The Gift.

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Two weeks before Christmas...

"I have no idea what to get Hero for Christmas." I tell my sister as we hang ornaments onto the small tree that Hero and I picked out.

It was our first Christmas in our apartment, and I truly felt like I was at home here with Hero. Things have been going so great lately. Because I was in a better mood more often, Hero and I were able to enjoy our time together. We went on dates, made love, went on more dates, made more love. There wasn't anything else I could ask for.

Now that the holidays were quickly approaching, I felt pressured to make this the perfect Christmas.

Starting with the perfect gift.

"Well what's something he likes?"

"He likes a lot of things." I sigh. "This has to be special. It can't be something ordinary."

She ponders this for a moment. "Maybe you can take something ordinary of his and make it special."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, Jo. What's something he uses or wears a lot? Maybe you can get your name engraved into something."

Suddenly, it was as if a lightbulb had gone off above my head.

"Katherine! That's it!"

"What's what?" She laughs.

Without answering, I rush into the bedroom.

"What do you want me to do with the rest of these ornaments?" Katherine shouts from the other room.

"Leave them! Hero wants to put the rest up with me later." I call back.

I quickly search around the room for Hero's black ring. It was a gift given to him by his uncle when he was younger, a good luck charm for his future in acting.

He wore the ring while we were filming After, but stopped after a while. Thankfully he didn't have it on him today. I knew he loved this ring. I hope if I got it engraved, he wouldn't be too upset.

"What're you looking for?" Katherine asks as she comes into the bedroom.

"I want to get Hero's ring engraved." I tell her, holding up the black ring.

"How're you doing to do that without him knowing?"

"He hasn't been wearing it lately. I just hope he doesn't suddenly feel the need to." I say.

"Where is he by the way?"

"He's meeting with another modeling agency today. He didn't tell me which agency, though."

"Well if you want, I can go with you to the jewelry store." Kat suggests.

My hand immediately goes to my stomach, feeling a sense of nervousness. "Go out?"

"Yes... how else did you expect to get the ring done?"

"Maybe I can ship it out?"

"This close to the holiday? No way. I can take it for you if you want." She suggests.

"No," I sigh. "I want to do it. I'll just wear one of Hero's sweatshirts and hope for the best."

"How're you guys doing?"

"Fine, we're doing better now that my hormones have died down. We've been... happier... more intimate..."

"I don't need to hear anymore details." Katherine laughs.

"How're you and Dylan?" I ask as I pull Hero's black sweatshirt over my head.

"Great. I'm spending Christmas with him and his parents in North Carolina, so that should be interesting."

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