Chapter 28

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

**** 1 Month Later ****

Diana's POV-

It's been a month since I found out I am pregnant I haven't told Cam yet because I'm scared of what he's going to say. Danielle and I just got back from the doctors and the baby is healthy. The next appointment I get to find out if it's a girl or a boy. All the guys were out in the water so Danielle and I sat down inside and we were talking "you have to tell him Diana he needs to know and he's gonna find out soon" Danielle said looking at me " I know I'm just scared of what he's gonna say" I said looking down. "Hey he loves you I'm sure he'll be happy" she said to me trying to cheer me up. "Thanks Danielle for always being there for me no matter what I really appreciate it" I said giving her a hug. "I'm always here anytime. Now it's time to tell him" she said looking into my eyes "ok" I said getting up off the couch. I walked outside to find Cam and I didn't see him. I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind and I soon knew who it was. "Hey baby" he said while kissing my neck "hey babe" I said back smiling man he makes me so happy. "Did you have fun with Danielle?" he asked. I had told him that we were going to have a girls day because I didn't want to tell him that I was going to the doctors "it was good" I said smiling. He could tell something was up I knew he could "hey babe can we talk?" I asked him "yeah sure lets go upstairs I'm going tot get changed and then we can talk ok?" he asked kinda worried "ok" I said kissing his cheek and he grabbed my hand and we went upstairs. We got up to my room and he asked if I wanted to take a shower I said yes because I was tried and wanted to put on some comfy clothes so we both went and took a shower together. After we finished we got out and he wrapped a towel around me an then he dried off and wrapped one around his waist. We walked out into the room and we both got clean clothes to put on and we got dressed. After we got dressed we laid in bed and he wrapped me up in his arms. "So what did you want to talk about?" he asked looking into my eyes. I looked away and tears started filling my eyes I was so afraid of what he was going to say. "Hey don't cry what's wrong baby?" he asked "well you know how I was throwing up when we got back from our trip to the city?" i asked him "yeah?" he said more as a question " well it wasn't just a stomach bug" I said looking down at the floor "well than what's wrong are you ok? he asked getting worried "yes well kinda" I said "Diana just tell me please you know you can tell me anything please tell me what's going on" he said looking at me "ok well Cam I I-m" I started saying but suddenly got really sick. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up and Cam came in behind me and held my hair back and rubbed my back. After I got done throwing up I brushed my teeth and looked up at Cam standing next to me "Cam I'm pregnant" I said looking down at the ground and then I started crying. He hugged me tightly and then whispered in my ear "I love you so much please don't cry" I looked up at him "you're not mad?" I asked "why would I be mad at you?" he asked me "I don't know" I said looking down "hey" he said tilting my chin up "I love you no matter what and yeah we may be a little young but we will get through this together ok?" he said looking in my eyes "ok I love you so much Cam" I told him "I love you more" he said giving me a kiss. "So why didn't you tell me before?" he asked "I was scared" I told him "scared of what?" he asked "scared that you might leave me or you'd be mad at me and I didn't want that to happen" I admitted "I would never leave you ok? I promise you I won't I love you so much baby" he said wrapping me in a tight hug "I love you too" I said. "So does anyone else know besides Danielle?" He asked "no just you and her" I told him "so when do you want to tell the others" he asked me with a smile on his face. "How about tomorrow? I'm really tired right now" told him "sure baby lets go to sleep" he said putting us both under the covers pulled me towards him so my back was against his chest and he placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed little circles in it. "Hey Cam are you scared? You know about the baby?" I asked him "a little but I'm excited too" he said with a smile "me too" I said and then drifted off to sleep. I woke up the next morning and Cam was looking at me stroking my hair. "Good Morning baby" he said giving me a kiss "morning babe" I said to him and then I sat up. "Are you ready to tell everyone today?" he asked "yeah I guess" I replied "we can wait if you want we don't have to tell them today" he told me "no it's ok I have to tell them anyways so I might as well tell them today" I told him "ok. Do you want to go down and get some breakfast?" he asked "sure" I said smiling at him. He came over and picked me up and carried me down the stairs and then he set me on the couch in the living room so I could watch tv while he cooked breakfast because no one else was up yet. About 20 minutes later he brought me in a plate that had waffles, bacon, sausage, toast, eggs, and hash browns and then a cup or orange juice "AWW baby you didn't have to make all that" I said giving him a kiss "I know but I wanted to" he smiles at me and I kissed him again. He went back out to the kitchen and got himself a plate and then came back in and sat down right next to me on the couch and we are our breakfast. After we were done eating we put the fishes in the sink and went and cuddled up on the couch and we fell asleep. We woke up about an hour later and Danielle was just walking down the stairs. she smiled at me and then asked if I had told him yet and he told her I did. I was so happy right now I was still scared but really happy.

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