The Mistake.

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Earlier today...

"Josephine Langford." I said, giving the receptionist my name.

She typed away on her computer before looking back at me with a smile. "It says that you're renewing your Depo shot today?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Alright, I'm just going to need you to fill out some paperwork here and then Dr. Monroe will be with you shortly." She said, handing me a clipboard.

I took the clipboard and had a seat in the waiting room. Dr. Monroe, ironically, had gone to medical school with my parents. They reached out to him on my behalf given that I was going to have a home here in Los Angeles. To my knowledge, Katherine has seen him a few times as well but we're not ones to talk about those sorts of things.

I filled out the paperwork and gave it back to the receptionist just in time for one of the nurses to retrieve me. She led me into a beige room with posters of purple flowers and babies hung up on the walls. In a little case on the door were pamphlets about different types of contraception, STDS, and pregnancy tips. I sat up on the exam table as the nurse asked me a few more questions. She pulled the shot out from the cabinets, got everything prepared, then instructed me to wait until Dr. Monroe came in.

I stared up at the clock, which was shaped like a flower as it ticked away. I pulled out my phone, and attempted to text Hero that everything was okay, but the door opened, and Dr. Monroe strolled in. "Josephine?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you. I've heard great things about you."

"Likewise." I smiled.

He took a seat in a wheeled chair before moving closer to me. "Alright my dear, when was the last time you had the Depo shot administered to you?"


He looks up at me, eyes widened. "You are aware that it's highly recommended that you try to get the shot within three months of it being administered, yes?"

I nodded. "When I went to the clinic in New York, I was made aware that it had to be within a three to four-month period of getting the shot."

"While that may be true, every woman's body is different, and the shot may last longer for one person rather than another. That's why we encourage every three months, so it stays in your system." He explained.

I could feel myself getting anxious, and I think Dr. Monroe noticed because his expression eased up greatly. "No need to fret, I just have to ask you a few questions."


"When was your last menstrual period?"

"I haven't really gotten a period since I've started the shot. Just some spotting here and there." I told him.

"Have you had a period at all this month?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, and have you had any sexual intercourse since you've been on the shot?"

I nodded slowly.

"Have you and your partner been using protection?"

"Yes... and no."

"When was the last time you and your partner had unprotected sex?"

I gulped. "A few weeks ago."

Dr. Monroe scribbled a few things down on his clipboard before standing up. "Okay, so. Because you've surpassed the recommended renewal date for your shot, and you've had unprotected sex before the previous five days, I'm going to ask that you take a pregnancy test for me."

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