Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Diana, Eileen, Mariah, and Sam

Danielle's POV-

After the concert Austin, Mariah, Sam, Eileen, Shawn, and I all went out to eat together because Cam and Diana went out together and they left right after the show. I am so so so happy for her!! I can tell Cam really likes her and i know she really likes him i hope they get together becuase they would make such a cute couple!! When we got to the resturant Shawn grabbed my hand as we got out of the limo and instantly i got butterflies in my stomach. We all went in and sat down i sat next to Shawn and Austin was next to Mariah and EIleen and Sam sat on each endd of the table. We ordered our food and just talked about life and Austin & Shawn's success and how proud we are of them. Once we got donee eating we walked back out to the limo and on our way back to the hotel we decided to stop for some frozen yougrt. We all got diffrent flavors with diffrent toppings. Shawn let me try some of his which i gladly did and i let him try some of mine too. We all finished our yougrt and we all decided to walk back to the hotel cause it was like 3am so there weren't too many people out. Once we got to the hotel i asked Shawn if he wanted to come to ouur room to hangout for a little while and Mariah asked Austin the same they both said yes and we got off the elevator and walked to our room. When i opened thee door and walked in and stopped dead in my tracks. Diana and Cam were cuddled up in bed and it looked like she had his shirt on. That was honestly the cutest thing ever. "OMG THAT"S SO CUTE I NEED A PIC!!" i whispered yelled. I turned my volume off on my phone so it didn't wake them when i took the pic and i took it and we all went into the boys room next door so we didntt wake them up. We alll made a giant bed on the floor with a bunch of pillows and blankets and turned the tv on and endless love was just starting so we decided to watch that. Mariah and Austin cuddled up together and Shawn wrapped his arm around me and i laid my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. Half way through the movie I saw Austin get up and carry Mariah out of the room and he said he was taking her to bed. That was so cute I Austin likes Mariah a lot and shes been in love with him forever! Once the movie ended Sam and Eileen decided to go back to the room and go to sleep since they were already half asleep as for me and Shawn we were still wide awake. "I don't usually go to bed before 12 or 1am at the earliest and i can never fall asleep anyways" i said kinda laughing. "yeah i have trouble trying to gett to sleep too" he replied "Want to watch another movie?" he asked me. "Sure!" i said he got up and put a movie in and started it and came back over to me and wrapped me back up in his arms again. The Fault In Ours Stars came on and a smile grew on my face and my eyes lit up. "I remeber you saying you havent watcched it yet at dinner soo i thought you might like to see it" Shawn said looking into my eyes "YES! Thank you so much Shawn" i said hugging him tightly. The movie started and we both cried during the movie. once it was over i was fighting tto keep my eyes open. "Are you tired Danielle" shawn asked "Yeah" i replied with my eyes closed and my head still on his chest. "Let's go to bed you can sleep in here f you want cause i thnk your room might be a little occupied right now" he said laughing "Yeah" ii said luaghing a little at the end. he picked me up and put me on the bed while he went to the bathroom to gett changed he came out without a shirt on and asked if i wanted something to change into. I asked if could just wear his shirt and he said yes and i walked tto the bathroom. Almost smacking my head off the wall on the way i changed into hhis shirt and i was so tired i could barley keep my eyes open and i walked into the tub and fell backwards and shawn must have heard the noise cause he came running in with a worried look on his face. "Are You ok Danielle????" "yeah" i mumbled. He picked me up and tookk me over to one of the beds and then pulled the covers over me and walked overr to the other bed. "what are yo doing?" i asked him confused "Going to bed" he repied. "You can sleep over here" i told him. "Are you sure?" he asked. inodded and i felt the bed dip down beside me and his arms wrap around my waist. I fell asleep hearing him say "goodnight Beautiful"

Diana's POV-

I woke up the next morning and felt arms around my waist i started freaking out until i remebered Cam staying last night. II looked over and saw Mariah and Austin cuddled up together and Sam and Eileen were asleep and Danielle and Shawn weren't in the room. I turned around to look at Cam. He opened his eyes and said "Goodmorning beautiful!" "MMM" i replied with a smile on my face "What?" he asked looking at me "Your morning voice" i replied blushing as i barried my head into his chest. He laughed and kissed my cheek. I should probably go take a shower and get ready and you should too becuase we are going out!! "What?" i asked "What you think i'm gonna let you leave with out spending time with you?" he asked. I laughed and asked where we were going and he said it was surprise but to dress casually he kissed my cheek again and then he walked out of the door. I wasn't gonna lie I was nervous I didn't know where we were going or when we were leaving. As if he could read my mind I got a text from Cam saying that we would be leaving around 10am and it was 9:15am now so I had about 45 mins that was plenty of time to get ready. About 5 mins later Cam came into the room and told me to come with him so I did and we walked over to his room I was really confused until we got in the room and saw what he was pointing to. Shawn and Danielle were all cuddled up together in his bed with the blanket over them it was so cute! I walked over and took a pic of them together and then walked back over to Cam. "They are so cute!" I said "yeah but not as cute as us!" he replied. Us, us it just kept repeating in my head and a tear slid down my cheek and cam lifted my chin up and started kissing me and without and hesitation I started kissing back we started making out and he moved us over towards the bed so he was sitting on the edge of the bed with me on his lap. I love him so much why do I have to leave so soon 😭 we both broke away at the same time to catch our breath and he wiped the tears off my cheek with his thumb. "Diana?" he asked looking up at me "yeah?" I answered "can I ask you a question?" "Yeah" I replied "if you weren't leaving in 2 days would you have said yes?" he asked me. "yes!" I didn't even have to think twice I love him so much. "Can I ask you another question?" he asked again "yeah" I said " can we try and make it work it might be hard but I really want to try. please?" I sighed "I don't know Cam I don't want to do that to you." "do what?" he asked "say yes and then leave you it's not fair to you or me really" I said tears starting to run down my face. " Can we give it a shot if it doesn't work we will just go back to being best friends but just give it a shot first" I sighed again "yeah I guess we can" a smile grew on his face" hey Diana?" he smirked "yeah Cam?" I replied. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. even though he already asks me that before I was still in shock when he said it. After a minute I replied back "Yes Cam I would love to be your girlfriend!" I told Him hugging him tightly and he started leaning in the same time I did and we started kissing again. " Do you wanna just have a lazy day and do something tomorrow" he asked me "yeah that sounds good" we climbed up the bed and under the covers we laid down and cuddled up and turned on the tv and we restarted The Fault In Our Stars and watched that. today is a good day I was thinking to myself

Sorry it's short I was trying to write it up fast and I'm falling asleep while writing it LOL anyways here's another update I'll update again tomorrow

Goodnight everyone!

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