Chapter 26

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Danielle's POV-

I had the most amazing time last night with Taylor. He took me out to dinner at one of my fave restaurants "The Standard" I get the same thing every time I go there and it's their Parmesan crusted chicken. It's absolutely amazing and Taylor got it too. Man I really love that kid he was my life before I met him and as we've gotten closer I've fallen even harder for him if that is even remotely possible. After we finished eating he ordered my fave desert which was the baked apple crisp. It is Apple slice baked with cinnamon and carmel topped with whipped cream I loved it. We both split it because it was huge and we had a lot of food already. We fed some to each other and once we were finished we just talked. The restaurant was right in the mall so after we finished we walked around the mall. I tried to pay for part of dinner but of course Taylor wouldn't let me. We walked around the whole mall we got some stuff from a couple different stores. I walked past Victoria's secret and saw they were having a huge sale but I didn't want to leave Taylor alone and I knew he wouldn't want to go in so I just looked in the store from outside and kept walking. Taylor noticed and asked if I wanted to go in and I said that it was ok and he told me I could go in but I just shook it off. So he came a picked me up and carried me into the store and set me down by now I was laughing my ass off when he set me down I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss and started looking around. I got a bunch of stuff and went to check out but Taylor said he would by it for me I told him no but once again he won the battle and he paid for my stuff. We went a couple more places and then we headed back to camp cause I was getting tired. We finally got back and I was exhausted so we went up to my room and I put all my stuff away and then went and got changed. After I got changed I put in a movie and went and laid down. Taylor came out a few minutes later and got into bed with me and we cuddled. "Thank you so much for today Tay I had a lot of fun with you" I said looking up at him while my head is on his chest. "Anytime Danielle" he said and we both started leaning in and we were soon kissing which turned into a heated makeout session but we stopped it there because we were both way too tired. He gave me one last kiss and we cuddled back up and we were both out in about 5 minutes. The next morning we woke up really early because we had to start putting everything together for Diana's party. we had to make the breakfast first though so Taylor helped me with that because so far we were the only ones up. I was cooking some of the food and TAY came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and started kissing up and down my neck. It actually felt really good but I had stuff to do "TAY we have stuff we have to get done you'll have plenty of time to do that later help me please" I said looking back at him "ok fine but you forgot something this morning" he said and I was going to ask what it was but he kissed me so I kissed back for about 5 minutes and then broke it up before I burnt the food. We finally finished making breakfast and the rest of the girls walked down and said that Diana was just getting up and she'll be down soon. TAY and I set the table and Diana and Cam came walking down the stairs. She ran over and gave me a hug and thanked me and we all sat down and ate our food. After breakfast I ha Cam take Diana out for a while and I finished setting up everything. I washed re dishes and Sam helped me put them away and then I had to hang the banner and the streamers and Tay helped me hang them. After that TAY went out and carried the cakes in while I made up the frosting to decorate it with and I had the girls cut out some flowers. I mixed the different colors and then started decorating the cake her favorite color was purple so I did decorations with purple and then I had to make the picture so I piped the outlining and then started to fill it in I finished that pretty quickly and then I put it in the freezer so that it could thicken up so I could peel it off and put it on the cake. I finally finished it and set the cake out on the table and cleaned up. I think by the time I was done I was once again wear more frosting. While I was washing all the stuff TAY came over and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. "What's up" I asked laughing and I turned my head to look back at him "nothing" he replied "that cake looks amazing you did a great job Danielle she's going to love it" he told me "thank you TAY it really means a lot" I told him "anytime you're so talented" he said "you got some frosting on your cheek" he told me "where" I asked him "hold on i'll get it" he said and all the sudden he licks my cheek "TAYLOR!" I squealed "what?" he smirked and then started laughing "go get changed" I said pushing him away. He went over and helped the girls put everything out and then went up stairs. I finished the dishes so I went upstairs to shower and get changed. I went in and I walked into the bathroom and started the shower just as I was stepping in I heard the door open and I jumped behind the curtain. I peeked out and it was TAY "TAYLOR! What are you doing?" I asked him "taking a shower" he said smirking "fine" I groaned he jumped in and he washed my hair and it felt really good after he was done I washed his hair and then we both washed up and got out. I forgot my clothes so I went out to find an outfit I got it out and I put on my bra and panties and just as I got them on Taylor walked out into the room. "Damn" he said and walked over and got some clothes to wear I finished getting dressed and he came over and started kissing me we were soon making out and it was getting pretty heated. "Tay I have to finish getting ready cause Diana and Cam are gonna be here soon" I said breaking apart. He flopped down on my bed while I finished getting ready. Once I was done he got up and grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. Cam re yes me and told me they were almost here so we shut all the lights off and got in our spots. While we were waiting for them to come through the door everyone was talking and Taylor asked if I wanted to go out again tonight and I told him I would love to. After that we heard a door shut and we all shut up and soon the front door opened we all jumped up and yelled "SURPRISE" she ran over and gave all of us hugs and then I showed her the cake. She gave me a huge hug and thanked me again. We all are cake and then she opened her gifts. I have her a matching diamond heart locket that matches mine with our names engraved into the back and our picture inside. She was so happy we all hung out for a while but she had to leave because Cam had a huge surprise for her tonight. He was taking her to see 1D and meet the guys and then they were going to spend the night in the city 😏. After she left I cleaned up and Tay helped me take everything down everyone else left cause the boys were all going out to do something and the rest of the girls had dates tonight. After we finally finished cleaning up we were exhausted because we were up really early so we went up to my room and we laid down and cuddled up and we were out. When we woke up it was around 6pm so we both got ready. "Hey Tay what should I wear?" I asked him "anything you always look beautiful" I started blushing "AWWW Tay but seriously what should I wear" he walked over to me and kissed me "I'm serious about what I said but we are going somewhere fancy" he said giving me one more kiss before walking into the bathroom. I got changed and he came out and his jaw dropped "wow you look stunning Danielle" he said "thanks" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek on my way to the bathroom I finished my hair and makeup and we were ready to go. We took his car so he helped me in and then he got in and we were off. He took me to this really nice restaurant and the food was amazing while we were waiting for dessert Taylor spoke up. "I have a question for you" he said "what is it?" I asked "well I was wondering I know we haven't known each other very long but I really like you and I can't imagine being with anyone else so Danielle? Will you make me the happiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend?" He asked while holding my hands "OMG Tay you don't know how many times I've dreamed of this moment. ok that sounded really creepy and probably ruined the moment but yes Taylor I would love to be your girlfriend YES!" I said hugging him. We started losing but were soon interrupted by our dessert we shared it and then we went back home because we were still tired. When we got back home we both changed and put a movie on and laid in bed talking. We talked for a while until I could barley keep my eyes open "goodnight baby I love you" Taylor said kissing my forehead "I love you too babe goodnight" I said with my head on his chest and I was out right after that.

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