Chapter 38

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Taylor's POV-
My plan worked perfectly my plane landed and I was in my way to the club now I should get there around 6 it will give me enough time to get ready and the event started at 7. I couldn't wait to surprise Danielle I was so excited! 7 soon came and I was getting ready to go in the door. I decided I would stay out of sight until it started up. When I went in. They were playing some music but no one was dancing yet. About 15 minutes later everyone was out on the dance floor dancing the night away. I finally saw Danielle for the first time tonight and she looked stunning that dress looks absolutely gorgeous on her! I decided to text her T- Tay D-Dani
T- Hey baby what's up 😘
D- NM just at the event I miss you 😘😘
T- I miss you too baby but I have a surprise for you😉
D- really?
T- you ready to see what it is?
D-baby where are you
D- seriously babe where did you go
I stood there just watching her for a few minutes and then walked up behind her. "Surprise" I said and she spun around and then started crying and jumped into my arms. I picked her up and spin her around "I missed you so much baby" she said hugging me as tight as possible. "I missed you even more" I said leaning down to give her a kiss man I missed this. We spent the whole night dancing and talking about what we've been doing. I'm so glad to be back with her I missed her way too much. I couldn't wait to surprise her next week!!

Cam's POV-
I woke up this morning with Diana cuddled up next to me. I love waking up every morning like this. I love her so much! we spent the day yesterday looking at a bunch of stuff for the nursery. We finally found her a doctor so we made an appointment for next week. I wanna surprise Diana with the nursery but I want to make sure I know what theme she wants for it cause I want her to like it. We were at the store looking yesterday but there were so many different themes for the nursery so we are gonna keep looking until we find the right one. I also talked to Taylor and I think he's gonna come out here in a couple weeks or so. He was flying into NY yesterday to surprise Danielle and then next week he's gonna take her to Indiana and then he said something about coming out here to LA to see us cause he said Danielle really missed Diana and he wanted to come out and hang out. I haven't told Diana yet cause I wanted to keep it a surprise. Today we are just gonna have a lazy day and look and more things for the nursery and I'm gonna take her out to eat and maybe go to the mall and shop a little. I also talked to the others about bringing all the girls out here so they could spend time with Diana cause I know it's hard for her out here not really knowing anyone. Diana was still sleeping so I figured I would go make us some breakfast. While I was cooking eggs I felt a pair of small arms wrap around my waist and a smile grew on my face knowing it was Diana "good morning baby" I said turning around to see her "morning she said smiling up at me I leaned down to give her a kiss and then finished cooking. After we are we decided to go out by the pool for a little while and go swimming. We went upstairs and got changed and just hung out by the pool listening to music for a while. We decided not to go to the mall today and we spent the whole day outside in our back yard. We played volley ball, went swimming, went in the hot tub, watched movies, and just talked it was so much fun. I told Diana we were going out to dinner tonight so we went upstairs to shower before we leave to get all the chlorine off of us from the pool and hot tub. After we got dressed we headed out to the restaurant. I took her to a nice little restaurant that is right on the beach and we went in and sat down. We ordered our food and just talked about what we were going to be doing. Our food came and after we ate I paid the bill and then I decided to take Diana out to the beach. We walked along the beach for about and hour before she started getting tired so I carried her back to the car and then we went back home. When we got back we just watched movies until we fell asleep. Around 8 the next morning my phone started ringing I just ignored it and it kept going off so I walked out of the room and down the the living room so I wouldn't wake Diana up. I answered the phone it was Bart "hey Cam how you doing" he said "um fine what did you need?" I asked him still half asleep "well I just wanted to let you know we have to shows in Cali one next week in San Fran and then one in San Diego I hope you can make it" he said ugh really "um I'll have to check with Diana and see if she can come cause I'm not going without her" I told Him "who's Diana" I forgot I didn't tell anyone except our families and the guys "um she's my fi-girlfriend she's my girlfriend we met in NJ at One of Shawn's shows and we stayed at the same place on vacation" I didn't want to tell him about us being engaged yet cause I knew he would have something to say about it "oh ok well let me know if you can come" he said "ok I will bye" I hung up the phone. He's been pissing me off a lot lately and I was still tired so I walked back up to the room and Diana turned around and looked at me. "What's wrong baby" she asked "nothing Bart just called and I didn't want to wake you lets go back to sleep" I told her she nodded and I laid back in bed and we cuddled back up and we fell asleep within 2 minutes we were exhausted. When we woke up the next day we went to bed, bath, & beyond to get stuff to finish the rest of the rooms for the house. After we got done there I took her to the mall and let her get a bunch of new clothes cause I knew she would need them after she got everything I went up and paid for her stuff and then took her bags out to the car and we walked up to the food court to get something to eat. We decided to go to Taco Bell so I walked over and got our food while Diana went and found a table for us. Once we finished eating we went back home and we decided to set up a couple of the rooms and then we went outside and jumped into the pool. I'm so happy to be here with Diana and having our own house and I can't wait for the baby I am the happiest I have ever been. I figure I should talk to Diana about Magcon and see if she wanted to go I wasn't gonna go unless she wanted to go and I didn't want her to go just so she didn't hurt my feelings. I love my fans but she's my world and I wouldn't do anything to make her feel uncomfortable. I decided to just have a BBQ for tonight and I invited over my mom and my sister to come for dinner and they said they would be over in a little while so I decided to talk to her about Magcon before they get here. "Hey baby I have a question?" I said and looked over at her and I could tell she was getting nervous "umm sure what is it" she asked "don't worry it's ok it's just Bart called me this morning and we have two more shows one in San Fran and San Diego and he wanted to know if I could come and I told him i had to ask you first cause I'm not going unless you want to go so would you like to go and I want you to say no if you don't I don't want you to say yes just cause you think it'll make me happy cause you make me happy and I don't care if you don't want to go then I'll just stay home cause I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" I told her and she thought for s while and then started talking "I don't know i think it would be fun plus you have to go see your fans so I think we should go" she said smiling at me "really you want to go? Are you sure?" I asked her "yes I'm sure it'll be fun it will be like a small vacation" she said smiling at me "ok I'll let him know we are coming then" I said giving her a kiss and then went back to cooking and she came over and wrapped her arms around my waist. I looked back and her and smiled and she leaned her head on my back. "I love you so much baby" she said "I love you too baby" I said turning around and picking her up she wrapped her arms around neck and her legs around my waist and I leaned in and kissed her. I had the best night ever my mom and sister came over and we all went swimming and had a BBQ and we had a fire. We were all laughing and having an awesome time. My mom and my sister left around 10 and we went up to get changed and then we watched a movie and fell asleep.

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