Parenting 101.

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I snuggled closer into Hero's neck, taking in his warmth as I slowly woke up. Annie was almost three weeks old, and our time here in Los Angeles was coming to a pause as Hero and I were due back in Atlanta mid-June to film the final movie.

We were supposed to go back sooner, but Anna insisted that I take more time off to rest.

Much to my dismay, it was probably for the best. I was in a condition to do close to nothing, given my difficult labor and delivery.

Knowing that I had Hero here made me feeling better though. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that he wasn't ready to be a parent, I knew he was built for it.

Annie was the apple of his eye. He worshiped her, and I knew that no force powerful enough in the entire universe could affect that.

My eyes flutter open, and I look up at Hero. His mouth was open slightly as he slept peacefully. His hair had grown out a bit for the film. I loved his long hair. I loved everything about him. I couldn't get enough of him but knowing that I was in no position to be thinking about physical intimacy drove me insane.

I knew it bothered Hero too, even though he would never admit it.

I trace my finger down his bare chest, admiring his perfectly toned body. A small smile creeps onto his lips before he opens an eye. "Morning."

"Hi." I smile up at him.

"What time is it?" He groans, pulling me closer to him.

I glance over my shoulder at the digital before resting my head onto his chest. "Eleven."

"I guess Annie finally fell asleep." He laughs.

Annie had her good nights and her bad nights when it came to sleep. Some nights, Hero and I were lucky to get at least five hours, when other nights we only had about two.

Hero and I did everything together when it came to Annie. So when she finally slept for a decent amount of time, we took it upon ourselves to sleep as well.

"She wasn't too bad last night." I say with a smile. "Four hours."

"She's so quiet." He says with a slight laugh. "Sometimes I don't even hear her crying at first, even though we leave the door open. I bet she gets that from you."

"Hey!" I gasp in protest, a slight smile creeping onto my lips.

"Beautiful." He smirks before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

When he pulls away, he lifts my hand and kisses the top of it before getting out of bed.

"Don't forget Annie has to get her shots today." I say with a yawn, sprawling my body out across the bed. I wince slightly at the pain, and quickly curl back up into a ball.

"What time?" Hero asks, pulling a pair of cotton sweatpants up his legs.


"Alright. I'll make you breakfast." He smiles at me.

"That sounds perfect." I sigh before closing my eyes.

The second Hero leaves, I hear Annie softly whimper from the nursery. "It's like she knows he's gone." I say to myself as I get out of bed.

I brush out the wrinkles in Hero's shirt before walking over to the nursery. I brighten the room up a bit before moving towards the crib. Annie's beautiful emerald eyes, which had cleared up a few days after she was born, were wildly searching around her.

Her eyes were a brighter color than Hero's, not as dark and alluring. But playful and innocent.

"Hi pretty girl." I smile down at her before reaching my arms into the crib. I gently lift her out of the crib and place a kiss on top of her head. "Did you sleep well?"

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