The Rejection.

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I sat on the bleachers, Annie propped up on my leg as we watched Hero and some of the other guys play a game of soccer before filming.

Khadijah, Pia, and Inanna were sitting behind us, but they weren't paying much attention really. I look down at Annie and admire how she watches the game so intently. I've noticed that she's very observant, and always likes to know what's going on.

I couldn't believe she was almost two months old. It feels like just yesterday I felt her kick inside of me for the first time.

I place a small kiss to her now dirty blond fuzzy hair, the color becoming more prominent as she grew. Hero was beside himself when the first strand of blond came in, but I felt it evened the score. She truly has the best of both worlds with my blond locks and Hero's emerald eyes.

Annie chirps happily and reaches her hands out directly towards Hero.

"Is that daddy?" I ask her with a laugh.

She watches as Hero kicks the ball into the goal, and giggles uncontrollably.

"She's so cute." I hear Pia laugh.

I turn around and smile at her before looking back down. I smile when Hero waves and blows a kiss towards us before jogging back over to the guys.

"Damnit, don't tell me they've started without me!" I hear Dylan say.

My eyes widen and I look towards the direction of his voice. "Hey!"

"Now you decide to show up?" Inanna laughs.

"I had another movie to film for. Besides, I barely have any scenes in this movie." He shrugs before sitting next to me. "Sorry I've been MIA. Kat told me all about Annie."

He gently pats Annie's head, causing her to look up at him. "Hi Annie."

She simply looks back towards the game before taking her fist into her mouth. "Annie don't do that." I laugh, gently tugging on her arm so she would release her hand.

"She looks like you Jo." He softly says.

"Yeah, but she has Hero's eyes." I reply.

"How've you been? I heard you had a rough go at first. I'm really sorry I couldn't be there for you guys."

"It's alright." I assure him. "I've been great though. I had a difficult birth with Annie, and I'm still recovering."

"Well, I'm glad you're both okay." He tells me wholeheartedly.

"Woah, is there a party going on here?" India calls to us, and I mentally facepalm. She saunters towards us on the bleachers, her combat boots echoing off of the metal. "What's up guys?"

"Hey India." Khadijah smiles at her.

"Hello." Dylan waves.

"Hey, you're Dylan, right?" India asks as she plops down on the other side of me.

"Yup. Nice to meet you. I play Noah." He smiles, extending her hand towards her.

I sit awkwardly in between the two as they make causal conversation, hoping that someone or something would pull me away from them.

"So, I heard you two used to date or something?" India gestures between the two of us.

"No!" Dylan and I say in unison, both equally as startled.

"Oh, sorry. The hair and makeup ladies like to talk. Maybe I misunderstood." She slowly says.

"I mean, I'm dating her sister." Dylan says.

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