Say Goodbye.

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Our last day of filming was a beautiful one. Hero and I were spending our morning at the lake, enjoying our time here while it lasts before filming our final scene.

My head rested on Hero's chest while Annie's rested on mine, our little family enjoying the comfort of each other's company.

"I can't believe it's almost over." Hero sighs.

"Me either." I say. "So much has happened in three years. It's crazy."

"This is definitely an experience I will never forget."

We lay in comforting silence as the wind blows through the trees, the scenery as breathtaking as it was the first time I laid eyes on it.

"I hope Annie comes here... when she's older." Hero says after a while.

I shift my head slightly so I could look up at him.

"I think she will. She already seems to love it."

"This place has become a part of us. I want it to be a part of her too." He explains.

I sit up, keeping Annie pressed to my chest. "Hero, this place will always be a part of us, regardless of whether Annie comes here or not. But I'm sure she will." I assure him.

It warmed my heart knowing that Hero had grown so attached to this place. This was the place he met me.

Where we had our first kiss.

Where we fell in love.

It made sense for him to want his daughter to keep the memories of her parents alive by continuing to come here as she got older. Perhaps she would bring her child here, and so forth.

I hear Hero's phone buzzing in his pocket, and he lifts himself from the blanket before digging it out to answer it.

"Yeah?" He says into the speaker. "At the lake. Yeah. We can be there in twenty. Alright."

"Who was that?" I ask once he ends the call.

"Anna, she wants us to start heading back so we can shoot the final scene."

"Wow." I say, feeling a wave of sadness flood over me.

"What?" Hero asks, resting his hand on my cheek.

Annie stirs slightly, most likely from feeling my sudden distress.

"It's really over huh?" I whimper.

"Aw, baby." Hero softly says before pulling me into his arms.

He holds me as tears slowly roll down my cheeks, sentimental memories flowing through my head.

"Jo." Hero whispers, hooking his hand under my chin to turn my head towards his. "It's okay. I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know." I say, a slight smile creeping onto my lips.

"You're kind of stuck with me." He laughs.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I smirk before poking his dimple.

"Remember what I said at the airport." He says as he lifts Annie from my arms to cradle her. "Hardin and Tessa will always be with us."

"We're just like them." I say.

"Yeah but... less broken." He laughs before leaning over and kissing me.

Hero brings himself to his feet before helping me up. I glance out towards the lake one last time, remembering the day Hero and I were first brought here before turning and walking towards the car.

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