Give, Take.

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I have to tell Jane.

I can't not tell her.

What kind of a person would I be if I didn't?

She'll understand, right?

I found myself reading the same sentence over and over again, my thoughts getting the best of me.

Sorry Hardin, I think to myself. You'll have to wait until I've cleared my head.

I toss After We Fell aside on the bed before looking over at Hero. He was sitting at the bay window, a cigarette in between his fingers as the cold breeze blows into the room.

"Hero." I say.

He looks at me as he brings the cigarette in between his lips, before puffing out smoke. "What?"

"If we're planning on keeping this baby, you're quitting."

"It calms my nerves." He shrugs, giving his usual response.

"What're you nervous about?" I say with a laugh. I stand up and walk over to the window before sitting across from him.

"I have a meeting with another agency today. I don't know why I'm getting so nervous though, I've met with so many modeling agencies and not one has signed me yet. I'm trying to be optimistic here, but I also feel like I'm wasting my time. I'm kind of getting used to the rejection at this point."

I take his hand in mine and gently squeeze it. "Those modeling agencies are out of their minds for not signing you."

"I can't help but worry that they've seen the video, or maybe I'm just not good enough."

"Don't think that." I gasp. "Hero you have so much to offer, and shame on them for not seeing that. I think you should keep trying. Who knows? Perhaps something good will come out of all of this."

He gives me a slight smile before leaning over and pecking my lips. "Thanks Jo."

"If anyone should be nervous, it's me." I sigh.


"Because Jane invited me over to her house for lunch, and I'm planning on telling her about our decision."

He makes an 'o' shape with his mouth. "I hope she doesn't get too upset. I mean, maybe she'll understand?"

"I don't know." I sigh. "I have to tell her though. I can't dangle it over her head until right before the baby is born. It wouldn't be right."

"It did take us five months to make a decision though." He points out.

I push his shoulder back in a joking way. "You're not helping."

"Sorry." Hero laughs. "Seriously though, knowing Jane, I think she'll understand."

I really hope she does. What I was about to tell her was in no way fair, but I knew deep down that this is what I wanted.

I wanted Jane to see that.

Knowing that there was no way I could back out of this, I quickly get ready to leave. I decide on a pastel pink knee length silk dress with long sleeves. Scattered around the dress were green leaves and pink lilies.

I left my natural waves in my hair, not having enough energy to fight in and quickly slip into a pair of tan flats.

Because of my swollen fingers, I reluctantly remove my promise ring and place it on top of the night stand.

"What time are you leaving?" I ask Hero who was still sitting at the window.

"Around two. Are you going to be okay by yourself? I can drop you off if you want." He offers, but I politely decline.

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