Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

        Mariah's POV-

I had just gotten on my plane to head to NY to meet my 3 best friends! I couldn't wait I was so excited i could barley sleep last night.  In a couple hours i would be meeting my friends for the first time!! Yes we talk all the time and know everything abpout each other but this will be our first time seeing each other in person and none of us could be more excited! We were all going to spend the summer at Danielle's camp and she is having her sweet 16 party when we are up too!  Sam and Danielle were born two days apart from each other so Danielle wanted to make sure we celebrated her birthday because she is turning 16 too!! We were planing a surprise and Sam didn't know anything about it.  This was gonna be the best summer of my life!!

Sam's POV-

I just finished packing my bags into my mom's car and we were headed off to the airport! I've waited for this day for so long I finally get to meet my best friends and i couldn't be happier!! We were spending the whole summer togther and even better i got to spend my birthday with my friends or i should say sisters.  We have grown so close in the past two years we are like family and i don't know what i would do without any of them.  After thinking about how much fun we were gonna have this summer my flight was called and i boarded my plane.  Within minutes of take off i was out i didn't get any sleep last night because i was so excited so i was exhusted, plus im gonna need some sleep because none of us will be sleeping tonight.

        Eileen's POV-

I Just got into my cab and i was headed to the Albany airport to meet up with Danielle and wait for the girls to land!  Even though Danielle & I live in the same state after two years we still haven't met everytime we were by eachothers houses we were always some where else.  Trust me we tried a million times to meet up! Anyways it's about a 3 hour drive to albany so i put in my head phones and turned on my faviortes playlist and Life Of The Party by: Shawn Mendes came on all of us were in love with this song especially Danielle because she was in love with Shawn but she had a problem because she was also in love with Taylor.  As i was listening to my music i kept thinking about how much fun this summer was gonna be!! Spending all summer and Danielle's camp and her sweet 16, Sam's surprise party that she doesn't know anything about, Mariah's surprise because her 17th birthday was in April and we didnt get to celebrate her 16th, but there was one more thing we had a huge surprise for Danielle for her birthday! We wanted to do something really special for her after all she flew and drove us all out to meet her and is letting us spend the whole summer with her at her camp so we came up with this surprise that she would never see coming i know she's gonna love it!!! 

        Mariah's POV- 

My plane just landed and i opened up the group chat and told Danielle i just landed and that i would meeting her at baggage claim.  Sam then texted and said that she was just landing now and that she would meet us there and Eileen said she just pulled up.  Danielle said she was heading to starbucks and asked what we all wanted we told her and all said we would see eachother in a few mins.

        Sam's POV-

The captian annouced that we were getting ready to land o i texted to group and it looked like we would get there at the same time.  Danielle went to go get us all starbucks and then found a couch and table in the lonuge right across from baggage claim so she said she would wait there a few seconds later i see a picture of Danielle sitting on the couch with her drink in her hands and the others sitting next to her on the table ccaptioned with #WhiteGirlPrroblems I laughed and put my phone in my pocket till i got off the plane. 

        Eileen's POV-

Mariah and Sam were just landing when i pulled up to the airport i had to get all my bags out of the cab and then i started walking in.  Of course the baggage claim the girls were at was at the other end of the airport so i started running when they said they were off their planes and let me tell you it was perfect timing too!!! Danielle looked up from her phone as i was running straight towards her and Mariah came running from the left and Sam from the right we all dropped our bags when we saw each other and ran into the middle of the walkway! we started screaming and jumping and even a few tears we were all s happy we even fell over in the middle of baggage claim.

        Mariah's POV-

I was so happy nothing could explain how happy i was that i finally got to see them!! We all started crying after we ran to each other we fell on top of each other and hugged for what seemed like forever we were screaming and everyone in the airport was looking at us but we didn't care one bit! It was the best day o our lives and we couldn't ask for more!

Sam's POV-

We were lying on the floor hugging each other and crying we were all so happy no words could explain our feelings. after we got up the we went and picked up all the stuff we dropped and the bags started coming in so we walked over to the belts to find our bags Danielle went to help Mariah and Eileen came to help me.  After we both got our bags we got a luggage cart cause there were to many bags to carry LOL once we put all the bags on we walked out to Danielle's car. Thank god she had a jeep because if she had a smaller car i dont think all of our stuff would fit in the car!

Danielle's POV-

after we got all the luggage out to the car we started putting all the bags in.  I'm glad i brought my jeep how many bags do these girls need.  I got all the bags in finally and then Eileen comes up to me and says i forgot this one i groan and look at all of them and say "How many bags do you people need!" they all just laugh. I got the last bag in and we all got in the car Sam and Mariah were in the back and Eileen was up front in the passenger seat and i was driving (IK you can't drive when you're 15 in NY state but just go with it LOL) we all buckled up and i put the roof down yes i had a convertablie when you live in the country you gotta have one!! We were off to camp this was gonna be the best summer ever!! I got on the road and remembered i didn't go shopping yet and i just opened up the camp the other day.  i stopped at the red light and screamed " Who wants to go on a shopping trip after we drop all your shit off" laughing at the end comment and all of theem scremed back " I do" at the same time and we all laughed.  We blasted the radio we all plugged our phones in and listened to a bunch of diffrent thinngs Eileen shuffled her music and the first thing that came on was First Flight Home by: Jake Miller we all started tearing up but soon started screaming the lyrics! We finally got to camp and as we turned down the road Country Girl (Shake It) By: Luke Bryan came on and i blared it and started singing they all laughed at me put then started singing. As we drove down the road there were new people moving into one of the camps and couple house down from us and there were a bunch of teenage guys standing in the yard they looked firmilar but the had their backs to us so i couldnt see their faces. As soon as the girls saw what i was looking at they stopped singing and started blushing!  We pulled down into the drive way and  parked the jeep everyone got out of the car and i said 'Follow Me" they looked at each other and shrugged and i ran onto the dock and told them to jump on 3 we all grabbed each others hands and counted " 1..2..3" we all jumped in holding hands screaming!!! we swam out more and i screamed " This is gonna be the best summer ever!!!" i heard someone scream "Hell Yeah!!" I turned to see that it was the guys from eariler they were all out on their dock i could barley see their faces because they were a ways away but i knew that voice!! "That sounded like Taylor" i said to the girls and they looked a me like i was crazy.  "Come on Danielle that would be amazing but i doubt it was Taylor and the guys" Eileen said. Mariah and Sam agreed we got out of the water annd went inside we had brought our bags in before we jumped into the lake so we just dug through our bags to find an outfit cause we had to go shopping and i wanted to go now because i was gonna have a bonfire tonight and invite a bunch of the neigbors so the girls could meet some people up here. We all gott chnaged and hopped into my jeep blared the music and we were off!!

I'm so sorry for not updating i have been so busy and i went to see Austin, Shawn, The Vamps, & 5th Harmony last week it was the best day ever!!!! I promise i will update again soon!

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