Chapter 22

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

Danielle's POV-

I woke up this morning in Taylor's arms.  Man i love that kid more than he can imagine.  When i looked up at him he was already staring down at me "good morning Beautiful" he said to me "good morning Tay" i said laughing.  I asked him what time it was because i was still tired.  He told me what time it was and that i could go back to sleep if i wanted to.  I argued with him for a few minutes but gave in after a while cause i was so tired.  He kissed my forehead and grabbed his phone.  A few minutes later after he was done texting someone which i imagine it was one of the girls because i asked him to text them and asked them to bring me some clothes.  He then laid his head on top of mine and I soon fell asleep.  I woke up about 20 minutes later from sharp pains in my back.  I screamed and woke Taylor up and he almost fell off the bed.  I was going to laugh but i got another sharp pain and i started crying.  Taylor hit the button to page the doctor and then wrapped me in a hug and rocked me on his lap while i was crying.  He kept comforting me but it just hurt so badly.  The doctor finally came in and he put some more pain meds in my IV to ease the pain and it did help.  He said he would be back in about 2 hours to check on me again and i should be able to go home this afternoon.  I thanked him and then he walked out.  I crawled back into Taylor's side and I watched TV for a little while trying to go back to sleep it took about an hour but i finally fell back asleep.  While i was sleeping i heard someone yelling but i blocked it out and went back into a deep sleep.  10 Minutes after I heard the yelling i woke up.  As i was stretching i saw someone walk into the room and it was Diana i went to get up to give her a hug but i forgot how weak i was cause i almost fell on my ass.  Taylor caught me and i regained my balance and went over to give her a hug and she gave me and Taylor drinks from Starbucks.  I thanked her and then the doctor walked in and she said she would go wait out in the lounge with everyone else.  The doctor came over told me to go get changed and then he was just going to do a quick physical on me.  he was gong to get my test results from yesterday while i was changing.  I still had my IV hooked up to me so i changed my pants first and i went to change my shirt and i got it caught on my IV and it was pulling.  I yelled for Taylor and he came in and saw that my shirt was half off and started walking out of the room and i told him it was ok and asked if he could help.  He finally got my shirt unwrapped from the IV and helped me get my new shirt on.  Once we were finished we went back out into the room and a few seconds later the doctor walked back in and said my test results were all good and he checked everything.  He said my levels were still a little off so i had to make sure i eat enough and drink enough and he said i would be a little weak for about a week.  he gave me my meds and I had to sign my release papers and then we walked out.  It was hard to walk since i was weak so i leaned on Taylor's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist to try and hold me up.  We walked out of the room and down the hallway and i saw everyone there.  All the girls and the guys and even Austin were here. They all came over and gave me a hug and we decided to go get something to eat for lunch since it was lunch time and i still hadn't eaten anything yet today.  We went to a nice little restaurant downtown and ate.  After we were done we were all going to head back to the camp and just have a lazy day.  Sam came over to Taylor and gave him my keys to my car and Johnson said they would see us later.  She came over and gave me a hug and i smirked at her before she walked away.  Eileen and Aaron were also going to stay here and walk around for the day and Mariah and Austin decided to stay too. Cam wanted to take Diana somewhere and the guys all wanted to go do something so it looked like it was just Tay and I going back to camp! 

