us over tonight. we swam until it was time to get ready. We all got out of the water and went in and showered then got changed to head over to the girls place. we all hopped into my range rover and went over. when we got there I parked the car and we started walking down the driveway. when we got down there I saw a really beautiful girl wheeling wood over to the fire pit and then she started walking towards us. she wasn't looking because she was try to get dirt off of her. she finally looked up and it looked like she had seen a ghost I lightly chuckled and stepped closer.

"Hi I'm Taylor but, I'm guessing

by the look on your face and the sweat shirt you already know that. Whats your name beautiful" i asked her. she looked like she was about ready to faint. about 5 minutes later she replied "Hi my name is Danielle but you can call me Dani and yes I know who you are I'm a huge fan" she said with a smile on her face man that smile was gorgeous. we talked for a couple minutes until she looked behind me. "Shawn?" she asked "oh hey Danielle" he replied and came waking over. "you two know each other?" I asked them. "Yeah my friend Diana got a call from Cam so I got to meet Shawn at the concert in Jersey" she told me. "oh yeah Cam can't shut up about her he's really in love" I told her. It was true he talked about her all last night and this morning and he left this afternoon to go visit her in TX. After we talked for a little while Danielle went around and introduced us to everyone and she started to look really pale and looked like she was dizzy. I asked her If she was ok and she said yeah and went and sat down for a few minutes so I went and sat by her. Later that night she was walking over by the fire and all the sudden she started falling and I caught her. When I caught her she was out I shouted for someone to call 911 and they got there in about 10 minutes they let Shawn and I go on with her an the girls were already on there way to the hospital. what is wrong with Danielle?

Sam's POV-

I couldn't believe the guys are here right now. I didn't see Jacob so I just went around talking to the guys until I ran into Johnson. "hey beautiful" he said. I instantly started blushing and he could see so he chuckled. "Hey Johnson" I said after I could speak. "want to come sit by the fire with me?" he asked and I agreed and we went and sat on one of the little couches by the fire pit. we talked the whole night. it was around 9:30 and I was freezing and he could tell so he got up and took his sweatshirt off and have it to me "here wear this" I said "No it's ok" I lied "Sam your Freezing please just wear it" he handed it to me and i thanked him. Before I knew it we were both cuddling by the fire. I saw Danielle walking around and she looked sick again she was over by Taylor and all the sudden she started falling and she passed out. luckily Taylor caught her one of the guys called 911 we let Taylor go into the ambulance and Shawn went too because he knew her a little better than Taylor and the girls and I jumped into Danielle's jeep with a couple of the guys and the rest got in Taylor's range rover and we were all off to the hospital. "OMG what's wrong with Danielle" Mariah asked "I don't know but I hope she's ok" I replied. Eileen was just sitting there shocked she didn't do good with things like this because she would get a panic attack. Aaron was sitting next to her in the back seat trying to calm her down on our way. about 15 minutes later we made it to the hospital and we asked where Danielle was and they said we had to wait in the waiting room and they would call us in as soon as they knew what was wrong and we could see her. So we walked over to the waiting room and on our way there we found all the guys they were just walking through the doors and then we walked over together. When we got there Taylor was sitting in the car looking like he was about ready to cry and Shawn was staring into space. we all went and sat down next to them. Man I really hope she's ok.

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