        Diana's POV- 

Cam walked over to Danielle and Taylor and was talking to them and they nodded their heads and then Cam came back over to me and grabbed my hand and he said we were going to spend the day together and then he had a surprise tonight.  We spent the day walking around the city and shopping i didn't get much but we just walked around looking at everything here  and we took a bunch of pictures together.  It started to get late and Cam said we were going out to eat.  I didn't really dress up much because i thought we were going back to came after we went to the hospital.  "Cam please don't go any where fancy I look horrible" I told him bad mistake though.  He spun around and threw me over his shoulder and wouldn't put me down.  When he did we were away from everyone he set me down and looked into my eyes.  "What did you just say and it better not have been what i think it was" he asked "I said i don't want to go anywhere fancy because i look-" i was cut off by Cam "unless you are going to say beautiful don't you dare finish that sentence" he said looking into my eyes "Cam stop i'm not beautiful there are girls that are way prettier than me I don't even know why you are with me you could have anyone you want"  I started going on and on "Diana you are beautiful you may not be the prettiest girl in the worl but you're the prettiest girl in my world and that's all that matters.  Also i don't want just anyone i was you because in my eyes weather you want to believe me or not you are perfect why can't you see that?" he said to me.  By now i was shedding tears that was the sweetest thing ever.  "Cam thank you for everything.  Everything you have ever done for me even before you knew who i was thank you I love you so much and i couldn't ask for a better boyfriend" I said kissing him at the end.  Wee kissed for a good 5 minutes and then we started walking down the street until we got to where we were eating.  we walked in and the place was so pretty i loved the way they had it decorated! Our waiter sat us down at our table and we order our stuff and we just sat and talked about everything we did earlier today.  We were both really glad that Danielle was out of the hospital.  Man i swore i was going to have a heart attack after i got off the phone with Mariah i was so scared but like Cam told me she's strong.  Once we were done eating Cam paid the bill and he said he had one more surprise for me.  I was kinda nervous because it was dark out ow and i didn't know what he was doing but i followed him anyway.  We had walked back to the car he told me to get in so i did.  We were driving for about 15 minutes when he stopped on the side of the road and grabbed a bandana from the back i'm guessing from Taylor and he told me to wrap it around my eyes.  Of course Cam knew me too well because he retied it cause he knew i could still see when i put it on.  After he put it on me we started driving again for about 5 minutes and then the car stopped and Cam said that we were here.  He came over to my door and grabbed my hand and led me o where i was supposed to go.  When he took my blindfold off i was so shocked.  We were at a little lake on a dock and at the end of the dock there was a little patio that was all lit up.  We sat down there and had ice cream and then he asked if i wanted to go swimming.  Of course i wanted to go swimming i loved it but i didn't have a bathing suit.  I told him that and he said "you have underwear and a bra on right?" he asked "yeah?" i said slowly.  "so just swim in that it's dark out i can't see anything. Come on please?" he begged me.  I finally gave in and told him to turn around.  He took his shorts and shirt off so he was just in his boxers and he turned around.  I started to get undressed i took my shorts and shirt off and then walked up behind Cam and pushed him in.  while he was underwater i decided to jump in.  That lake was a little cold but i got used to it after a while.  We were swimming for a little while and then we got into a splash war and i climbed on his back and dunked him.  I started laughing really hard until i was pulled under water and Cam kissed me.  We came back up and we were out of breathe and he told me to get on his back so i did and he swam around the lake with me on his back.  I got down and he swam over to me and stood in front of me.  He leaned in and started kissing me and of course i kissed back and it turned into a heated make out session really fast.  We continued for about 15 minutes and then we broke apart and Cam asked if i wanted to get out.  I was getting really late and it was starting to cool off so i said yes.  He got up on the dock and helped me out and walked over to get the towels. He handed me the towels and said he was going to get our clothes from the car.  Before he left he turned around and whispered in my ear "by the way you're really beautiful" his breathe on my neck sent shivers down my back and i was blushing from his complement. he came back with or clothes and we both put them on we were going to stay and watch the stars for a littl while but we were both really tired and we still had to get back to camp so we decided to leave.  

        Sam's POV- 

After Johnson talked to cam he grabbed my hand and we walked off to downtown.  We were walking around just looking at everything and we decided to shop a little bit.  I picked out a couple outfits and so did Johnson I went up to pay for them but Johnson wouldn't let me. "Jack why'd you do that i can buy my own clothes you know?" i told him "Yeah i know you can but i wanted to get them for you"  he said smiling at me "Aw  thank you Jack but you really didn't have to" i told him "It's fine like i said before i wanted to buy them for you" he said "well Thank You" i said and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.  We walked around the city and we saw this really pretty fountain so we sat down by it and took some pictures together and we just sat and talked about everything that was going on.  It was getting later and we were both starting to get hungry so we decided to just go over to Steak & Shake to get something to eat.  When we got thee Johnson asked if we wanted to split a shake and i started blushing and then agreed.  We ordered our shake and it came out a few minutes later and we drank that while we were waiting for our food to come out.  It finally came out and we started eating and after we were finished eating he said he wanted to go one more place before we headed back.  We walked around the city a little more it was so beautiful at night with all the lights it was amazing.  We finally got to where we were going and we were at the Montreal.  It takes you for a ride around the city so you can see everything.  We were on it and it went up and then stopped when i looked out the window we were over top of the city with all the lights "OMG this is so beautiful Jack" i said with a huge smile on my face "Not as beautiful as you Sam" he said and i instantly started blushing.  "Aww Jack you're so sweet" i said looking at him.  "I have a question and i'm not sure how you will respond but i'm going to ask you anyways" he said "ok go ahead" i told him " I know we haven't known each other very long at all but i don't need to know you for long to see that you are amazing and so beautiful so Sam? Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" he asked "Jack that is the sweetest thing ever! YES! I will be your girlfriend" he started to lean in and i did to I mean come on who wouldn't but he's my boyfriend now.  OMG Jack Johnson is my boyfriend Ican't believe that my dream came true.  We were kissing for about 5 minutes but we stopped because we had to get off.  We walked back to the city and we found Eileen and Aaron but they didn't see us yet.  As we were walking over to them they started kissing we made it over to them and they were still kissing so i cleared my throat and they both jumped and started blushing.  Are you two love birds ready to leave because we are heading back.  "The guys left one of the cars here for us so i'm going to go get it and i'll pick you up ok?" Johnson asked "Yeah that's fine thanks!" i told him and then he started walking off towards where the car was.  He came running back real quick and said he forgot something and then gave me a kiss and ran back off.  After he was gone Eileen came over to me and started smirking at me.  "So you and Johnson Huh??" she asked "yeah! So you and Aaron Huh??"  i asked her "Yeah she said blushing.  " Aww you're so cute" i said.  Then Johnson pulled up with the car and i got in the passenger seat and Eileen and Aaron got into the back and we were headed back t camp.    

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